
Chapter 1

It was late at night.

Lan Shiyi just came home after a tiring three days long shift.

Lan Shiyi is 26 years old and a surgical student .

Her room was pitch black. She was wrapped around her blanket like a mummy .

Suddenly the door opens and Lan Gong came in hurriedly.

He shook her blanket and wisperd in her ears," wake up honey. We have leave."

She tossed on the other corner of the bed and groaned in irrigation.

She spoke something in a sleepy voice which is probably not possible for any healthy person to understand.

He lifted the blanket then gently caressed her hair. " You have to wake up honey."

She finally raised her head in a totally messed up phase.

She looked at her father who was eager to wake her up in the middle of the night.

" Is mom kicking you out of the house again? Keep me out of your couple fight."

She spoke while her eyes were still closed .

Shiyi's parents are very loveable and understanding. But this does not change the fact that they often bicker . They were classmates. So it's maybe obvious for them to fight.

" Honey it's not about that."

Jing Lan came upstairs and sprinkles some water on her face.

She groaned and threw her legs on the bed then finally woke up." What the hell is today? Can you please let this peaceful human being sleep for a while."

Jing Lan didn't give any attention to her pleadings and immediately sent to the washroom.

( On the other hand)

" I hope they agree."

" Gong said they will be here by noon."

Ning Ruan and Li Han Ruan were chatting in the breakfast table.

At a distant chair Li Yan Ruan was focused on his laptop and coffee.

Ning Ruan exhales in frustration. " Even my husband more energetic than my young son."

Without even looking at them Li Yan Ruan replied mockingly," Is that why you both are so desperate now?"

Li Han Ruan snatched his phone and laptop from him." You brat! Listen to your mother."

He finished his coffee in one go ." I'm done. I'll take my leave ."

Ning Ruan immediately took his cup then ordered another cup of coffee for him. They both surrounded him and held his hands so he doesn't escape. It's a bit tough to start a conversation with him. He is the exact opposite of friendly and does not like to answer anyone let alone having a conversation with them.

" What are you both up to?"

It was quite obvious with their sudden evil smiles that they both are up to something.

Liyan Ruan is familiar with this procedure. Whenever his parents want him to do something they use this method.

They both laughed at his concerned face. Since he is not much interested in these matters his parents often send him on dates or introduce their family friend's daughters. They all like to cling with him but it's only for his money.

" Son you are 27 years old. Don't you think you should think about 'that' matter?"

He crooked his eyebrows them replied in a confused tone." What matter?"

Ning Ruan giggled a little then turned his face towards her.

" Son don't you feel lonely? Don't you think you need someone to cuddle with?"

He finally got where this conversation was leading.

He frowned then exhales in disappointment.

" I knew you both were up to something. What have you done this time?"

They both at the same time revealing all of their teeth smiled at him. Their creepyness gave chills in his spine.


Shiyi screamed out in shock. Her face turned pale and her red eyes went wide open at once!

" Come on darling. It's just marriage." Said Jing Lan while patting her back .

" Yeah. It's totally normal. Just easy peasy." Gong lan tried to calm her down.

" I need to think about it mom dad. You literally did that!?"

" You can think about marriage after getting married. Don't worry honey."

She was freaking out at her parents deed. But her parents were making a puppy face to emotionally blackmail her.

It's their last weapon against her.

" You certainly are ditching us, first you moved out of the house and got an apartment then you are defying us!"

Both said this at the same time while giving her a blackmailing face.

" I can't believe you guys."

She started to massage her forehead cause her parents were giving her a headache, not to mention she hasn't slept for three days.

" Are you guys even listening to yourself?"

Liyan can't believe what he was hearing .His parents were not even guilty about it.

" You are not allowed to say anything. She is coming this noon . So you better fix your face."

Both of them were determined at this plan . It's like they have caught a mouse in a trap.

Li Yan Ruan is the young master of the famous Ruan family. The one and only heir. But because of his cold and rude personality his parents were very anxious about his marriage.

Gong Lan and Li Han Ruan were school friends. In a casual meeting they both ended up mentioning their children. And then this golden plan hit their mischievous head. Their motive was wise but not the way they are presenting it.
