
The Insane Supreme Reborn

Tang Yan got betrayed by his woman who conspired with many of his enemies which led to his fall. Ten thousand of years later he had now awoken in a teenage body which seemed like his original body. "In this life I'll make sure to have more fun" he said knowing fully well that it was because of his extreme fun loving behavior that got him to making many enemies. (it might seem cliche at first but trust me this is different ) What would await him in this life...find out by reading by further this is a novice work any comments would be helpful

Bored_immortal_025 · สมัยใหม่
26 Chs

Chapter 15

"Also try keeping your opinion to yourself on how people get that much bloodlust like me. It makes me sick hearing words like that"  Tang Yan walked into the house with a bland face.

Outside, miss shu was standing still where she was still feeling heaviness on her chest after feeling Tang Yan's momentum , in the past the Tang yan she knew had no momentum and has a very weak aura around him but now he gave her a dangerous feeling of no hesitation in doing what he said.

"I better stay extremely careful around here since he could sense me without a flinch " miss shu said rubbing her shoulders as if she got cold.

The next day  sky floating city

Sword sect

There gathered a group of nine elderly people orderly with their heads bowed towards a particular young figure with long black hair sword like brows  with white robes in a welcoming manner.

"Welcome to the lower realm master Shin" they all greeted in a loud and respect voice.

"You can all rise now  you are all elderly to be bowing to someone like me " Master Shin greeted in return with his hands together accompanied with a slight bow,

"As you are all aware, my master sent me here to ask if you are aware of an incident which caused a strange phenomenon that could even cause the second heaven to experience a blood red sky"

"What...blood red sky"

" Isn't that an ominous sign only to appear if there is going to be blood shed"

" I thought that was only a myth and if if it was true isn't this floating city supposed to be destroyed by the phenomenon. I doubt it's from the lower heaven here"

"But according to what patriarch said before going down to the lower plains he said it was really from here and that he was sure of it"

"That's impossible since it only turn black in the sky floating city and the lower city only experienced a normal cloudy rainy climate change"

The Elders began discussing there opinion on how impossible it was for it to happen since the phenomenon was supposed to destroy their floating city before heading towards the second heaven.

" Enough all of you, let Master Shin" an energetic elder with a big stomach and bald head shouted.

" Thank you vice patriarch, what you all said is indeed what we all thought of but since the patriarch my senior brother said it was from here my master believes it so. Also we've contacted the third heaven and they said they experienced nothing like that"

" Senior brother also said that the sky towards the Sun slaughtering palace was protected by an invisible light making it unaffected or aware of this"

"That can't be true  that place is lead by a vicious brute woman "

"But she.was once also your wife third elder. Remember she speared us from going to war with each other for the sake of Bao'er and Chen'er " a cold looking slightly elderly woman spoke with a fan covering half her face. This woman was the first Elder and also the patriarch of the Lu family Lu lanyue.

" Since when did that happen"  master Shin asked having been be intrigued by the words of the vice patriarch and the first elder .

" Forgive us for hiding this from the grandmaster but it was the patriarch who instructed us to keep our mouths sealed on this matter " the vice patriarch responded solemnly

"Don't worry and just say it, I'll bare the responsibility "

" Very well Master Shin , the third elder happened to commit a grave sin by taken advantage of the Leader I'd the Sun slaughtering palace when she was having a memory loss while cultivating..."

"I didn't know who she was then also it wasn't intentional " the third elder refuted the words of the vice elder  in anger.

"Whatever , later on it was said that she had a son after coming to the family of the third elder, the Du family and had already given birth to three for him before this was know but alas the son revoked the Surname for his two youngest siblings   which cause great displeasure within the family "

" That woman left the family for two years after regaining her memories but when she came back for her son which was not of the Du family she found out that he out of anger crippled his Datian and meridians and left for the lower plains"

" Knowing this she destroyed the ancestral home of the Du family , crippled the most talented of the Du family by that time the rushed down her ready to tear this place down with her disciples . If not for the patriarch we would have lost more than half of the Sowed sect disciples because of the  selfishness the third elder" the  vice patriarch explained recalling all the events that happened.

" You all also know that if it wasn't for Bao'er pleading on his behalf and  being an inner disciple if this sect  the patriarch might even be severely injured" the First Elder added

"Oh so there is someone in this lower heaven who could almost severely injured senior brother even with his cultivation base being in the fifth level of the Foundation Establishment" Master Shin Marveled at the hearing of this news " so where is this son of hers"

" According to the Intel i have collected on him he schools in the

Sky floating academy lower plain . And he's not  been improving in any way both in cultivation and normal mortal activity. He also works in a construction site  and recently he's been close with the First Elder's grandson" the Third elder Du Zhiquan spoke heavily hearing other recall for him his bad days.

This news very much shocked the First Elder since she knows very well how cold her grandson was towards outsiders and even to a few of his family members due to his high talent in cultivation. The discussion on the phenomenon and the Third Elder's concubine relation to it continued

In the lower plains Tang Yan's home

Tang Yan sat cross legged trying to create an outer Qi amour combined with the leaking soul power leaking within his body.

"Click, click"

A gentle movie footsteps could be heard. Although Tang Yan remained focused in his cultivation he could recognize who the footsteps belonged to.