
The Homosimbian chronicles: Battle between worlds

In a world where Evolution happened not once but twice, this book tells the story through the eyes of a young man the secret raging war between the humans and the Homosimbian race who have elemental and psychic powers... But what the humans don't know that there might be more dangerous species that walk the earth

Benjamin_light_jr · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs


When he woke up it was already dark, he got out of the car checked his phone his pocket and it was all smacked, he worried his Grandma would be worried and began to make his way home, he stopped in his walk when he saw the Same deerhe was trying to kill and un-beknownest to him a wolf was at his side clearly the wolf

was on a hunt for the deer and it was in its way so the wolf attack him Ethan tried to

run but with a bruised leg and a concussion there was no outrun the beast so the wolf

cut up with him and beat him and with pain Ethan let out a loud scream, vibrations

like a sonic wave came off his body and threw the wolf flying.


Sam was coming from a scouting mission when he heard a sonic waves miles away,

he has never had one so big and strong

"what the hell was that" Sam thought

he then began to fly in that direction masking himself him a cloud, when he reached

the woods he descended to investigate what was going on.


Ethan was still laying on the floor when he saw a cloud coming down into the woods

then a person came out from the cloud and flew down, this freak him out so he tried

to run but his leg stepped on a branch and the person turned around and saw him.


Sam was looking around when he heard a branch twig behind him and he turned

around immediately and saw a guy standing there, afraid someone has seen him he

tried to enter the guy's head and mind control him to forget he was here.


eye to eye with the person standing I front of him Ethan began to feel his head

invaded like something was picking his mind but he began to resist it, he crouch to

the floor with eyes closed and a feeling in his head like someone was hitting it with a

pick axe, he began to see the image of the man in his head with his eyes closed thehe scream "get out of my head" like he knew the man was in his head, another waves

blast and this time the man fell to the floor


for some reason this person standing in front of him was resisting him and pushing

him out of his head and then he shouted "get out of my head" and let out a telepathic

blast, a blast only someone of his species can make but only this guy was human, this

blast threw him to the ground even with his hundreds of training he couldn't resist it

with his own, it was powerful more powerful enough even for beings like him let alone

for a human to make, he was perplexed.


Ethan began to run away and as he ran steam began to come out of his body again,

he started to get hot, the limping began to stop, his body was healing and he didn't

even realize, when he reach the garden of the manor he began to hear the voices

again and by the sound of it, it looked like they were awaiting for him, of course he

thought his Grandma must have thrown him a surprise birthday party, the heat from

his body began too much and before he could know what was going on he began to

emit fire from his hand, when this happened he flew to the floor trying to get away

but that only escalated the fire and it soon spread through the garden, he was

hyperventilating then he remembered eddy's mantra and he began to inhale and

exhale slowly and soon the fire stopped.

The whole party of people came out to see the carnage caused by the

fire only to find Ethan at the center of it, Ethan was scared not only for what he just

witnessed but also because he knew he would be blamed for it, when his grandfather

came into view he could see the furry in his eyes and towards him and he just benthis head to the floor in shame, he tried to explain what happened but his grandfather wasn't buying it so he just tuned out the noise of his grandfather Thomas vexing and shouting at him telling everyone the party was over and they should head out, Eva like always glared at him and he gets a disappointed look from his Grandma, but eddy suspected the voices but couldn't say it in front of everyone, soon after everyone left and the fire service came and quenched the fire. Thomas: to your room boy his grandpa cried out

Grandma Jamie: wait we don't know exactly how this started, cut the boy some slacks Thomas: I have had it with you always defending him, but not this time Ethan just walk up to his room and closed the door, he couldn't believed what had just happened to him not the scolding but the actually fire that came out of his hands. SAM POV

when Sam got up he saw that the boy has left, he flew to get a better view only to find him burning a garden and freaking out, he tried to go down and help but stopped in his tracks when he saw other people come out, after witnessing the whole fieasco he flew away.

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