
Savior Angel

'If you can find some good things for Mother and I, I'll teach you a technique that'll allow you to move much faster than your current speed.' Jasmine said trying to entice Cheon who was on his way to get Jasmine and Xin's things from the human city.

'Oh? How much faster?' Cheon questioned as he ran through the forest in a blur.

'Around 10 times faster.' Jasmine said smugly, anyone could tell she was proud of this technique she spoke of.

'Very well.' Cheon said in agreement, he knew she was speaking about the Star God's Broken Shadow, the first technique Jasmine taught Yun Che.

'I do wonder if I'll be able to use it though.' Cheon said to himself, he wasn't someone who cultivated the Profound Way so the chances of him cultivating a Profound Art were slim, but despite that he would at least try, the Star God's Broken Shadow movement technique was very good.

With their small conversation over, Cheon placed his focus back on the forest in front of him but something demanded his attention as soon as he did that. In front of Cheon was a child, a child who was being carried away by two large men as she struggled and cried for help.

'Food and extra souls.' Cheon thought to himself, although he wasn't necessarily hungry at the moment due to having fed on Xin, extra food that also provided him souls was always welcome.

"Hello there," Cheon said from behind to two children snatchers.

"You should've just pretended like you didn't see anything." One of the men said before lunging at me with a dagger he pulled from his waist, they sprung to action immediately upon hearing Cheon, it was clear their intentions were no good.

"You're not even a cultivator but you still have such confidence in yourself, but I suppose humans are more arrogant than they should be," Cheon said to the man before quickly slicing his head off with his claws. Just like vampire fangs, Cheon also had vampire claws but the difference was he could retract his claws and not his fangs.

"Fuck!" The other child snatcher shouted before dropping the kid and running with all his might.

"Too late now," Cheon said as he walked out from behind a tree which was in front of him causing the child snatcher's eyes to widen in surprise.

"No! Fuck! Leave me alo-" The man shouted but was cut off by Cheon's hand grabbing onto his face.

"Silence. Food doesn't speak." Cheon said before sinking his fangs into his neck.

Gulping down the man's blood Cheon soon emptied his body of blood before throwing his carcass to the side. Done with half of his meal Cheon used telekinesis to bring the other body to him before drinking from it the same as he did with the dead body on his side and soon enough, he was finished.


'Ah, can't forget about the money now can we?' Cheon said inwardly as he heard the man's coins hit the ground with his body.

With that thought, Cheon once again used telekinesis, but this time to take the coins from the two dead men instead of moving their entire bodies, and after getting the two bags of coins Cheon looked at the small child who had been hiding behind a tree while watching him closely.

"Oh? You're still here little one?" Cheon said looking towards the young girl pretending I hadn't noticed her until now.

"Thank you… for saving me, mister." The little girl said shyly as she looked at the ground.

"You aren't afraid of me?" Cheon asked the child after a few moments of silence. She had just seen him drink the blood of two humans, humans like her, so it would make sense for her to be scared of him.

"No… mister is an angel, right?" The little girl asked Cheon with hope clear in her eyes, she had only heard of angels in the books her mother read to her and while apparently, they had gone extinct many years ago, only an Angel could have saved her right?

Cheon was surprised to say the least, according to what he knew, Angels weren't even a concept in the Primal Chaos, yet here he was hearing about a race of beings who could either be ridiculously strong like Angels from DC or underwhelming like the Angels from High School DxD.

"What makes you think I'm an angel, little one?" Cheon asked while walking forward to the small girl who had stopped hiding behind a tree.

"I… read stories about the beautiful angels who would save people, mister is beautiful and he saved me from the bad men, so Mister is an angel." The young girl said confidently as if she couldn't be wrong.

"Hahaha." Cheon laughed at her response, it was silly but it was indeed a response fitting of a child.

"I see," Cheon said to the girl with a smile after he finished laughing.

"Mister angel… can I…." The young girl said with her head down slightly, it was easy to see she was nervous so Cheon decided to help her a bit.

"Go ahead and ask, I won't get mad," Cheon said to the child as he patted her head, at this point the child had forgotten about the dire situation she was just in all thanks to the monster whom she was mistaking as an Angel.

"Promise?" She asked Cheon adorably.

"Promise," Cheon replied causing the girl to sigh in relief, Cheon said he wouldn't be angry and since Angels don't lie, she felt there was no reason to be nervous any longer.

"Can I see your wings?" The girl asked Cheon hopefully.

Upon hearing the child's request, Cheon fell silent for a few moments before speaking up again, he had weighed the pros and cons of the child's request but had ultimately decided to leave the decision up to her, she would either be scared or not affected at all by his wings.

"Are you sure? They may scare you, little one." Cheon said to the child confirming to her that he did indeed have wings.

"I won't be scared, I pinky promise!" The little girl said cutely while holding her pinky out to Cheon in hopes he would respond similarly.

"Very well then," Cheon said as he curled my pinky finger around hers before two black and red feathered wings the size of two full-grown men spread from Cheon's back.

Image of Cheon's wings

The child upon seeing my wings seemed astonished and completely focused on them with wide eyes that expressed her emotions.

'Your wings… are beautiful.' Jasmine said to Cheon breaking her silence.

'Mhm.' Xin hummed in agreement with her daughter, at this point she had already recovered to a certain extent so she was able to watch him from inside the Sky Poison Pearl.

Cheon, despite hearing the two women's words, didn't reply to either but was internally happy with their compliments, after all, for any race with wings it was their pride so any compliments on them were welcomed and appreciated.

"So, do they frighten you?" Cheon asked the child who was staring at his wings as if she was holding herself back from jumping up and grabbing them, she had commendable self-control for such a young girl.

"Can I touch them?" The young girl asked not answering Cheon's question, but he wasn't bothered by that, the sparkles in her eyes were quite amusing for him to see.

"Sure," I replied before crouching down to her height so that she could touch my wings.

"Wow… so soft…" The child said as if impressed by just how soft his wings actually were, they looked soft at a glance but they were much better than she imagined.

"What's your name mister angel?" The child asked Cheon with curiosity clear on her face, but her hands never left his wings.

"Cheon Ma," Cheon replied to the cute child with a smile as if he hadn't just killed two men and harvested their souls, in truth, it was odd that the child was able to act as she was at the moment, let alone the old Vampyre she was speaking with.

"Choon Ma?" The girl stuttered and tilted her head cutely.

"Repeat after me," Cheon said causing her to nod.

"Che," Cheon said.

"Che," She repeated.

"On," Cheon said.

"On" She repeated.

"Cheon," Cheon said.

"Cheon!" She repeated excitedly with a big smile on her face.

"Mhm, good job," Cheon complimented, his name wasn't hard to say but for a child, challenges came in the simplest of forms.

"Thank you." The child said triumphant smile.

"Where are your parent's child?" Cheon asked feeling it was better to return her to her home before he continued his journey to get Jasmine and Xin their things.

"That way." The child said before pointing to the left of them.

"Then let's get going," Cheon said before picking the child up and flying into the sky.

"Woah!!!!!Hehehe!!" The child shouted before giggling as she gripped Cheon's clothes so as to not fall.

The child and Cheon flew just above the forest until a village soon came into view just a few miles away which happened to be in the direction the girl pointed to earlier. Feeling as if the village was her home, Cheon increased the speed of their fight slightly, and soon enough he and the child arrived at the village which was a few miles away just a bit ago and it was also this was the moment the child confirmed our location.

"My home is over there." The girl said pointing to one of the houses towards the outside of the village.

"Mhm." Cheon hummed before flying toward the girls' house and on the outside he could see two people completely losing their shit, a man and a woman.

"Mo Zhuli, my baby…" the woman said as she collapsed to the ground as if the world had ended.

While Cheon could have watched the woman have a breakdown, the child he was carrying didn't want to so we quickly descended before she jumped from his arms.

"Momma!" The child shouted to get her mother's attention as she ran toward her.

"Mo Zhuli!" The woman shouted as she rushed toward the child and hugged her deeply.

The man Cheon assumed to be the child's father seemed extremely relieved at the sight of her causing a smile to appear on his face and tears to build up around his eyes.

"Thank you, Cheon." The girl said looking at me which caused her parents to do the same. They had been so focused on their daughter's return that they hadn't even noticed him.

"Be careful next time child…" Cheon said as he slowly ascended into the air before continuing.

"There won't always be an 'angel' to save you," Cheon said before completely disappearing from the family's sight unaware of who the child would be in the future.

To be continued...
