
The God Of Reality

[This is not a Reader Insert!] My name is Y/N, and I'm not your average God. I'm The God of Reality, the Author of Everything, the Primordial One-basically, I'm a big deal. But being a God isn't all it's cracked up to be. Sure, I have all the powers you can imagine in Fiction. My only worshiper, Hiyori, is a kitsune who's way too cute for her own good, and even though she acts like she can't stand me, I know she's just hiding her true feelings. Or at least, that's what I keep telling myself. Meanwhile, there's this Demon King, Akuma, who's dead set on causing chaos. Guess I'll have to step in and remind everyone why I'm The God of Reality. *** Preview

HoneySnatcher · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter 12: The Test of Worth

The mist swirled around us, thick and impenetrable, like a living thing that seemed to pulse with each breath I took. The sky above twisted in unnatural colors—swirls of deep purple, electric blue, and streaks of crimson that looked like bleeding wounds in the heavens. The air crackled with an energy that felt both ancient and alive, as if the very mountain was watching, waiting to see what would happen next.

My opponent stood before me, towering and ominous. He was clad in heavy, black armor that looked like it had been forged in the heart of a dying star—dark, with a subtle sheen of purple that shifted like oil on water. His face was obscured by a horned helmet, the eyes hidden behind a shadowed visor. From beneath the armor, a low, echoing voice emanated, resonating with an otherworldly timbre.

"You came seeking answers," he said again, his voice deep and hollow. "But only the worthy may receive them."

I smirked, tightening my grip on Inochi's hilt. "Worthy, huh? I guess we'll find out soon enough."

He nodded, almost imperceptibly, and with a sudden burst of movement, he lunged forward, his massive sword swinging through the air with a force that made the ground tremble. I barely had time to react, leaping back just as the blade crashed into the ground where I'd been standing. The impact sent a shockwave rippling outwards, shattering rocks and kicking up a cloud of dust.

"Alright," I muttered, coughing slightly as I regained my footing, "guess we're skipping the introductions."

Inochi hummed in my hand, her energy thrumming through me. "Be careful, Y/N. This one is no ordinary foe."

"Yeah, I noticed," I replied, my eyes narrowing. "But neither am I."

With a flick of my wrist, I channeled a sliver of my power into Inochi. The blade began to glow, a soft blue aura emanating from its edge, casting an ethereal light through the mist. The ground beneath my feet started to crackle as reality itself bent around me. I kicked off the ground, dashing forward with blinding speed.

The swordsman swung his massive blade horizontally, aiming to cleave me in half. I ducked low, sliding beneath the swing and slicing upwards with Inochi. My blade connected with his armor, sending a shower of sparks flying. But to my surprise, it barely left a scratch.

"Damn," I muttered, jumping back to create some distance. "You're tougher than you look."

The swordsman straightened, his stance firm and unyielding. "You wield the Blade of Life," he said, his voice echoing in the mist. "But do you truly know how to wield its power?"

I grinned. "Why don't you find out?"

I raised Inochi above my head, and the blade began to shimmer with a blinding white light. I could feel her energy coursing through my veins, merging with my own power. "Inochi, let's show him what we can do!"

"Understood," she replied, her voice resonating with a newfound intensity.

I swung the blade down, unleashing a wave of energy that tore through the ground, leaving a deep gash in its wake. The wave surged towards the swordsman like a tidal wave of pure light, intent on cleaving him in two.

He didn't flinch. With a swift motion, he brought his sword up and swung it down with a force that seemed to split the air itself. The wave of energy crashed against his sword and shattered, dispersing into a million tiny shards of light.

"Okay, that was impressive," I admitted, taking a step back. "You got some tricks up your sleeve, big guy?"

The swordsman said nothing, but he moved again with terrifying speed for someone so heavily armored. He was on me in an instant, bringing his sword down in a powerful overhead strike. I sidestepped, barely avoiding the blade as it buried itself in the ground with a deafening crash. I countered with a quick slash to his side, but the blade glanced off his armor again.

"Your attacks lack precision," he said, pulling his sword free from the earth. "Power alone will not be enough."

I scowled. "Alright, fine. Let's kick it up a notch then."

I tapped into my reality manipulation, feeling the world bend to my will. The mist around us began to swirl, condensing into sharp, crystalline shards that hovered in the air like thousands of tiny daggers. With a snap of my fingers, I sent them hurtling toward the swordsman.

He responded by spinning his sword in a wide arc, creating a barrier of energy that deflected the shards, sending them scattering in every direction. But I wasn't done. While he was focused on the shards, I teleported behind him, my blade already in motion.

"Gotcha," I muttered, slashing down at his exposed back.

But he was faster than I expected. He spun around, his sword meeting mine with a resounding clang that echoed through the mountains. The force of the clash sent shockwaves rippling through the air, and for a moment, we were locked in a test of strength, blade against blade.

"You fight well," he said, his voice calm even in the heat of battle. "But you still have much to learn."

"Is that so?" I grunted, pushing back against his blade. "Then teach me."

He suddenly shifted his weight, breaking the lock and sending me stumbling back. Before I could recover, he lunged forward, his sword thrusting toward my chest. I twisted to the side, narrowly avoiding the strike, and countered with a swift upward slash. This time, the blade bit deeper, cutting through the armor and drawing a thin line of golden ichor.

The swordsman took a step back, his eyes narrowing behind his visor. "Impressive," he said. "But this is far from over."

"Good," I said, smirking. "I'm just getting warmed up."

I decided to change tactics. I tapped into my elemental manipulation, feeling the air around me shift and churn. A gust of wind surged around me, lifting me off the ground. I raised Inochi high, channeling both wind and divine energy into the blade, which began to glow a vibrant green.

"Let's see how you handle this," I said, diving down toward him with a slash that cleaved through the air like a lightning bolt.

The swordsman braced himself, his stance firm. As I closed in, he raised his sword, and a barrier of dark energy formed around him. My blade crashed against it with a thunderous boom, sending out a shockwave that tore through the ground and split the mist apart.

For a moment, there was silence, the air crackling with residual energy. Then, the barrier shattered, and the swordsman was thrown back, skidding across the ground. I landed gracefully, spinning Inochi in my hand.

"Looks like that one got through," I said, grinning.

The swordsman slowly stood, his armor cracked and dented, golden ichor dripping from his wounds. But his stance remained strong, his resolve unshaken. "You are strong," he said, his voice still calm. "But strength alone does not make one worthy."

I sighed. "You keep saying that. What's it gonna take to prove myself, then?"

He raised his sword, and the air around us grew heavy with power. "Only one who understands both creation and destruction, life and death, can truly wield the essence of Life. Show me you possess this balance."

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his words. "Alright, balance, huh? Let's see if I can pull that off."

I closed my eyes, reaching deep within myself, feeling the vast expanse of my own powers. Creation and destruction. Life and death. These were things I'd been dealing with since the dawn of existence. I felt Inochi's presence beside me, her power merging with mine, a perfect blend of divine energy and raw potential.

When I opened my eyes, the world seemed to slow. I could see every detail—the sway of the mist, the subtle shifts in the swordsman's stance, the tiny flecks of light dancing in the air. I took a step forward, then another, moving with a calm purpose.

The swordsman charged, his sword raised high, the ground cracking beneath his feet. I waited, my grip steady, my mind clear. As he brought his blade down, I sidestepped with a fluid motion, my own blade moving in a perfect arc.

Time seemed to stand still as our swords connected, not with a clash, but with a resonant hum, like the sound of two worlds aligning. I could feel the energy coursing through Inochi, balanced and pure. The swordsman's eyes widened behind his visor, and for the first time, I saw a glimmer of surprise.

I pushed forward, twisting my blade in a motion that deflected his sword and left him open. I could have struck him down then, but instead, I lowered my blade and stepped back.

He halted, his stance wavering. "Why do you not strike?"

I met his gaze. "Because balance isn't just about winning or losing. Sometimes, it's about knowing when to stop."

For a moment, there was silence. Then, slowly, the swordsman lowered his weapon. "You have proven yourself," he said, his voice softer now.

I exhaled, a slow smile spreading across my face. "Well, it's about time." I thought as I exhaled a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. The tension in the air lifted as the swordsman lowered his weapon completely, his armored shoulders relaxing for the first time since the battle began. The swirling mist around us seemed to lighten, almost as if it too could sense the shift in our encounter.

The swordsman took a deep breath, and the ground beneath us stopped trembling. "You have proven yourself worthy, Y/N, God of Reality," he said, his tone now carrying a hint of respect. "Few understand the balance needed to wield such power."

I gave a slight shrug, a grin playing at my lips. "I've had some time to figure it out. Comes with the territory of being, you know, the God of Reality and all that."

He nodded slowly, as if contemplating something. His aura, once filled with a combative tension, now seemed more reflective. "Tell me, Y/N," he continued, "what drives you? A being with the power to bend reality itself... Why seek this knowledge?"

For a moment, I considered throwing out some snarky remark—maybe a joke about being bored or wanting to show off. But the look in his eyes, the way he spoke now, demanded something a bit more... genuine.

"Honestly?" I said, sheathing Inochi carefully and letting her rest by my side. "It's curiosity. I've been around forever, seen things come and go. Sometimes I just want to understand more... test myself, find new limits, if there even are any left."

The swordsman tilted his head, the shadows under his visor softening as if he was seeing me in a new light. "You seek growth, even when you possess everything. A rare quality among gods."

I shrugged. "Keeps things interesting. Plus, there's always someone or something out there that wants a piece of me. Might as well stay sharp."

He chuckled softly, a surprising sound coming from a warrior clad in such intimidating armor. "I see. In that case, you have earned your answers."

He reached up and removed his helmet, revealing a face that was unexpectedly youthful. His eyes were a piercing blue, filled with wisdom yet untouched by the cynicism that tends to plague immortals like us. His hair was a stark white, almost like freshly fallen snow, a contrast to his dark armor.

"My name is Ryoji," he said, bowing his head slightly. "I am the guardian of this mountain, a keeper of its secrets. You've passed my trial, and so I will share with you what you seek."

"Nice to meet you, Ryoji," I said, giving a lazy two-finger salute. "So, what's the deal with this place?"

He turned, gesturing for me to follow him. As we walked, the mist began to dissipate, revealing more of the ancient mountain landscape around us. "This mountain holds a convergence point—a place where the boundaries between the mortal world and the divine blur. It is where the energies of creation and destruction are in constant flux. Those who understand this balance can harness powers beyond imagination."

"Sounds like a great tourist spot," I joked, though I could feel the weight of his words settling in.

He smiled faintly. "For most, it would be a place of peril. But for you... it may hold more."

We came to a small clearing where a massive stone altar stood, covered in ancient runes that seemed to glow faintly in the fading mist. "Here," Ryoji said, motioning to the altar. "Lay your hand upon the stone, and it will reveal to you what you seek."

I approached the altar, feeling a strange energy pulse through the air—almost like a heartbeat. I glanced back at Ryoji, who nodded encouragingly.

"Alright," I muttered, "let's see what all the fuss is about."

I placed my hand on the stone, and instantly, a surge of energy rushed through me. My vision blurred, and I was plunged into a torrent of colors and lights. I felt myself being pulled deeper into the mountain's essence, into the very core where creation and destruction danced together in a chaotic harmony.

In the midst of the swirling chaos, a voice echoed—a deep, resonant voice that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere.

"You who stand at the crossroads of reality, what is it you seek?"

"I seek... understanding," I answered, feeling the weight of my own words. "I want to know what lies beyond the limits of what even I know."

The voice rumbled like distant thunder. "To know is to change. To change is to face one's own truth. Are you prepared for what you may find?"

I felt a shiver run down my spine. Was I? Could there be something even I wasn't ready to face? But I nodded, more to myself than to the voice. "I am."

Suddenly, the chaos around me solidified, and I found myself standing in a vast, endless expanse. Stars and galaxies swirled around, and in the center, a massive tree stretched infinitely upward and downward—its roots delving into the void, its branches reaching beyond the fabric of existence.

"This is the Tree of Balance," the voice said, now emanating from the tree itself. "From its roots springs the power of creation; from its branches flows the force of destruction. You stand before it, Y/N, God of Reality. What will you do?"

I gazed up at the tree, feeling the sheer power radiating from it. It was overwhelming, almost intoxicating. I could feel my own energy resonating with it, like two pieces of a puzzle fitting together.

"I..." I hesitated for a moment. "I want to understand its power. To see what lies at its core."

The tree's voice rumbled again, but there was a hint of amusement now. "Then approach, and let your journey continue."

I stepped forward, each step feeling heavier than the last, as if the very air around me was thickening. The tree's roots twisted and turned like living things, moving aside as I approached. I could see glimpses of countless worlds reflected in the bark, each one a different reality, a different possibility.

As I reached the base of the tree, I saw a path leading upward, winding around the massive trunk. I began to climb, feeling the energy around me shift with every step. It was as if the tree was testing me, probing my intentions, my resolve.

"Inochi," I whispered, gripping her hilt tightly, "you still with me?"

"Always," she replied softly, her voice filled with a calm determination. "This place... it is like nothing I have ever felt."

"Yeah," I agreed, my eyes narrowing as I continued my ascent. "It's something else, alright."

As I climbed higher, the air grew colder, and the stars seemed to draw closer, almost within reach. I could feel the energy of creation and destruction growing stronger, each step resonating with both power and risk. I knew that any misstep could mean losing myself in this place, losing my sense of self.

But I pressed on, driven by a hunger to understand, to see what lay beyond even my own comprehension. And finally, after what felt like an eternity, I reached a ledge near the top of the tree.

Before me, at the center of the massive tree, was a glowing orb of pure energy—a perfect sphere that seemed to contain all the colors of the universe, swirling and merging in a dance of endless creation and destruction.

"This is the core," the tree's voice echoed. "The source of balance, where all things begin and end. Do you seek to claim its power?"

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the decision before me. This power... it was immense, unfathomable even for me. It was tempting, like a flame calling a moth.

But I shook my head. "No," I said firmly. "I don't want to claim it. I just want to understand it. To know its purpose, its essence."

The tree seemed to hum with approval. "A wise choice, God of Reality. To seek knowledge over power is the mark of one who understands true balance."

The orb began to pulse, and suddenly, knowledge flooded into my mind—visions of worlds being born and dying, of stars igniting and fading. I saw the delicate dance of creation and destruction, each one feeding into the other, a cycle that never truly ended.

**Returning to Reality**

And then, just as suddenly as it began, the vision faded, and I found myself back at the altar on the mountain, my hand still resting on the stone. I took a deep breath, feeling the mountain's energy coursing through me, but now, it felt different—calmer, more balanced.

Ryoji stood nearby, watching me with a knowing smile. "You have seen it, haven't you?" he asked.

I nodded slowly. "Yeah... I think I have."

He chuckled softly. "Then you know what it means to be truly worthy."

I smiled, feeling a newfound sense of clarity. "Yeah. Balance. Creation and destruction, life and death... all of it."

Ryoji nodded, his expression serious. "The knowledge you have gained here is yours alone. Use it wisely, Y/N."

"Don't worry," I said, sheathing Inochi and turning to leave the clearing. "I plan to."