

Small children especially girls are getting kidnapped at the night time who don't have a family or abandoned on the street. It used to be one or two members per three to four months but recently from the past six months that number is getting doubled in the city. So naturally this situation got attracted by the police who started the investigation on this matter to know the reason of how kids were missing without anyone's knowledge. ----- Advika Laghari is the CEO of the Laghari Group which she inherited from her mother who passed away in her childhood. She is known as the strict CEO of her company because she doesn't even blink an eye while firing the employees who make excuses or mistakes about work. She needs everything to be perfect and on time at any cost that many of her employees fear to face her wrath. She is cold hearted, egoistic, self centered, stubborn, fiercy and selfish boss no one has seen until now. Hredhaan Grover is the CEO of the Grover Industries. Even being the smaller brother of the house, he became the CEO of the company because his elder brother was not interested in the company, but rumors are that he is a lot better than his elder brother in handling the company. He is also a secret undercover investigator but not many of them know it. He is happily married to Ananya and has a loving daughter who he likes to spoil a lot. He is known as jovial, friendly, soft natured, but at the same time strict, perfectionist, and ready to jump for help kind of natured. So, how do their paths collide with each other where there is a lot of difference between their attitude and thinking that they can't even stand each other for a second. Will they become the enemies in an instant or become friends? And what does all those kidnappings mean and who is doing it or who is behind it? Get into the book and read further to know the answers to all these questions.

Sprinkle · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Chapter 14

Advika Laghari

8 years Ago:

"You know that he likes you right?" Asked Kashvi, nudging me from beside while we were watching the cricket match of our college teams.

"Who?" I asked absentmindedly because I was so engrossed in the match by supporting my favourite team. Of course it was Hred's team obviously.

"You know who!" She said as a matter of factly that I glanced at her with a raised eyebrow.

I have an idea about whom she was talking about but I wanted to confirm before jumping into any conclusions.

"Are we talking about Hred?" I asked glancing back to the match where his team needed 10 runs from 6 balls to win the match.

They will win the match at any cost but I wanted to be there when he wins. So here I am sitting at the ground, watching his match as promised to him the day before.

"Don't act as if you have no clue about it Advi." She said with a little bit of stern voice that I furrowed my eyebrows in return without looking at her.