
**Chapter 4: The Lowest of the Low**

With a heart full of anticipation and anxiety, Aiden presented himself to the Hunter's Guild for evaluation. The moments leading up to his assessment felt like an eternity. When the results were finally delivered, they were disheartening: Aiden had been assigned the lowest rank, G-Rank. The weight of disappointment crushed his dreams, and the villagers' hopes for a local hero began to wane.

Aiden's spirits, however, did not break. He refused to allow his rank to define his destiny. Determined to prove himself, he threw himself into every mission, accepting even the most perilous and thankless tasks. He believed that actions spoke louder than words, and he was resolute in his desire to rise through the ranks and reveal his true potential.

As Aiden immersed himself in the world of the Hunter's Guild, he began to learn more about the hierarchical structure that defined the organization. It was a system that separated Hunters into distinct ranks, each denoting their level of skill, experience, and ability to face the ever-escalating threats posed by dungeons and their nightmarish denizens.

The ranks were clearly defined, with SSS-Rank at the top, representing the most elite and powerful Hunters. Below them were the SS-Rank, a step below the elite but still formidable in their own right. Following that were the S-Rank Hunters, skilled and respected. The A-Rank Hunters were seasoned veterans, the B-Rank Hunters were considered reliable, and the C-Rank Hunters had demonstrated their worth.

Aiden was situated at the bottom of this hierarchy, in the G-Rank, the rank for novice Hunters. His humble standing was made even more apparent as he observed the existence of D-Rank and E-Rank Hunters, who were still gaining experience and honing their skills in the field.

Despite being looked down upon by others in the Guild, Aiden saw the challenges before him as opportunities to prove his worth. He met each mission with unwavering resolve, determined to rise through the ranks and show the world his true potential. The journey would be arduous, but Aiden was ready to face it head-on, guided by the dream of one day being recognized as a true hero in the battle against the encroaching darkness.