

The blonde haired dude was about to hit me when....

a teacher yelled. Causing the boy to freeze and not hit me. She yelled at him saying, "What do you think your doing young man?!?!? You can't go around hitting people! With that kind of behavior you can forget about going to UA! If I catch you hitting a student one more time I'm calling your mother!" "Tch..Yes Mrs. Fletcher.." He said. "Good. Now you go to lunch." She looked at us after saying that. "I want you two to stay here and talk to me." "Ok Mrs. Fletcher" The green boy said. The blonde haired kid walked away, followed by his gremlins. She turned to me. "Are you okay?" She asked. "I'm fine." I said. I felt my gut hurt in a lot of pain, like I just got stabbed. I also could feel a bruise forming on my face. But I ignored it. I was use to pain. "Let me know if he, or any one else causes you trouble." "I'll deal with them." She said in a tone that made me giggle a little. "Now, now, you two need to head to lunch. We don't need you to starve." "Okay, miss." The green boy and I say in unison. Then, me and the boy start to walk to the lunch line. "Hey, I never got your name..." I say. "O-oh, my name?" "Yeah." "U-uhm. My name is Izuku Midoriya!" When he said his name it looked like he just lit up. "What's your name?" He ask. Oh, my name is Y/N Y/L/N..." "I like your name. I reminds me of something like, happy, or nice." Izuku said. "Do you go by any nick names, Izuku Midoriya?" I asked. "W-well Kacchan calls me Deku but I don't like that name because of what it means. So you can call me whatever you what. As long as it's not rude please." He said. I thought for a little bit. "Hhmm..." I said. "How about..... Zuzu!" I said with excitement. "I really like that." "Next!" The lunch lady yelled.

Time skip; after they got their lunch

We sat down at a table near the trash can so we could fastly throw away our stuff when we were done. "So..." I said. "What is it?" Zuzu asked. "Is the pomeranian looking dude's name Kacchan? Or is that a nick name?" I ask. Zuzu looked surprised at my question. But shook it off. "Well..." He started to trail off. "When we were little we were friends and gave each other nick names. I gave him the nick name 'Kacchan'. So it's a nick name. His real name is Katsuki Bakugo." 'Katsuki Bakugo.... I think I heard that some where....' "Anyways, what class do you have next?" Zuzu asked. "Oh.. I have ELA" "Aww...man... I have science. Well atleast ELA is on the way to science. I'll show you where it's at." "Oh.. Okay, thanks!" I said, giving a smile. "Np!" He said. We finished eating at threw our stuff away and sat back down. Right when we sat down the lunch bell rang. "Time to go!" Zuzu said. We got up and started walked to class.

(At the last period because school is boring)

Me and Zuzu had the same last period class. It was called T.I.E. It was just basically study hall. I asked the teacher if me and Zuzu could go the the library and study together. "Sure, idc." The teacher said. Me and Deku walked the the library. It was at the of the end of the hallway on which our classroom was on. We walked in and ask the librarian if we could be in there. "Sure! You can sit over there!" She said in a happy voice while she pointed to an empty table in the corner of the room, with 2 chairs. "Thank you!" I said than Zuzu and I sat at the table that she had pointed at. '40 minutes until school was over.' One thing I really liked to do was keep track of time.

~Time skip; 30 minutes later~

I looked at the time. Shoot. We only had 10 minutes left at school. Me and Zuzu already finished our work. "Let's play a game." I said. "What kind of game?" Zuzu asked. "Well. You ask a question about me, then I answer it. Then I ask a question about you and you answer it. And so on. But if at any point the other person doesn't feel comfortable answering a question, they can back out." "Ok, that sounds fun. Let's do it!" Zuzu said. "Okay.... I'll go first!" I said. "What's your favorite color?" I ask. "Red" Zuzu answers. "My turn! How old are you?" Zuzu asks. "14" I say. "Umm..... What's your favorite thing to do?" I ask. "Oh, this is a hard one... Umm... Probably either help my mom bake and stuff. Or sit next to the creek at the park and watch the sunset." He says. "Wow... Such a whole some answer." I say. "Wholesome? What's that?" He asks. "Oh nothing. Anyways, ask me." I say. "Uhhh, what's your quirk?" He asks. I feel my heart drop.... My quirk....

(To Be Continued)


Sorry this took me forever to make. I kinda

forgot about this, tbh. Anyways, have a great

day/night girls/gays/and theys. Peace out! ✌
