
A Swift War


Sub Mission: Destroy The Enemy Army In The Castle Without Destroying The Castle



'Haha! F-U-C-K YOU!' Atilla cursed.

He was drawing the seal as he planned. It was one of the most useless and also useful abilities he had in his arsenal.

Magics like [RUNE MAGIC] need Etherion to utilize its purpose, yet [SEAL] need chakra. It was one of the most broken abilities in Narutoverse, and Atilla had a chance to choose another skill.

He still remembered the message.



Right: 1

-|Zampaktou[Bleach] (1 right)

-| Seals[From Narutoverse] (1 point)


Atilla chose Seal without hesitation. That thing was hard to understand but also had limitless use. He was already strong, so he did not care about increasing his attack power. He needed more utility, so he chose seals.

"What can go wrong?" He thought with a chuckle.


"To think about it... Since I have no reiatsu, I can't use zampaktou neither, no?" he murmured himself before finished the seal.

[Seal] explodes every time Atilla use etherno in the last moment. He tried various methods and theories on it, but it always exploded on the last tick of the seal.

If Atilla wanted to look to the good side, he had pretty good explosion magic now, but on the bad side, he could not do anything but an explosion.

'A pity, really,' he sighed sadly and continued to draw his seal. It took exactly an hour to bring the seal. 'Like I said,' he thought with a smirk.

"Now, where are they?" Atilla asked the person who was watching him.

"They are here, boss," Water clone Atilla spoke aloud devilishly. "Shall we stall them?" he asked with anticipation.

Atilla laughed in amusement. "Of course, you lads do that. We have what? 200 of us?" he grinned as the clone ran to outside.

"BOYS! WE SHALL FIGHT!" Atilla could hear their shouts.

He chuckled to his clones antics. 'Am I that much bloodthirsty?' he wondered and looked at the seal that started to shine slowly.

With a sigh, "29 minutes to go then," he said to himself and slowly descended to the ground floor. He looked around and saw all of his clones were there, waiting for the clash.

He, with a smirk, yelled. "Alright, boys. Let's give them hell!"



"General Rung, we have almost reached the Dragonclaw," said a soldier with a bow.

Rung was looking at the map on the table with his fellow high-rank officers. "Good," Rung said plainly. "What is the number of the enemy?" he narrowed his eyes to the exact location of Dragonclaw on the map.

"That's sir," the soldier shuttered. "A bit unusual," he then added.

"Oh," Rung looked at the solider with interest. "Do tell, what is unusual?" he demanded.

"Sir," soldier took a deep breath. He was afraid of the Rung's wrath like any sane person do. No one could leave without giving a satisfactory answer to Rung, that was a fact in war.

"Sir, there are approximately two-hundred soldiers in the Dragonclaw," the soldier said. "They seem the forsaken the castle."

"So it seems," Rung nodded. "How far the army to Dragonclaw?" he asked.

"They are almost a mile close to the castle," the soldier said.

"Fine then, we will retreat," Rung said without hesitation.

The other officers looked at Rung with awe. "I'll send the orders, sir!" the soldier said and left.

"General," one of the officers said. "Why are we retreating?" he asked with curiosity.

"Idiot, are you doubtful of General's judgments?" another one interrupted.

"Be quiet, both of you," Rung said calmly, but any person could sense his irritation in his voice.

He looked at the map and sighed. "It is a possible trap, so we have to send assassins to kill them," he said darkly. "They could kill mere 200 people, and when we ensure there will be no trap-," A sudden explosion sound interrupted his speech.

An enormous aftershock hit the tent soon after the sound of the explosion. The tent, with the help of mages, managed to remain inside the vast crater and saved from the impact.

"What was that?!" Rung yelled. "What the hell was that?!"

An exhausted mage entered the tent. "General," he said huskily. "W-we have..." he coughed out blood.

"Martius!" Rung reached the mage named Martius. "What happened? Tell me!?" he demanded.

"A tremendous explosion magic hit us, sir," Martius said hoarsely. "Si-," he coughed. "Sir, we have lost all the army," he then added.

With a deep breath, he managed to calm his nerves a little. "We managed to form a barrier, but sir, my apprentice couldn't bear the power of the explosion," he said as his eyes slowly began felling down.

"Martius," Rung said little sadly. Martius was his head mage and his only friend. He managed to reign his kingdom with Martius help, he managed to win countless wars with Martius. He owed so much to Martius, and now he was about to die.

"I'm fine, general..." Martius chuckled a little. "Just let me rest, please."

"Oh," Rung smiled for the first time. "Okay, rest well. I will carry you home, friend," he said with relief.

Rung extended his hand to put Martius on his back, but before that, a spear pierced to the tent and hit straight to Martius's head, then stuck to the ground.

Martius head exploded, and his blood spread everywhere along with his brain.

The remaining two officers were dumbstruck to the sigh. They couldn't speak or move because of the incoming pressure.

"What?" Rung yelled again, but before he continued, another voice interrupted him.

"Now, now. Please stay," An amused voice fell on their ears. It was both terrifying and irritating for Rung since he knew the person was not a simple one.

He managed to live after that explosion, based on his voice, he did not even have a scratch.

"Who are you?" Rung asked coldly. "Why are you here?" he then added with furry.

Slow footsteps emerged at the entrance of the tent. A hand slowly lift the canvas.

The person who attacked them was there, smiling them with amusement.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, general. I am Atilla," the man named Atilla smirked. "And why I am here? I honestly do not think you are not stupid enough to NOT understand that," Atilla then added.

Rung eyed Atilla. Atilla was tall and fit, his face was sharp, and his long brown hair reached to his waist. His crimson eyes were giving a dangerous feeling to his very soul.

He could feel it the man in front of him was dangerous. One of the most dangerous men he was faced.

"Why? I do not think Irene could handle to pay you as the things on Dragnof like that," Rung forcefully calmed himself.

He did not want to fight with Atilla, not now, but he will avenge Martius for sure.

Atilla smiled. "She is interesting," Atilla grinned, then laughed softly. "And isn't it exciting? Cleaning the corrupted, killing the enemies and helping the Queen who had so much potential to claim his authority," he chuckled and looked at the scared officers at the end of the tent.

He formed a pressured water on his arm and launched it to officers, killed them on the spot.

"You have no use lads, so sorry," Atilla smiled sweetly and looked at angry Rung.

"You," Rung spat. "You have destroyed everything I've achieved so far!" He yelled. "HOW DARE YOU!" and dashed towards Atilla with furry.

His army, power, influence and friend destroyed by that man. His lifelong accomplishments. He was going to annihilate that man that he swore to himself.

Within seconds he unsheathed his sword and made a swift slash to Atilla's neck. The speed of slash was faster than sound as it made a sonic boom.

...Yet it was not enough.

Atilla raised his hand and grabbed the sword between his two fingers. "Wow, what swordsmanship," he said smugly. "A pity, it's not enough~" he smirked.

"You are strong indeed," Rung stated darkly and jump backwards, made an offensive stand much to Atilla's amusement.

"I will be serious now," Rung said coldly. He grabbed his sword tightly and exhaled. Magical blue energy surrounded the sword like a mist.

The mist emerged on the sword and spread towards the tent.

Atilla felt cold. The temperature was slowly decreasing, obstructing his movements.

"Clearly, you did not think I am just a commoner with no magic, don't you?" Rung asked plainly. "I will avenge everything you have done to me. Your death will be slow and painful," he stated and attacked Atilla.

Atilla sighed. 'Man and their big talks,' he shook his head and looked at attacking Rung.

He saw Rung was about to hit his solar plexus to block his breathing. The cold was going to forcefully prevent the path that connected the livers and made him unable to breathe.

Atilla narrowed his eyes and evaded the incoming strike by stepping to the right side. It was swift and fast.

Rung's eyes wide opened. One minute Atilla was in front of him, one minute, he vanished and appeared to his left.

(If Atilla goes right, then it will be Rung's left... Since you know, they are face to face... Just in case I let you know :/ I do not want to hear "Hey he went right, you fool!")

"Heh," Atilla snorted and grabbed Rungs left arm and twisted to his back.

"You, how can you be so fast in the mist!?" He asked aloud. "It should have slowed your movements!" he yelled in furry.

"It indeed slowed me," Atilla said smugly. "But, you are still slower," he then added and pressured his arm more.

"Argh!" Rung cried in pain and looked at Atilla hatefully. "What are you going to do," he hissed.

"My Queen asked me to bring you alive," Atilla smirk. Then his smirked change a sadistic smile "But, she never mentioned your physical condition."

As soon as that words left his mouth, he broke Rung's arm with a smile.

"Aghh!" Rung yelled in pain. "You will pay! I promise you that YOU WILL PAY!" he started to roar like a madman.

"Oh, I'm sure I will~," Atilla commented sarcastically. He took his broken arm and started to bend his fingers.

"Aghh!" Rung cried in pain again.

"Oh, it seems there are still some nerves since you can feel pain, eh?" Atilla smirked. He looked at crying Rung.

Rung's watery eyes were full of hatred for Atilla.

"Sorry, but torture was never my strong suit, and I have to improve that~," Atilla said sweetly. "Now, you have all day to help me!" he broke his ring finger. "just to be sure if you marry~."

He stood up and took his spear. The spear was red and strange carvings were on its body.

Atilla looked at Rung again. Rung was struggling to stand, clearly still want to fight.

"I guess, the clearest thing to do now is breaking your spirit," he commented with a knowing look. He hit Rung's leg and made him fall on his broken arm.

"Ahh!" Rung squeaked in pain again while Atilla was looking at him with amusement. He slowly walked towards Rung and crouched, grab Rung's hair and lift his head forcefully.

"You wanted to kill me slowly and painfully, no?" Atilla asked to Rung's narrowed eyes. "A pity I can't kill you, but I can make you feel pain," he said darkly and pierced Rung's right hand.

Before Rung cry, Atilla put his hand to Rung's mouth forcefully.

"Hmm!" Rung's cries suppressed by Atilla's hand.

"Now, let's have fun," Atilla smirked like a madman. "Ex-General-sama."
