
The First Hour



This noise woke David up from his slumber, even after working for 36 hours straight he couldn't even get a decent night's rest he thought to himself.

Only being 16 and the highest ranked officer in his division David Hornshire slipped his boots on, pulled his black shirt over his head, and grabbed the M9 handgun he left on his side table just 3 hours earlier.

David then slid the pistol into the holster attached to his belt, and pressed the smooth glowing button that should open the door.

But as he pressed it repeatedly the little clicking noise the button gave to indicate that it's been activated went off over and over but the door did not open.

"All I wanted was to have a nice quiet night no problems not even a sexy woman wearing a very revealing outfit, but no. I have to deal with another assault or someone messed up in the engine room, and either way I am not gonna be happy when I find out what it is. Now where did I leave that katana." David said to himself whilst rummaging around the closet.

He then grabs what appears to be a long wooden stick and he unsheathed a brilliant and sharp sword of the Japanese people known as a katana.

Leaning down he opens a panel along the bottom of the wall and pulls a handle.


The door makes this sound as a small crack appears between the two sides of the door.

Sliding the katana in between the door prying it open.

David then got the door open wide enough for his fingers to fit in between and prying it open.


He saw people running towards the back of the ship probably to the escape pods.

There is fire created by open wires from the walls, pieces of the walls and ceiling were broken and strewn across the hallway.

A person stops in front of David, "Captain why are you still here?" "Because I wanted to get some rest. Why is everyone running?" "Sir were under attack from the Spore." "Dammit the escape pods can't get away fast enough anyone stupid enough to try it will be slaughtered."

"Come with me I have an idea." David tells the man then he starts running to the bridge.

Outside of the bridge window ahead of the Ares is the largest Spore mothership that anyone from the E.S.M. (Earth Space Military) has ever seen.

It seemed to be as long as the Empire State building was tall its width was half the height and the ships height was a quarter of the height.

The front of the Spore ship was covered in blood, guts, and pieces of millions upon millions of ships that have been destroyed, and this monster of a ship was coming to destroy the Ares.


"You, give me access to all the ship systems and controls at my station now.

He sat down in the captain's seat and all ship systems including flight controls, shield, power, weapons, communications, and transportation, appeared in the display in front of him.

He turned on ship wide broadcasts "Attention all crew members I would like to start off anyone who decides to take an escape pod will die as soon as they leave this ship. We are not above any planet and the escape pods are too slow compared to the Spore weapons. I would also like to say I am not happy since I didn't get my beauty rest. Oh and get in a seat and buckle up I'm going to save all of you." "Um sir how are you going to do that." The officer who approached him earlier said.

Music started playing across the entire ship as David started flying the ship.


5 flashes of light grew bright behind the Ares as 5 of the escape pods jettisoned before David made the announcement. These 5 pods were destroyed by the Spore energy weapons.

David flew towards the Spore ship maneuvering around any enemy fire.

The Lightspeed Engine charged up gathering up any spare energy not being used by ship engines or shields or life support which were the only things keeping the crew alive.

"Hey officer, do you by chance know how the molecule transporter or the Lightspeed engine works."

"I helped design them, but why."

"I've decided to transport the entire ship and the crew far from here, using the energy that the Lightspeed Engine generates to do it, but I need you to actually make it possible."

"This is a crazy plan sir, I don't even know if it will work.

"We have to try something just get down to the engine room and get it done."

In the almost empty bridge Captain David flew the Ares around the Spore ship.

Firing all ship weapons that used physical ammunition at them.

"Sir I think I got it fire up the Lightspeed engine."

At 03:00 A young man awoke to a commotion. At 03:40 he thought of a plan. At 03:48 he pressed a button. Then at 03:49 this man heard a voice.

"This game of mine has just begun so you can't leave yet."

Fear and dread ran over his body as he recognized the voice.

I create a story in my head then I write it out who knew a small idea could create this small world that you read about

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