
Chapter 1: The Beginning!?!

"There was a principal named Lodea that was going to the store to get some supplies for school, but her car instantly turned off when she tried to crank it up. So now she is walking to the store, since nobody can take her there.  While she was walking she passed a rundown school. She stopped and started walking backwards to look at it again;  then a jogger jogged by the school and vanished. Startled and scared, she ran as fast as she could to the store. When she got there, she saw that the store(Queen Par Store) was rundown just like the school down the street. She was confused since she was shopping at the store yesterday and it was really busy. She turned around looking at the way she came from, 'Do I really want to go back the way I came?' she thinks. After sighing she starts running back to her house, but trips in front of the school. She looked up at the school and panicked with fear, jumped up and saw that her shoe was untied. She quickly tucked in her shoelace and started running again. She reached her house and touched the doorknob to open the door. When she opened it she was in a room full of darkness. She looked around and tried to turn on the light, but it didn't work. She took out her keychain flashlight and turned it on. "This does not look like my house." Lodea (the principal) said. The door slammed shut behind her, making her jump. "What was that!?" she says questionably as she hears a noise go through the house. It gave her goosebumps down her spine to her feet. She walked very slowly into the house deeper and deeper, aiming her flashlight around her surroundings. Then she saw a light at the end of the house, relief washed over her. Water dropped from the ceiling, but the water was red. Lodea looked up and saw something or someone. Just then-" "Markeon, it's time for school!" Mrs. McPole yells up the stairs. "Coming mom." Markeon said, closing the book that he was reading and exiting his room. "Back to the boring old school, where my friends will be waiting" he mumbles to himself, exiting the house with his mother watching him.
