
The Hidden Gift

Strange things start happening after Maria Summers wins her Tennis Championship Finals. Caleb, her twin brother takes her, Madison, her bestfriend, and Cyrus out to celebrate when suddenly she starts hearing voices. At first she pays them no mind thinking it's just mind games until they come back...louder and stronger which then results in her hurting her brother. Later on she finds out that she's getting her powers back but they were binded when she was young for a reason and that her friends and brother also have powers too. Too many things happening in one day causes her to freak out a little and then a mysterious man shows up holding her mother as a hostage. What is really going on? Five years later, Maria, Caleb and Madison are taking in and training those that are superhumans, mutants and those who can also do magic. Maria's on a search for the man who killed her mother and trying to get to the bottom of whatever he's planning, Caleb worries about his sister's health, Madison tries to keep the house intact, the kids and everyone safe and people from the past start turning up. What's in store for these three? Well start reading to find out ;)

MzMysteryy · วัยรุ่น
14 Chs

Missing You

When we arrived back at the house, majority of the teenagers had gone out leaving the smaller ones huddled around the TV.

Lexi had recruited a teenage girl, she'd said it was her friends daughter since she knew of us and what we did she wanted our help.

I have yet to get more info about that situation but since I came home after not finding my brother I went into my room and took a nap... Which led to now.

It was around six in the evening, the sun was slowly dissapearing out of the sky. I felt a bit uneasy, a small headache growing. I sighed, rubbing at my eyes and walked over to my dresser.

Looking at myself in the mirror, my eyes had bags under them, not too visible though and my hair was growing longer. I should cut it soon.

I untucked the necklace from under my shirt and played with the crescent moon pendant.

These past years have changed me. I'm not the same naive little girl who thought that everything went how you wanted it.

Life's a total bitch.

After that dreadful night when that monster killed my mother right infront of me, I changed. I needed to find him and end this. Even if no one else wanted to.

Finding out everything that's been hidden from me added to that change aswell.

Caleb wants me to halt on finding Elias for a while. It's been three years since the last time we saw him but I can't, I have to stop him.

And by stop I mean kill. Caleb doesn't like that idea either but I don't care.

I know he's the older one well only by a couple minutes and I get what he's saying I really do but he's the only family I have left I can't let anything happen to him.

That's why I have to do what needs to be done.

I heard a knock at the door, I hid the necklace back under my shirt with my magic then walked across the room to open it. Joshua, Caleb and Madison stood on the other side.

"You okay?" Mads asked furrowing her brows.

I sighed and sat on my bed "Just peachy, why? Have you been in my head again?" I tilted my head to the side.

She crossed her arms "No but I felt that you were upset and-"

"I thought I told you to stay out of my head Madison." I got up and walked over to the dresser for my laptop.

"What do you all want anyways?" I asked getting annoyed already.

"You need to calm down sis." Caleb walked over to me, the same look on his face that Madison had.

"Why are you all worried about me, I appreciate it but I'm fine really." I sat back on my bed with the laptop.

"I really think you should put a hold on looking for him now, I mean every thing we find is a dead end that means he knows we're looking for him and you don't seem to be getting any better." Joshua replied.

At the moment, he was on a mission in Dubai since that was the last place we had heard about Elias' whereabouts. He must've came back while I was alseep.

"I don't need anyone to tell me what to do especially right now, just leave me to do what I'm doing and you all focus on yourselves." I said getting frustrated.

"Woah calm down Maria, we all have your best interest at heart and we're just worried that is all." Madison said.

"Well don't be worried because I'm not stopping anything. What if I never find him huh? We just sit back and let him hurt thousands of others because we can't find him. You lot can stop trying but I won't. Do you all seem to forget what happened three years ago or is that just my imagination?" I said, my voice filled with anger.

Everyone in the room went silent, Joshua looked a bit scared.

"Mar your eyes." He squeaked out.

When I looked behind me all the things I had on my dresser were floating in the air. I walked pass them and looked into the mirror.

My eyes weren't their usual color anymore they were that fiery red again.

I rubbed the sides of my head and shut my eyes.

"Just leave please." I whispered leaning on my elbow, continuing to rub the side of my head, I didn't turn around to see if they had gone but I knew it once I heard the door click shut. Everything went back down to their rightful places.

My eyes welled up with tears but I held them back.

I stepped out onto the balcony in my room to calm down, staring out at the sunset. Below I saw a few of the kids playing and running around in the extremely large backyard behind the house.

I could feel something inside of me changing, wanting to explode. Whenever I got upset it was just waiting to happen but I couldn't let it. I don't know what would happen if I did so I did my best to keep my anger or any frustration under control.

Apparently I'm not doing a good job.

I just don't understand why they wanted to stop searching when Elias needed to be stopped. He killed my mother, he tortured and killed how many of our own. He's still torturing and killing and he's not finished with me, atleast, that's what he said the last time we saw him. So how could they expect me to really sit back and not do anything.

If he was here he would've understood. He would've agreed with me, hell he would've been right there on the front line with me. He didn't care about what everyone said.

If I was going to do something out of rational thinking or just pure anger, he'd give me a different solution or stop me before it went too far.

So what went wrong?

Why did he leave without a trace so I couldn't find him and when I needed him the most he left. And for that I hated him. I hate him for leaving, all he left behind was this necklace. No one knows about it, I've kept it to myself for the past three years.

I hate him.

But I missed him.

I couldn't hold in the tears anymore as they rushed down my cheeks before I could stop them.