
The Illusion Within

The discovery of a colossal alien artifact leads to the untimely demise of Arthur Lasley, However, the encounter also leads to him being sent into another world by the artifact. With the sleeping artifact constantly demanding energy from him, the fate of Arthur's adventure is bound to be wavy.

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32 Chs

Chapter 14 : Heat Vision Part 2

The skill had gifted him the remarkable ability to manipulate the heat of objects in close proximity. Within a half-meter radius, he could now increase or decrease an object's temperature using energy. The newfound power held immense potential, offering Arthur unprecedented control over the thermal world around him.

However, the exhilaration of this discovery was somewhat dampened by the realization that wielding this power came at a significant cost. The energy consumption for this manipulation was quite high. A staggering 10 units of energy were required to raise or lower the temperature of a single liter of water by just one degree Celsius. Additionally, the speed at which he could draw energy from his reserves was limited to a mere 1 unit per second.

Arthur's mind raced with calculations as he contemplated the practicality of his newfound ability. He gazed at the pool of water within his cave, its temperature hovering around 20 degrees Celsius. Running the numbers, he deduced that it would demand a daunting 800 units of energy to bring a single liter of water to a boil.

Despite the inefficiency of his 'Heat Vision,' Arthur recognized its potential to address a critical challenge he faced: the inability to create fire. For far too long, this limitation had hindered his progress in the cave.

One of the major obstacles Arthur encountered was fear—the constant awareness of lurking dangers in the surrounding wilderness. This fear had restrained him from attempting to start a fire, as it could attract unwanted attention from predators or other creatures. The notion of sparking a blaze without sufficient protection left Arthur wary, and so he hesitated to make any attempts.

Moreover, Arthur's physical form as a small, vulnerable kitten presented the second roadblock. His feline body lacked the strength and dexterity required to kindle a flame from scratch. Despite contemplating modifying his treadmill and gear designs to generate fire through friction, this idea remained unrealized due to the unresolved issue of vulnerability in his surroundings.

The potential uses of 'Heat Vision' opened up exciting new possibilities for Arthur. He envisioned two primary applications for this ability: cooking his meals without relying on traditional fire and, should the need arise, starting a controlled fire to enhance his safety and comfort in the cave. The mere thought of savoring cooked food ignited a primal desire within him, and he yearned for the taste of a well-cooked meal.

Yet, Arthur knew that cooking outside the cave posed a considerable risk. The aroma of cooked meat would undoubtedly attract more attention from predators than the mere scent of fresh blood. Despite the danger, the allure of cooked food proved too irresistible to resist, and Arthur decided that the reward outweighed the risk.

As he surveyed the limited space within his cave, Arthur realized that he needed a designated area for cooking. The available space was already occupied by the pool of fresh water and the pool of water from his shower, leaving little room for culinary endeavors. Contemplating the options, he recognized that he had two choices: either relocate to a more spacious cave or undertake the arduous task of excavating his current dwelling.

Relocating seemed impractical, as it would require venturing into unfamiliar territory and potentially exposing himself to greater dangers. On the other hand, excavating the cave would demand tremendous effort and time. Yet, the idea of staying in his familiar surroundings, where he had already established a sense of security, tugged at Arthur's heart.

After careful consideration, Arthur resolved to take on the challenge of expanding his existing cave. It would not be an easy task, but he was determined to make his home more accommodating to his growing needs.


Over the next three weeks, Arthur dedicated himself to the arduous task of expanding his cave. He transformed the once 10x10x1 cave into a more spacious 15x10x1 dwelling, a significant increase of 50% in livable space. Although still relatively modest, this expansion would suffice for his current needs and accommodate his future plans.

Among the newly excavated area, Arthur carefully carved out a small section to serve as a makeshift table. He smoothed the rough rocks to create a flat surface, where he could place and prepare his meals. The table symbolized more than just a place to eat; it represented a sense of civilization and comfort amidst the wilderness.

In another corner of the cave, Arthur meticulously crafted a small hole and fitted it with a sturdy cover. This would serve as his storage for any bodies he acquired during his hunts. Understanding the importance of preserving his food, Arthur devised a clever plan to transform this hole into a primitive refrigerator.

With his skill, 'Heat Vision,' Arthur intended to harness its power to create ice. By manipulating the temperature of nearby objects, he would generate ice from the cave's limited water resources. Once the ice formed, he would place his hunted prey inside the cooled cavity, preserving the meat for longer periods and reducing the risk of spoilage.

With a sense of anticipation, Arthur set his plan into motion. Carefully measuring out approximately one liter of clean water, he poured it into the purposefully crafted hole that would soon become his primitive refrigerator. Excitement and determination filled the air as he readied himself to harness the power of 'Heat Vision' to achieve his goal.

Focusing his energy, Arthur directed his 'Heat Vision' towards the water, aiming to lower its temperature significantly. The energy expenditure was substantial, and in the span of three intense minutes, he channeled about 200 units of energy into the water as its temperature steadily plummeted.

As the water approached the freezing point, Arthur watched attentively, ready to guide the state transition from liquid to solid. The process required more finesse, and he adjusted the flow of energy, ensuring a gradual decrease as the water began to solidify.

Time seemed to slow as three more minutes ticked by, with roughly 200 additional energy units invested into the transformation. The once liquid water had now turned into a solid mass of ice, weighing approximately one kilogram.


Filled with excitement and the anticipation of a delicious meal, Arthur ventured out into the plains in search of sustenance. After three hours of careful exploration and tracking, he returned to the safety of his cave, triumphant with two freshly caught snakes as his spoils.

Without delay, Arthur set his plan into motion. He skillfully severed the heads of the snakes, knowing that these held minuscule amounts of energy that could be harnessed for his own benefit. With deftness and precision, he absorbed the energy contained within the snake heads, adding the valuable resource to his energy reserves.

In his newly expanded cave, the designated areas for food preservation and cooking were put to use. Placing one of the snake corpses inside his makeshift refrigerator, He laid the second snake out on his carefully smoothed table. Afterward, Arthur began the process of turning it into a delicious meal. Taking great care, he skillfully cut the snake into bite-sized portions, skillfully removing the bones to make the meat easier to consume.

His heart pounding with excitement, Arthur knew the next step was crucial. Activating 'Heat Vision,' he focused his energy on the meat, the ability to manipulate temperature providing him with the means to cook without the use of fire. The process was slow, but as the minutes passed, the snake meat began to undergo a transformation. Heat gradually infused the flesh, giving it the desired texture and taste.

The sizzling sound that filled the cave as the temperature rose only heightened his excitement. In just a brief moment, the meat had reached 70 degrees Celsius, and its surface began to take on a delectable golden-brown hue. With a keen eye and a discerning palate, Arthur knew that now was the time to savor the succulent creation.

Taking the first mouthful of the perfectly cooked snake meat, Arthur's taste buds erupted with pleasure. The tender, juicy flesh was bursting with flavor, and he couldn't help but savor each delectable bite. The sensation was so delightful that it caused his eyes to water with joy. It was, without a doubt, the most delicious thing he had tasted since finding himself in this mysterious world.

Unable to resist the temptation, Arthur continued to cook the remaining bite-sized portions of snake meat, eager to indulge in this newfound culinary delight. Each piece was savored with utmost relish, and in a flash, the last bite disappeared, leaving only the lingering satisfaction of a truly delightful meal.

As he sat there, basking in the afterglow of this exceptional dining experience, Arthur couldn't help but marvel at the wonders that his newly acquired skills had brought to his life. The ability to manipulate heat had not only provided him with sustenance but also awakened a passion for culinary experimentation that he had never known before.

Originally that last part about Arthur eating meat was gonna be on the next chapter, but I felt that it was taking away from the content if I named the chapter MEAT

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