
Chapter 1: Awakening

Ling groaned as she slowly opened her eyes, her head pounding. All around her was dense forest, the trees casting dappled shadows across the leaf-strewn ground. She sat up with a start. Where was she? The last thing she remembered was walking home from her university classes in Beijing. 

Rubbing her temples, Ling tried to recall how she had ended up in this strange place. Nothing came to mind, just a blank. She looked down and gasped. Her right hand was glowing with an ethereal golden light. As she turned it over, examining it curiously, she noticed something was off. Her ring finger was made of pure gold. 

Panicked, Ling pulled at it but it was firmly attached. She pinched it hard, hoping it was just a bizarre dream, but felt the sharp pain. This was no dream. Gingerly, she touched a nearby leaf with her golden finger. There was a flash of light and when it faded, the leaf had been transformed into a gleaming nugget of gold.

Ling stared at it in disbelief. How was this possible? She picked up the gold leaf, turning it over in her hands. It felt as real and solid as any piece of the precious metal. Another flash caught her eye. A spider crawling on a tree trunk had brushed against her finger and instantly fossilized into gold. 

Her mind raced with questions and no answers. How did she get here? What was this strange power? And where even was here? Ling stood up on shaky legs and took in her surroundings. The trees were unfamiliar, their leaves more oval-shaped than those in Beijing. Birdsong echoed in the forest, but of species she did not recognize. 

Panic rising in her chest, Ling started walking with no direction in mind, just needing to move. As she walked, she accidentally brushed branches and ferns, transforming them to gold. The forest was becoming gilded around her. She had to get control of this power before it drew unwanted attention.

Up ahead, Ling spotted a clearing and quickened her pace, hoping to find clues of civilization. Emerging from the trees, she froze at the unfamiliar sight before her. Small thatched houses dotted rolling green hills as farmers worked the rice paddies in the valley below. Ling knew with certainty she was no longer in her own time.

She stood at the edge of a village that could have been plucked from any era but the present. People dressed in simple robes and conical hats went about their daily chores, oblivious to Ling's presence. A rooster crowed, chickens scratched in dirt yards and a young boy herded water buffalo along a narrow lane. 

It was then a man tending a vegetable patch noticed Ling and let out a cry of alarm. Others turned to see the disheveled girl in strange modern clothing emerge from the forest, long black hair windswept and eyes wide with panic. They rushed over, bombarding her with questions in an incomprehensible dialect. Ling backed away, holding up her hands.

"Please, I don't understand. I just woke up here and have no idea where I am," she said in Mandarin, hoping they might know the common tongue. A few exchanged puzzled looks but most just stared at her as if she were mad. Ling was on the verge of tears, fear and confusion overwhelming her. 

Just then, a calm voice spoke behind her. "It's alright, she means you no harm. I believe she needs our help." Ling turned to see a young man about her age regarding her kindly. His robes were finer than the others, marking him as educated. He addressed the villagers. "Please return to your work. I will tend to our guest and learn her story."

The crowd dispersed reluctantly, still shooting Ling curious glances. The man smiled at her reassuringly. "Do not fret. You are safe here. My name is Li Chen. How may I assist you?" His Mandarin was fluent, to Ling's immense relief. Between sobs, she explained what had happened, showing him her golden finger. 

Li Chen listened intently, brows furrowed. "This is most unusual indeed. But do not lose hope - I believe I can help you understand and control this gift. Come, let us away to my home and I will do all I can." His calm demeanor soothed Ling's frayed nerves. She nodded gratefully and followed him into the village, hoping his kindness was a sign her fortunes may be changing in this strange new world.
