
Chapter 249 Restoration

She simply told Gu Ya about Lord Gu Chengxiang's illness.

Then she went to the kitchen.

Su Yunjin started to get busy.

Today, the lard she bought from the market needed to be rendered, and with the time approaching noon, she also needed to start preparing lunch.

Having gone to the market today, Su Yunjin could have a more substantial meal for lunch.

She cut the pork in half, making a meat soup with one half to nourish Gu Ya's body and the other half to make roasted pork.

She also bought flour, scooped out a bowl, mixed it with cold water, and when roasting the meat, she would stick some on the side of the pot to make potstickers.

With two pots available, she could cook and render lard at the same time.

While Su Yunjin was busy in the kitchen, Mrs. An had already applied the medicine to Lord Gu Chengxiang.

After Mrs. An had applied the medicine to Lord Gu Chengxiang, Su Yunjin went to find her.

Mrs. An came into the kitchen where Su Yunjin was cooking and rendering oil.