
Chapter 50

"Did you know I was a Trammeler Sorceress?" The words felt so strange coming out of my mouth. I and Trammeler and Sorceress. Me. It didn't make sense.

"I didn't. I didn't know you were Anonymous's daughter, either. I never met your mother since I only spoke with her on the phone. But I knew something was special about you to make One and Two want you, I just didn't know what. When we went to the library to get the spider venom out of you, I started to dig up some of your family tree but was interrupted by One and Two before I found anything," he said as he rested his chin on top of my head. "But you're not a dead Trammeler Sorceress, and so the third hinge on the Core is still intact."

"Right," I whispered. My brain blurred everything around me except mine and Tram's beating hearts. I couldn't deal with anything else.