
Introduction to this story

As I walk into the hospital people usually stare at me. They watch me intensely like something bad is gonna happen. As I pull down the door handle I hear a scream

The main character(I):" What was that?"

I yawn as I open the door

The doctor:"Hello, Solarstry. You look a bit tired how was your sleep."

Solarstry:" I didn't sleep."

Solarstrys mind:( he's gonna think I'm crazy if I tell him why I didn't sleep.. then he'll make me have more appointments.. )

The doctor:" Solarstry, why didn't you sleep. Sleep is important."

Solarstry:" I uh-"

The doctor stairs at me in the eyes likes he's gonna hurt me

Solarstry :" I-I saw something last night.. A monster!"

The doctor :"..."

Solarstry:" Can I go home... P-Please!"

The doctor:" We have a hour left "

Solarstry :" Can I use the bathroom.."

The doctor:"Sure." *he smirks* "The door is behind me."

As I pull down the handle I hear him whisper " Good luck don't get killed..."

I open the door and the doctor laugths closing the door

The doctor:"She belongs in that insane Asylum. Her mental health is low due to why she didn't sleep."