
The Gorgon Hero

I put this in the disclaimer as well, but If you read this first then I want you to know that this is my first novel. I hope that you all are not too harsh on me and that you find this entertaining. Now that I got that out of the way, I should let you know that this is a My Hero Acedamia fanfiction about a boy named Junichiro. This so not a reincarnation type story and it will not be about some overwhelmingly powerful character. The MC will go through struggles and get stronger as the story progresses. I would also like to clarify that this story WILL NOT HAVE A HAREM. I don't understand why everyone loves a harem story so much and I don't think I ever will. Besides all that I would greatly appreciate it if you gave this a try and decide to read it. (I do not own My Hero Acedamia/MHA)

Pot_Jorge · แอคชั่น
3 Chs

Chapter 2

After getting a way from the crowd and constantly running away from heroes like rock lock, the thug finally got to take a breather in a random alley.

With rough and heavy breathing the thug said, "Damn, why are they so hell bent on finding me this time. I've done jobs like this before and the heroes were never this active on tracking me!"

"Was it you huh squirt!?"

"Are you the reason I got the pros on my back right now?!"

Junichiro just looks at him confusedly, as if he had no fear at all.

While waisting time yelling at the child, a older man approached the duo in the alley.

"Well well what do we have here? A grown man messing with a baby, you should be ashamed of yourself." The old man said

"Huh!? Who are you? Nevermind just get out of here if you know what's good for you!" Said the thug as he pointed a knife at the old man.

"Pointing a knife at me? You must not be from around here then. Okay you got 5 seconds to scram before I kill you" The old man

"What are you blabbering about old man?!"


The hell, who do you think you are"


"If you don't stop counting and start talking them thugs will get messy!" shouted the thug as he was still pointing the knife at the old man


"I said stop counting bastard!"


"F**k it! This is what happens since your not listening to me" The thug started running at the old man



The old man sighs, "I told you to leave. I guess youngsters these days just don't respect their elders."

The old man started walking towards Junichiro. As he got closer he noticed that the baby had a peculiar gold lock and chain around his neck. Once the old man got to the baby he picked up the lock around its neck. On the back of the gold lock a few words were engraved on it.

Junichiro - Our little theif

" Do you got any family around here little fella? I'm gonna go lo-" The old man was about to leave the child to leave with the child until he looked in the baby's eyes. The old man felt like the baby's golden snake like eyes were pulling him in a trance. Then the old man realized that the baby did not cry or make much of any noise throughout this entire time.

'Such a strange kid.'

"You know what your coming with me. I might as well take care of you." The old man picked up the baby and walked back towards the darkness of the alley.

/6 years later/

A child could be seen running while laughing in a hall. He had braided hair that was black and white like a zebra, dark skin, and large golden snake like eyes. He also had a chain necklace with a lock on it.

"JunJun come back here or I swear I will beat you black and blue once I catch you!" A boy a few years older than the golden eyes kid yelled. This boy had short-brownish hair and bloodshot eyes.

"Yeah right! I know that you will beat me up if I stop running or not Kai!" Yelled the first boy.

"Well that's what you get for stealing my pop-tarts. Now stop running and receive this punishment." The boy continued to chase Junichiro until he cornered him at a dead end in the compound.

"You got no where to run now JunJun!" The boy started running towards Junichiro

Right when Kai's fist was about to land on Junichiro, Junichiro's eyes glowed and Kai froze.



"Did you decide not to beat me up Kai?"


"Why are you looking at me like I did something? And why are you not talking?"


"Wait did I do this!? Is this my quirk?! I gotta go tell Gramps!!" Junichiro started running away leaving Kai still stuck there. A few seconds after he left, Kai was able to move again.

'Well that's annoying. And he just left me here too! Well I guess it's good that he got his quirk now. I'll kick his ass later then.' Thought Kai ad he proceeded to walk away from his original spot.


Junichiro could be seen sitting down in front of a large desk. Behind the large desk was the same man who found the thug and Junichiro in the alley.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk to me so badly about Junichiro? Just know that I don't have all that much time right now." The old man said

"Oh I know your Ohhh Sooo busy huh gramps. It must be hard sitting in here all day."

Proceeding to ignore the sarcasm in Junichiro's voice the old man said, "Yes the job of takin care of this huge family we have is quite difficult."

"tsk. Well I wanted to tell you that my quirk just awakened!" Besides the slight click of the tongue Junichiro was beeming with happiness.

"Really, that's great little Junichiro! I'll make preparations for you to learn how to use it and control it right away." Said the old man as he went and picked up Junichiro.

"I'll get to be just like some of the aunt's and uncles in the family and fight Bad guys now right? I'll even get a cool street name, maybe something like destructo or overlord!" Little Junichiro started going off into his own world about all of the 'cool' things he would do with his powers.

The old man stared at the little boy with a small smile on his face as he thought,

'I haven't told him everything yet but it might sadden him to know that we are technically classified as villains. If it's possible I don't think I want him to be a Yakuza like me. But at the same time it would be kind of hard for this little snake to be a proper "hero" like his father.'

'I should also inform him soon about his parents.' The old man sighs

"To celebrate your quirk why don't we go out to the mall and get you some of the Ice cram that you love."

"Really? YAAAY ICE CREAM!" Litttle Junichiro shouted

"Let's bring Kai along too."

Junichiro sighs, "Ok I guess Big bro Kai can come too."

/I hope that you enjoy the story so far. Feel free to comment on anything too. I plan to keep writing this story even though it might take me a while to come out with chapter. Oh, and comment some suggestions on a possible hero name./