
The Insane Supreme Reborn

Tang Yan got betrayed by his woman who conspired with many of his enemies which led to his fall. Ten thousand of years later he had now awoken in a teenage body which seemed like his original body. "In this life I'll make sure to have more fun" he said knowing fully well that it was because of his extreme fun loving behavior that got him to making many enemies. (it might seem cliche at first but trust me this is different ) What would await him in this life...find out by reading by further this is a novice work any comments would be helpful

Bored_immortal_025 · สมัยใหม่
26 Chs

Chapter 19

Tang Yan stood petrified on the spot as he looked at they gate guard, surprised. He didn't once think that he was recognized.  The gate guard never indeed see Tang Yan break into the school himself at first but was alarmed by his shout which had alarmed him and the complaint made by the neighbors was what made him look through then security footage making him sure that someone had broke into the school at the time.

"Hahaha, I think you are mistaken, me why would I break into the school? Considering my age and time in the school what would want to intrigue me to breaking in here. You've definitely got the wrong person"

Tang yun said with beads if sweat protruding out of his forehead and skin. For the first time he felt exposed which was a kind of new feeling.

" Nope, I'm sure you are the one, besides you've once done it before and honestly confessed to it si what up with now?" The gate guard smiled " you know the rules here, breaking in will cost you suspension but you can always avoid it by having a deal with me"

"Hmm and which deal with that be" Tang Yan asked curiously as he rubbed his palms together.

" You pay a little change. Three hundred thousand yuan nothing more or less" the gate guard shamelessly demanded with his right palm stretched out as if requesting for an immediate payment".

"Common, are you trying to rip me off"

"Nope, but you would pay allot more than that if words were to get out"

"Fine fine, I'll scan it to you now" Tang Yan said. It had to be known that the students who attended the school were all from respectable and prominent families and the least of the had a pocket money of a million yuan monthly, but even with that giving away three hundred thousand yuan was more of a loss for a regular person and for the gate guard it was a great harvest.

Tang Yan other the other hand didn't really feel anything since he had a total 6.5million yuan with three hundred thousand yuan less. He then showed the gate guard the confirmation of his payment.

"Hehe, consider it a bribe. Anyways you better be careful next time. Also it's nice doing business with you" the gate guard mood changed after receiving confirmation ot the payment.

Walking into the school hall way, Tang Yan eyes surveyed around in search of two he met two nights ago and it was then his eyes met with two other people's eyes.

"There you are, I was searching for you guys just now " Tang Yan said walking towards Yan fan and Fu Chen. The duo expression became ugly since they have been suffering from the hands of Tang Yan lately. As he got close to them, they smiled with all sincerity they could muster up.

"Tell me you missed me since the last time we met, huh "

The duo looked at him no knowing weather to cry or laugh at what he said. It's just a night difference from their last encounter so why talk about missing him.

"Hehe, we're not into men but yeah we did miss you" Fu Chen replied innocently. His reply startled Yan fan who stood beside him while Tang Yan had veins trying to pop out of his head.


Tang Yan gave fu Chen a light smack on head then continued his to head  towards Class 3A instead of his own Class 3C.

On entering into the Classroom, he's shoulder bumped into Zhao Leng's shoulder slightly pushing the latter backwards.Tang yan without even wanting to confirm whose fault it was glared towards Zhao Leng

"Do you have a death wish?"

Zhao Leng at first was dazed then shocked not knowing what exactly the situation was at the moment. His mind was blank just like everyone present. Class 3A consisted of mostly first class families and their allies unlike Class B and C. They all looked at Zhao Leng wanting to know his reaction, after all he wasn't the one at fault.

"You're sure you're talking to me?" Zhao Leng asked wanting to be sure if was just imagining it or if it was reality.

"Yes...who else would it be if not you"

The whole class gasped. The sudden silence caused other students from other classes to gathered towards Class 3A. Although many didn't dare step towards the class entrance, the still did peek through the window. Some we're even starting to go Livestream on the special student plat form. Everyone in the school was at the moment watching what would transpire between two who were having a stare down.

Meanwhile in class C, Lu ding sat on his sit as he stared towards the distant City floating in the sky. His eyes carried a lofty gaze, just as he was about to rest his head against the table, some students came into the class in great strides and excitement in their voice as the held their phones watching a live stream. Not being able to hold back his curiosity he decided to pay attention to their conversation since the name Zhao Leng caught his hearing by chance.

"This is a exciting" said one of the guys

" Why are you so excited?, It can be that some kid is proposing right" joked one of the female students who sat near the guys conversing.

"No, not that, why don't you join Butterfly nana streaming room. You will see something quite unreal"

When everyone heard that, they all took out their phone and joined in the live stream room, it wasn't only Butterfly nana who was having a live stream at the moment, some other popular streamers in the school were also having their live stream making the present incident available at every angle at on different stream platforms.

Lu ding at the moment also joined a stream platform watching how the incident would turn out.

Zhao Leng was stunned till the extent he thought he was imagining things, although the current him was no longer an ordinary mortal man he was always careful of the people around him even while acting out of place, but standing before Tang Yan, he was sure this unreasonable person would snap him in half for Petty reasons even with that thought he wouldn't back down since he wasn't the one at fault.

"This is very ridiculous, do you think you are in place to want to snap at me when you are at fault"


The whole crowd went crazy with even more anticipation for a fight to breakout. This was if course normal for them since they are still at the prime at their life where fist could be allowed to settle things instead of talking it out like the adults.