

When Celine got home, she silently walked to her room, locked the door and turned on the lights, she looked in the mirror and she screamed, because what she saw was terrifying, she did not want to believe that it was her own face, she looked really helpless then she began to cry. Mr. and Mrs. James heard her scream, they ran to her room, Mr. James tried knocking but this time Celine refused to open, She did not know what she would tell them If they asked what happened to her. Despite the banging and shouts both her parents made, she refused to open the door. Mr. James got his breacher and he breached the door open, they both saw their daughter lying dead with just one eye, Mr. and Mrs. James screamed at the same time. Celine was holding a knife, and that made it obvious that she was killed with a knife, but they were not sure if she killed herself and why, or, if she was murdered by someone and by who.

Mrs. James slumped, on seeing her daughter's helpless dead body, Mr. James now had two problems at hand, and was very stressed out and pained. He took his daughter to his car, came back for his wife and carried her as there were no neighbours to call for help. Mr. George rushed them to a hospital called 'SAFE MEDICAL SERVICES '.

The doctors attended to the wife and daughter at once in different rooms. The doctor that attended to his wife came out and told him that his wife was fine, Mr. James breathed out in relief, then the second doctor came out and said " Good day sir, I'm Doctor Michael, your statement has been confirmed sir, Ms. Celine is no more" Mr. James stood up and said " How?!!! How can you say my daughter is no more, then why is the hospital called safe med....." on completing his statement, he had a heart attack. He was rushed into a room and was given an oxygen mask. While he was being treated, Mrs. James leaped out of her room in search of her husband but she could not find him, She sat on the waiting chair thinking he went to get something.

Hours passed, Mrs. James fell asleep, the doctor (Dr. Anthony) that was attending to her husband came out and saw her sleeping on the waiting chair, he tapped her on the shoulder and she woke up, Dr. Anthony asked her what relationship she had with Mr. James, she replied in curiousity " I'm his wife!!! I'm his wife " Dr.Anthony told her that her husband had a heart attack, hearing that, she fainted again because her health was already poor because of Celine, Mrs. James fainted without listening to find out if he was alright or not. The doctor said to himself " This family is seriously cursed " Dr. Anthony called for help from the nurses and Mrs. James was attended to for the second time.

An hour later she regained consciousness, so did her husband and they were not allowed to get up or do anything until they were discharged.