
The Gladiator System

Hello this my second ever book so please dont be to harsh on the grammar errors and If you have recommendations please comment them

Nocorah · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Kura's show

Kura walked with the man down a similar hallway. The man stealing glances at him from time to time to make sure he didn't run away from his show; a common occurrence once people found out that they would be in the yearly event.

Kura calmly walked with him but on the inside he was everything but calm. Kura was freaking out trying to think of a way to escape. Everything from attacking the guard to running and hiding, to even fake a seizure, but Kura knew none of these strategies would work.

They continued going on the same path Kura had once walked until they made a sudden turn to the right. Kura was confused a thought of hope entered his mind thinking the guard would free him but then he shook of such a thought after all it would only disappoint him and leave him unexpecting of the fight to come.

They kept walking the guard then said "What's your name kid?"

Kura was confused thinking it was a trap for him to walk into until the guard spoke again. "Look kid you might as well tell me because this is your last day I'm not too sure what they have in store for you but normal warriors never live the event. They are only used to make the crowd more hyped up for when they make a forgotten Legacy fight them."

Kura listening to him wanted to refute saying he will survive and will be different be he knew better he was no main character and he was walking himself to his graveyard. Kura then spoke in a soft tone of neutrality mixed in with a bit of hate and bitterness "My name is Kura."

The man then asked "No last name?".

This question confused Kura not because it was too outlandish of a question but because he had simply forgot about last names as the only ones worth remembering were those of legacy family's. After all knowing a legacy family and their name allowed you to know their power.

Kura thought long and hard to remember his last name just to come to the conclusion he didn't know. This confused Kura because he was sent here when he was six after his parents had sold him for money.

Kura was still thinking util the guard stopped in front of a door and said. "Well last name or not Kura pick your clothed and weapon you want to take to the grave with you."

Kura knew he had to enter but his legs refused to walk forward knowing the fate ahead of him. The guard grimaced and said "You're really going to make this hard for me and make me push you into your grave.".

Letting out a long sigh the man pushed Kura into the room with a grimace on his face and said "I'm sorry Kura good luck in your next life, and I hope your show continues or whatever they say."

Kura watched in dread as the door behind him shut he ran over too it trying to pry it open with his hands tears running down his face as he had finally let the reality sink in that he was going to die today. Kura pounded on the wall begging for the guard to open the door but it only fell on deaf ears as the door muffled his screams and the guard had already started walking away.

Kura realizing the guard wasn't going to save him looked around in panic breathing heavily. There were weapons and armor of good quality. Only the best for those participating in the event. Kura grabbed gauntlets and a sword of the wall slashing at the door hoping to pry it open but failed.

Kura sat down kneeling tears still rolling down his face sorrow, and self pity washed over him. Though a new emotion came into his heart rage, and anger. Cursing those who put him in this position the guards, the audience, the coliseum's host and son, and worst of all his own parents.

Kura's emotions and thought were a mess though this was only to be expected of a fourteen year old. Most others would be chilling in their house, playing sports, or training to go out onto another world In the comfort and protection of their homes and family.

Kura breathed in and made a vow to himself that he would live and escape this hell. Kura stood up with determination and rage boiling and powering him he threw the sword he was holding down and grabbed a new one as the old one was dull after scratching the door.

Kura also put on a set of armor though he wasn't too sure how well the armor will help.

He then stopped looking at the wall he switched his sword grabbing a much larger and heavier one. The sword he held was almost the same size as him though for some reason felt light in his hands.

Kura walked forward towards the other door, and stopped looking at the switch then back at the wall and down at himself. Kura breathed in and then accepted his fate opening the door.

People were shouting and screaming waiting for the show to start and Kura's arrival only fueled their anticipation, and excitement for the show. Kura looked around the place was crowded he could barely see the end to the amount of people watching from high above him in their comfortable seats he also saw drones flying around recording.

Kura speculated that the drones were to show off the event and bring in more fans. Kura the looked in a particular area seeing a few more thrones than usual, filled with new V.I.P's behind masks though looking in the middle of the V.I.P'S were two thrones bigger than the others seating the host and what Kura could only think would be his son.

Kura didn't bother looking at the doors knowing it would be fruitless instead looking at the ceiling, and as Kura expected his nightmare came true as the ceiling opened silencing the crowd getting the attention of the drones and put a sickening feeling back in his chest. Though this feeling was being drowned out by his determination.

Then the all but too familiar box came down attached to a spaceship. Kura waited watching as the box fell down. Kura watched as once again the box moved and Shaked until it couldn't hold back anymore and broke sending splinters flying.

Kura watched as a thirty foot bear walked out staring at Kura with eyes full of hatred and malice but this gaze was only met with an equal gaze of determination and hatred. Gripping his sword making sure it would fall out his hands he prepared himself a glint of Dark red shining in his eyes.

The bear charged towards Kura. Kura stood still watching until the last second when he dodged and swung his sword in a circular motion getting as much momentum until he swung down striking down on the bear leaving a slash on its side then hopping as far back away from the bear as he could.

The bear turned around facing him though this time not charging but stood on its hind legs roaring a shout. Then with as much force as it could slammed back to the ground cracking it sending a shockwave towards Kura.

Kura realizing this stabbed his sword into the ground and fortified his stance as much as he could bracing for the impact. The impact hit Kura washing over him and bringing a cloud of dust blocking his view.

Then when the dust cleared all Kura could see was the bear clearing the space between him as fast it could only leaving about 10 feet between him and the bear making it impossible to dodge so instead Kura picked up his sword swinging it at the bear with his whole body impowering the swing.

The bear met the swing making the sword cut into it but stopping after about four inches of the blade had sank in. The bear kept charging pushing Kura back. Kura holding onto his blade for dear life because if he were to let go it would cause the bear to deal a blow that would deal devastating blow to him that might cost his life.

Kura was slowly being pushed against a wall Kura mere feet away from the wall started desperately pushing against the bear to no avail after all he was just a human and a teen at that. The wall was now against Kura's back giving Kura the leverage he needed to go into a stalemate of the bear pushing Kura against the wall and Kura pushing back to not get crushed.

Kura's blade was slowly getting pushed more into the bear, but not being able to detour its push. It was quickly turning into a battle of stamina until lady luck had decided to bless the bear as Kura heard a noise more frightening than the bear in front of him a cracking of metal.

Kura diverted his attention from the bear for a second to look at his sword seeing a web of cracks spreading all along his blade. The sight of this made shivers run down Kura's spine however the bear had gotten the moment it was waiting for; the moment Kura let his guard down.

stopping the heavy push Kura was confused for a second turning his attention back on the bear but it was to no avail as before he could do anything a paw was swiping toward Kura as if it was the wrath of the gods and Kura's divine punishment.

The crowd went wild seeing Kura's body ragdoll as it flew threw the air like a kite with its strings cut off hitting the wall Kura felt a shock reverberate through his spine not allowing him to move for a while. The wind was knocked out of Kura as he desperately tried to breathe. Kura was slowly getting up; he would had preferred to stay on the ground but Kura knew if he did it would spell the end for him.

Kura was back on his wabbly legs pain shooting through his spine. Kura then looked up to see the embodiment of the grim reaper swinging his scythe. He was swatted at by the bear for the second time being flung again Kura couldn't hear the crowd only a painful ringing in his ears.

Kura's ribs were broken and had punctured his lungs coughing up mouthfuls of blood and pieces of bones on the ground. Kura's vision was blurry but he looked at the bear that was coming over to him as he watched. Kura had went into a fighting stance he had gotten into many times. Kura waited for the bear to get just close enough and then tried to dash out of the way but instead fell over hitting the floor he rolled and staring up he saw the bear on it's hind legs.

Kura stared as time slowed down for him. He thought to himself how this wasn't fair. He had tried his hardest, he had trained with everything he had, he had even stabbed the beast multiple times, and yet it kept powering on like a machine.

A flash of acceptance went over Kura's eyes. He had tried but he wasn't cut out for it. This was his fate to die bleeding out on the arena; it would have happened one way or another. After all what could he do he was only fourteen.

Then the flash of acceptance disappeared being overwhelmed by a sense of rage. 'No this wasn't how he would die he refused. Screw fate, and screw the colosseum and its owner. This rage built up more and more.

The bears paws were just about to hit Kura and slam down with all the bears might when Kura felt himself fall into a deep red abyss. Kura felt like as if he was drowning in this water yet none of the water filled his lunges or clotted his view. He just felt him self slip further and further into the red abyss.

The crowd saw a different view though. A explosion of red blown out of Kura pushing the bear back. Kura's mangled body stood up on its legs red energy swirling around it like a torrent of wind. Then Kura's jaw opened letting out a scream. One that surpassed the bears roar, and one that was more pronounce and had more authority than that of the coliseum's owner.

The scream reverberated around the colosseum shaking the core of all those who watched in the seats. People from even outside heard a muffled shout that demanded their attention. The bear stared at him. Then snarled charging towards him. After all in its eyes it was the same bug it had been trying to squish sense the beginning of the show.

Kura's body faced the bear and started charging at it in a more primal and bestial way acting on pure instinct. The bear prepared to attack but then was overwhelmed by the much smaller body of mass when it flung forward locking into a contest of strength to see who can push the other.

The bear start pushing back but was shocked when it's body was sliding back. So instead it started swatting at Kura's body after two swings connecting Kura's body stopped. The bear thinking this was it's chance attacked with it full might just for Kura's body to throw a punch aimed at its gut slamming into the bear. making it roar in pain.

though Kura didn't stop instead continuing to slam his fist into its gut. The bear slammed into Kura pushing Kura off of him. getting down on four legs it prepared to face Kura again charging at Kura.

Kura's body stood up looked at the bear and charged forward. Getting locked into another contest of strength Kura's body instead of focusing on winning the contest of strength proceeded to deal blow after blow to the head of the bear. The bear started lashing its jaw at Kura pressing its sharp teeth on one of Kura's arms, however instead of trying to free his arm Kura kept slamming punch after punch into the bears head.

A loud crunch was heard as Kura punch a small crack in the bears skull and as the bear shattered Kura's arm. The bear's mouth released letting go of Kura's arm as its body went limp. Kura's arm fell to his side. Completely mutilated with blood dripping off it and being twisted at a unnatural angle. Kura's good arm grabbed his sword from the shoulder blade of the bear and then walked up the bears limp body stopping on the middle of it.

Then Kura plunged his sword into the bears back and then pulled back out the sword and reached in grabbing a much bigger sphere than any other he had seen. Kura then crushed it releasing blue energy into his body.

Kura felt his conscious coming back resurfacing from the red abyss it plunged into. Snapping back he saw the people in the crowd staring in stunned silence as he stood on the dead bear, but Kura had a much bigger issue as a wave of pain assaulted him from his shattered arm to broken ribs to torn muscles.

Kura was quickly losing conscious, but heard a sentence from the owner of the coliseum. "Number 798's show continued or as his new name The Berserker's show has started."

Side note from author: Thanks JeriEl_snow for gifting a power stone while it may not seem like much it made my day so thank you.