
Chapter 1

[Main Quest updated.]

[Quest <The Next God> is available.]

Finally. The quest I have been waiting for after years of cultivating and leveling. I can finally kill the gods and take their throne to become the next god!

This quest is specialized to those who were called 'The Ascendant'. They ascended from the lowest rank, Human, to the highest rank, Demigod. What, you think god is the highest rank? Ha, no. Go read the information section, idiot.

Once cultivators reaches the Demigod rank, this quest,<The Next God> will be available and the quest is for them to kill the Four Gods and take over the Throne of the Ruling God in order to become the next god.

"I just have to find some more Karma Points." I mumbled to myself.

Currently, I have 8794 Karma Points. If I can complete at least a hundred more quests by the Karma System, I can have 10000 points and ready to use my Ultimate Skill.

If you think the Karma quests are easy, then you surely are not ready to become a demigod yet. Karma quests are as hard as saving someone's life, that's why you also get 1 point per life saved. But, to be exact, Karma quests give random amount of points between one to ten. So I'd rather do these quests than finding someone in danger. Plus, if I accidentally killed them, I'd lose a point instead of gaining.

Right, I didn't introduce myself yet. I'm Henry, a normal high-schooler before I got teleported to this fucking cultivation world. At first, I thought it was a dream. Yeah, people would think so too, ya know. You'd think maybe you're dreaming and this is just some kinda fantasy things you read in novels. But it's fun actually, I mean I liked rpg games and here I can experience it like a virtual reality.

By the way, I gotta grind some Karma Points and levels before confronting the four gods. I'm sure I can beat them with my Ultimate Skill. It's the special skill to beat them anyway.


A full week of grinding and I finally have enough Karma Points to use the Ultimate Skill. My level also increase by 10 while doing the quests and now my level is 263. For you, it may be high but in this world, it's as low as the newbies who just enter the game. I'll let you know the levels of the gods would be hundred thousands. It's not shocking if you hear their thousands of years journey ruling this world.

I planned to do the main quest, <The Next God>, tomorrow because I'm so tired of doing all the grinds.


If my informations are right, the Four Gods will spawn in this castle, The Ruler's Castle, when a Demigod requested to complete the quest. But usually, people say they only fought with two gods, the Fire God and the Water God. I wonder where the Earth and the Wind God. Did they think only the two of them are strong enough to take on the cultivators? I can't say they're not as a lot of cultivators died fighting only both of them. Huh, I'll beat them anyway.

The second I stepped on the line between the outer castle and the inner castle, a red light shone brightly and I had to cover my eyes because of that. When I opened my eyes, I saw a boy with blood red hair wearing a sleeveless hoodie and a short light red pants. He also have some red scars on his face. While the other one is a boy with light blue hair wearing a white cap backwards, short-sleeve cyan shirt and a short pants too but with ice blue colour.

"So you're the Fire God and the Water God?" At the same time as I asked this, the voice of both the gods echoed.

"So you're the Demigod who requested to complete the task?"

Suddenly, silence followed. The Water God sighed before the Fire God's voice echoed again, "I know it's an accident but I don't like when someone talked while I did."

"But since it's an accident, we'll let it pass. And for your question, yeah, we are the Water and Fire God. Now, will you answer us?" The Water God said. Weirdly enough, his voice didn't echo this time, but it's sounded like a kid's voice.

I nod as the answer of their question. Then, the Fire God flicked his finger and a few papers suddenly appeared out of a burning flame.

"Okay, let me check for your request form first. Wha-"

"Stop the voice echo, will ya?" The Water God intervened and whispered to the Fire God, but it's enough for me to hear it.

"Whatever. I'm asking, what's your name?" The voice echo stopped and his voice sounded just like the Water God's, a kid voice.


"Last name?"

"I don't remember."

"Oy, we erased their memories of their family, didn't we?" The Water God whispered to the Fire God. I was surprised to hear that, but I wouldn't want to mention it if I don't wanna die. The second the battle starts, I'm gonna charge them head on using the most powerful skill I had, putting aside the Ultimate Skill. I don't wanna spend another ten years cultivating from Reincarnated Being to Demigod.

I figured their tactic already. They sent two gods so that the cultivators would waste their Karma Points by using the Ultimate Skill on them, then when the other two gods came, we don't have Karma Points left to use the Ultimate Skill. And that's why a lotta cultivators died even though with the Ultimate Skill. I'm gonna win this, no matter what. When I become the God, I'll tell these Four Gods to teleport me back to my world.

"Alright, shall we start the battle?" The Fire God's voice brings me back to reality. I wouldn't say reality though. I nod as the answer and pull out my longsword, getting ready to cast my technique skill.

It was then, the Fire God flicked his finger and the dark castle lighten up. He mumbled something and some fireballs appeared. The Water God, he's gone. I need to move or he will make a surprise attack on me.

"Lightning Sword Technique, ninth form, the struck of your life..." I stopped while running from the fireballs of the Fire God. I didn't see the Water God anywhere too. Did he just watch and only come if the Fire God failed? Tsk, I'm just gonna attack both of them with this skill. It's not like it has cool down or something.

I stepped on a table to support my jump and I raised my sword to the Fire God. This is it!

"...Lightning Strike!" I yelled as lightning can be heard from outside. I slash down my sword and jump away as fast as I can before a lightning strikes exactly where the Fire God is standing. When the ashes has gone, the Fire God's body could be seen motionless on the ground.

'What the... With just a strike and he died?'

And at that exact moment, I heard a sound of wave coming. "The Wa-"


I struggled to get above the water level to breath. The water seems to be drained as second passed.

"I see that you killed the Fire God with that Lightning skill of yours. But thanks to that, my water skills get some kinda boost." The voice of the Water God echoed. I got closed to the wall and ready my lightning strike again.

"The Lightning won't come if it's not raining..." The voice stopped. A few seconds later, another wave was heard coming.

"Fuck this! Lightning magic technique, fifth form, the reliable shield... Lightning Shield!" I yelled as a yellow light engulfed me and I was save from the wave.

'Where is the damn god?'

I think you can say I asked that late as the Water God suddenly appeared behind the waves. "...and the rain is in my control." His voice echoed but his tactic didn't work. I got ready and strike him with the Lightning Strike instantly.

"The way he said the rain is in his control kinda surprised me. I thought it'll be hard to stop him but..." I looked at his motionless body before continuing, "...easier than I thought."

Are they seriously the gods which has killed so many cultivators? I killed them only with the Lightning Strike. Ha, I already thought that being relieved now isn't good.

Out of the blue, a few 'windblades' attacked me. I avoided them and turned to the direction where the blades came from. There I saw a boy with light green hair wearing the same kind of clothes like the Water God but with light green colour and have wings on his back. Next to him is a boy with dark chocolate hair with clothes like the Fire God but with white hoodie and white with red lines pants.

"I assume you both are the Wind God and the Earth God?" I said while gripping my sword tight. Both the boys nodded their head and the Wind God flew with absurd speed towards me while the Earth God runs...

Why did his run looks cute?

No, I don't have times to think about that! I quickly cast my ultimate skill and my 10000 Karma Points changed to 0 in an instant. You must wanted to know what's my Ultimate Skill's name, right? I'll tell ya.

"Five meters widths area killing, Lightning Rain." You could imagine a rain of lightning striking everywhere. And with that, both the gods have been killed. But, weirdly enough, why didn't I receive the notification of I completed the quest?

My eyes widened open as I remember something.

'There's a rumor going around saying the four gods are siblings and they're the sons of the God of Elements, which controls all kind of elements exist. It is said that the God of Elements only ever watch over his sons doing all the works on a throne somewhere in the universe and never did descend on the earth.'

A voice of a cultivator echoed in my head.


I swear if the rumor is true...


A loud sound was heard as if something like meteor has just landed on the earth's surface.

'...never did descend on the earth.'

This line is bothering me. I turned to look at where the noise came from. Holy-

A man wearing a sleeveless half black and half white coat full with beautiful designs, long black pants with triple dark coloured shoes and blood red gloves, a bit of yellow hair and the rest are dark blue... It may take at least a day for me to describe this guy's appearance but the most importantly, he got a long great sword and he wields it with just one hand.

...not to mention he's bare-chested.

And in a second, I was killed by this guy. Ha, so the rumor was true. No, it is true. This guy must be the so-called God of Elements, the father of the Four Gods.

Another years to be spend grinding and cultivating. I smirked as my vision blurred and blackened. Not a confident smirk, but an anxious smirk.

-To be continued-