
Prologue Part II


Where am I?

What kind of place is this?

It's almost like I'm in space. To wherever I look there's only black and tiny shining dots, like the stars.

Wait, why can't I see my hands?! Where's my feet?! No... Where's my body?!

What the hell is going on?

"Try to calm yourself first and we'll explain."

Wait, who said that?!

I looked around and finally found the source of that voice.

In front of there are to people that clearly, the last word that can be used to describe them is normal.

On the left is a man with defined muscles and great golden wings on his back, golden eyes and golden hair. He had a smirk on his face, like he was thinking on some kind of joke that only he could understand, but none of that was the what caught my attention.

I mean... why the hell was he naked?!

Not only that but his dick was BIG. If I didn't knew any better, that thing could possible even be part of a horse. And to top it all he was masturbating in front of me, like he didn't care that there someone in front of him.

That wasn't something I wanted to see, so I focused my attention on the person at the right, a much better view.

In front of me was a girl with brown hair and brown eyes, with beautiful butterfly wings on her back displaying all the colors I imagined that could be found on a rainbow. There was nothing particularly outstanding about her appearance with the exception of being slightly cute, with the exception of the wings, but there was something about her that made me feel comfortable, like being close to her would always make me happy.

Looking at her I found myself calming, so I look only at her, ignoring the pervert at her side.

Okay...breath...breath...focus on this girl, ignore the pervert.

"We just met and already calling me a pervert? That's rude don't you think?"

Hum?! Hey, how the hell he knows what I think of him?!

"It isn't that difficult. Anyone how meet this fool for the first time thinks the same."

Hey?! Now the girl knows too?!

She had a slightly troubled expression, like this isn't the first time this happened before.

The man smirk just increased it's intensity, like this situation is getting even more amusing for him.

Don't look! Don't look! Don't look!

"So you don't like this form, hum? How about this one?"

Suddenly the man disappeared and on his place was a woman, possibly the most erotic one I have ever seen. With the same golden hair and eyes, she had thin waist with giant breasts and butt, her form perfect. This appearance was something out of a fairy tale, simple impossible to imagine and yet right in front of me.

Before I couldn't bring myself to look at the man, but now I couldn't stop to hungrily look at this impossibly seductive woman in front of me, even though I know in my head she and that man are the same person.

The only thing that remained the same is the smirk o her face, clearly finding my change in behavior towards her amusing, all the while still masturbating, fingering her pussy, making loud slippering sounds, while the other hands fondled one of her ample breasts, letting slip a moan occasionally.

"So, is this... humn... form more to... ahhh... your liking?"

I might not be able to avert my eyes from her, but she was starting to pisses me off.

"Can you stop for at least until we finish this conversation?"

"Oh what's the harm? Not like he's going to die because of it."

"Yes, but at this rate we won't be able explain anything to the poor boy."

"*Sigh*fine, fine."

She snapped her fingers and, in the blink of an eye, was wearing a long red dress, with a generous cleavage and a cut on both sides, showing her smooth legs.

The stopped to masturbate and made a light frown, clearly unsatisfied with the situation while the girl with butterfly wings nodded approvingly toward her recent actions.

Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on and who are these people?

"Of course. Considering the situation it's just the bare minimum we can do." said the girl.

By this point anyone would have realized that they were reading my thoughts, but considering that I didn't seem to have a body, than maybe my thoughts and speech were one in the same.

"It's good that you seems to have a good enough head to figure it out, now allow me to introduce myself." saying that, the girl adopted a more dignified pose. "My name is Anteros, the god of requited love, protector of relationships and benefactor of all those who are in love with each other."

"What's with this overly formal introduction?" the other woman said in a casual tone(or was it man?) "There's no need for that, my name is Eros, the god of sex."

"This isn't enough to present yourself Eros, you're more than just that. This is my sibling Eros, the god of lust and passion, ruler of carnal desires and instigator of mutual pleasurably sexual acts."

"You just said what I said in an overly complicated way."

"You should port yourself in a better way Eros. You're a god, so you should try to act more like one."

"That's just a pain. I like to enjoy myself, and this stuff is just a bother."

They start to discuss with each other, and clearly it was something that occurred with frequency.

Ok, can you two just stop for a while and explain to me the situation.

Noticing my thoughts they stop their argument and look at me again, Anteros with a slightly apologetic look and Eros with a frown more evident than before.

"I'm sorry for the trouble."

"Fine, but just so I can go back to masturbate."

Their responses were very different, but what someone might expect to whom they claim to be.

So, I'm in front of two beings that claim to be gods. I take that means I'm dead?

"You're right. You want to know how it happened?"

Might as well. The last thing a remember is falling asleep. So how did it happened? Was I suffocated? Killed by an invader?

"No, your building was victim from a fire that weakened it's structure, causing a piece of it to fall in your head. I died in peace."

In peace?! How the hell having my head smashed is in peace?!

And seriously, a fire?! My building wasn't so bad that... Ahhh, whatever.

So, what happens now? Am I going to some other world to become a hero, a demon king, a new god or whatever like in those novels and mangas?

"Oh no nothing like that. If anything, you can just enjoy your life." said Eros.

Just enjoy my life? Than why wasn't I simple send already there?

"Listen carefully, we don't have much time left, so we'll inform you of the most important things you need to know for now." said Anteros.

And whose fault is that?

"Fair enough. Now first, you're going to be born again in a world whose jurisdiction is primarily mine and Eros, so we'll be watching how your life is going from time to time.

Second, the world you are going is very similar to many stories you saw during your life, but don't expect everything to go the way you remember.

Third, you won't remember all of your life after you arrive there, since an infant mortal brain isn't well suited for all that information, instead once you reach a certain age you will slowly remember everything.

And lastly, as part of what were are trying to do, after remembering our conversation, you will gain access to a gift that me and Eros crafted that will help you to enjoy your life to the fullest." said Anteros.

All of that information was shocking. There was too many things I wanted to ask, but before I could Eros interrupted me.

"You have questions, but our time is ending. If things go well enough we'll meet again. Good luck in your new life. Try to have a lot more fun, okay?"

After saying their piece, the distance between us started to increase. I wasn't sure if they were distancing themselves or I was being pulled away.

After I couldn't see them anymore I felt something similar to sleep, and then everything went dark.

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