
Chapter 28: The last missions (part 1)

Later that day they buried Haku and Zabuza side by side, and Naruto, having witnessed the fate of shinobi, decided to live his life in his own way, not letting others tell him how. The bridge was completed in the next few days, and Team 7 prepared to leave. As they bade farewell to Tazuna and his family, Naruto told Inari that it was okay to cry. Inari, saying he didn't want to, said the same thing to Naruto, who also said he didn't want to. As Naruto walked away, both broke into tears, causing Sakura to call them both idiots. As they all disappeared into the distance, Tazuna proclaimed that the bridge would be called the Great Naruto Bridge to signify the strength that Naruto gave Inari, who in turn spread it to the whole town.

While they were leaving, Anko and Raven were checking their equipment. Team 7 saw this, and start asking.

"Hé, what are you two doing?" Sakura asked.

Raven answered, "That obvious no? Where checking our equipment."

"Yes, We can see that. But why now?"

"Well, Naruto, because we are leaving."

"WHAT, you're leaving?"

"Of course we're leaving orange monkey. Not like you, we still have missions to finish. If cyclops didn't ask for assistance we would have been done by now."

"I still have your thanks for coming to assist, Anko."

"Yeah, yeah. cyclops. Just don't make it a habit. Remember what I told you."

"I won't and I'll take it in advisement."

"Well, whatever cyclops. Let's go Raven our ride is here. So long stupid brats."

"Bye team 7," and Raven followed his Sensei.

"Bye Raven, just leave crazy woman" "See you next time, Raven" "Hpff" "So long."


While Team 7 was making their way back to the village and Anko's party was entering their ship that was going back to the islands.


In the Village...

An 80-85-year-old woman could be seen jumping over rooftops and dodging obstacles like nothing and taunting a black ops team from Anbu.

The old woman was yelling, "Nihahahaha they will never be able to catch me, because I am the best and greatest grandmother of Konoha, Nihahahaha..."

Anbu Leader spoke, "Mouse and Rabbit on my left, Weasel and Bear on my right. It's time to show what you learned during the Tora missions."

Mouse, "hai ..."

Rabbit, "hai ..."

Weasel, "hai ..."

Bear, "hai ..."


The boat ride to the island was silent. After they left the ship, Anko had to say something.

"Raven, are you prepared?"

"Yes Sensei, It's just a hunting mission. Why you think we will have problems?"

"Oh the hunting, no but it's best to stay vigilant, ok?"

"Ok, Sensei."

"No, what I was getting at is are you prepared to lose one of your collections?"

"What you mean? I'm still not giving it to you."

"I'm not talking about 'that', you already told me. And I can wait, to get it back from you. No, I'm talking about the Kubikiribōchō?"

"Don't understand Sensei?"

"Well, it's not like our missions, where you can just take anything you like. Team 7 and Kakashi saw you take it. They will have to report it to the Hokage. And he will want it."

"That's a problem because I like it."

"You like everything in your collection, but that is one of the swords of the seven swordsmen. You'll have to give it to the village."

"But, ..."

"That's why I like to work alone, you can keep stuff out of the report. How do you think I got those scrolls, remember?"

"Still why?"

"The village will have something that Kiri wants, so they will be able to trade something that the village will want. That's why you'll have to give it up."

"So I have to give it to the village and the village gets something for it. While I lose it."

"You think that low from me?"


"If they ask for that sword, you think I won't make them bleed. If they want it I'll make them give you something too. It's the only fair, no?" Anko was smiling at Raven.

"You are the best sensei."


After hunting down the predator that was killing the livestock from the village. The two went to the village for the last mission. On the way there Raven had an idea, but he had to run it by Anko first.

"Uhm, Sensei."

"Yes, Raven?"

"I have this idea, don't know if it would work but ... What if I could give it to the village and keep the original?"

"Hoodwinking not only the village but Kiri as well. Great idea, but it won't work. Making a copy of Kubikiribōchō is not possible. The sword possesses a unique power, this being its ability to reform itself using the iron harvested from the blood of its victims. This regenerative process takes place almost instantaneously and is capable of bringing the weapon back to its original condition no matter how severe the damage is, from a simple chip or nick to a complete separation of over half the blade. The sword also possesses high durability and is quite strong, able to cut through almost anything. So any knock-off would be detected."

"Sensei, I was not going to make a knockoff. The thing I have planned would in theory work, and the village and Kiri wouldn't know the difference. If it works."

"Oh? You want to test the idea now, so if it works we can hoodwink two villages, and if not no problem. And you think I would go along with it?"

"Sorry, Sensei forget I told ..."

"Hey, brat if you can pull it off, can I be the one to hoodwink the old man, please?"

Raven looked at his sensei," Sensei?" She was having her mischievous smile.

"You agree, Sensei?"

"How long have you been my Genin? Of course, I agree. Those bastards in the counsel always screw me over. Now we will screw them. Bhahaha. So what you need?"

"Well, ..."


At the village, they received a message scroll they had to deliver to another island. But there always pirates stopping the messengers. It was to ask the other island for help from their navy to destroy the pirates. They rented a spot on a ship that went to the island.

Midway on the journey to the Island, the pirates started their attack. Raven and Anko hid from the pirates. They were just civilians, not shinobi. So it was easy. The pirates just killed the guards from the ship and robbed the people on it. None were killed. Only some of the pretty girls were taken as well. Anko infiltrated the bunch that was taken, she used her transformation Jutsu to appear as a rich beauty. When the pirates left, Raven was following. He got close to the ship and stuck himself to the side. Waiting for the pirates to bring not only Anko but Raven to their safe haven. Now if you're wondering why Raven and Anko are infiltrating and following the pirates. It's because the mission was not to deliver the scroll, no that was the reuse. The real mission came from the other island. There is a mole, every time the navy goes out the pirates disappear. So the mission is to find the mole and the safe haven of the pirates.


The pirate ship entered a hidden cove, on the island that they got the message scroll from.

'So here is where they hide' Raven smiled and wrote down the location in a scroll. Then he went to scout to find the mole.

The captured females were escorted from the ship. Anko was lead to the holding cells. Were just some alcoves in the walls with bars on? After opening the gate, the woman was put inside. "See you later ladies, hahaha..." the pirates said al laughing. most of the girls were scared. Anko looked at the rest in the prison cell. The residents from the cell, we're well-fed but you could see what the pirates used them for. They were wearing almost nothing.

'Let's hope Raven doesn't take too long.'


The joke from the old woman was given as a comment by one of the readers. I just found it too funny not to put in the story. So that's the reason for the joke, and maybe I can use the granny at a later time in the story, who knows...

Till next time.

And thanks to KorSito for the comment.

thelastgrimcreators' thoughts