
{2} Second Chance

In the middle of the night in a meadowy forest, a giant is shriveling on the grass while squeezing its head in a state of great pain, as a being not of this world is tearing its soul out and trying to take over the body.

Fahdon is seeing if they can take over the giant's body by tearing the soul apart, resulting in the soul's death, which is going nicely. The giant is not very intelligent, comparable to a caveman who just figured out that he can trade with other people.

After a few moments, the giant is lying limp on the ground, an empty vessel. Fahdon is currently forcing Adrian's soul into the giant's body, which would be as painful as dying if not more since he was ripped from his body and is now being forced into a foreign flesh capsule that is quite different than a human. After his soul has been jammed in, Fahdon jumped in as well, easily integrating Adrian, themself, and the giant's body into one now that there is no commandeering soul to fight back.

The giant's body started to change shape and characteristics. The tribal scars disappeared under the skin, the wrinkles faded away, the matted and crusted hair molded into smooth dark brown shoulder-length hair and the beard fell off like sped-up cancer. The finger and toenails started to shrink, losing their yellowish rough look, and out with human-like nails. The bulky fingers started to thin, looking more smooth and flexible, the face lost its small horns protruding from the forehead and proceeded to morph into a young man.

The new face had furrowed eyebrows, a semi-wide nose, and dark green, glowing eyes, while the mouth has thin lips with a natural frown. Put together is a handsome yet aggressive face.

The body began to bulk, sinking the fat to a minimum and strengthening the muscles, while the shoulders grew broader. The giant's skin grew smoother and clearer, numerous blemishes began to fade. Afterward, the 13-foot(4meters) giant shrunk, its height shortening. What was left of the previous coarse and unkempt giant was a light blue-skinned humanoid standing at 10 feet(3m) with broad shoulders, well-proportioned muscles, and a good-looking face.


A few minutes later, Adrian woke up with a headache, which he promptly ignored, and looked at his new body. When he saw his body, the frown on his face loosened a little, before going back to its original frown.

"Fahdon?" he said, not seeing the panel.

[Hellooo? can you hear me yet?] A feminine and bubbly voice sounded in his head.

"Are you Fahdon?" he replies, only reading Fahdons text before and never hearing her voice

[Yeah! I'm Fahdon! So, how's the new body?]

"Perfect. I feel filled with a power greater than my peak condition," He says with a curious look in his eyes.

[I would hope so! You have the power of a literal giant! Before anything else, try to feel the Magicka within you, you would be slightly surprised how big a mana pool you have.]

Adrian tried to feel the power in his body, and once he felt a powerful source going throughout his body, he tried to look deeper into it and he was indeed slightly surprised. 300 Magicka would amount to quite the pool.

He tried to get up before stumbling, not used to a 10-foot-tall(3m) body, it took a few seconds of adjusting before he tried again, and he did it effortlessly. Wanting to gauge his newfound strength, he went up to a tree that would take a large man to wrap his arms around and tore its roots from the ground with his bare hands, causing the bark where he grabbed the tree to crack and the wood to indent.

After waving it around for a bit he planted the tree back into the ground, making the ground tremble as dust and dirt flew in every direction, and causing a boom to echo throughout the meadowy forest. After he twisted the tree back into the ground, he tried some jumping exercises and went multiple feet into the air before landing quietly.

After landing, he tried to run, only to lunge ahead and trip, before catching himself in a pushup position. When he did push his arms forward, his body flung up and he managed to balance himself. After the physical test, he tried to use his magic, only to realize he didn't know how to.

"Fahdon? Do you know how I use magic?"

[No idea, use the force!]

"Haha," He replied apathetically before trying to use an imaginary hand and grab the Magicka flowing through him, which worked. Next, he tried to pull it out of his body, only for the Magicka to dissipate into nothingness as soon as it left his body.

After his failure, Adrian tried imagining fire exploding out of his hands similar to a fireball as he grabbed the Magicka and pushed it out of his now raised hand.

When the imagery fully solidified in his mind, a fiery ball of flames grew out of the palm of his hand, and then doubled in size before launching at high speeds towards a tree that his arm was pointing towards. When the fireball reached the tree, the ball of fire detonated as Adrian imagined, and the tree became covered in flames.

He looked back into his Magicka pool and easily noticed the large chunk of Magicka missing. He could partly sense it too. That emptiness that was slowly being refilled.


"Indeed... So, my imagination is fueling it?"

[Most likely!]

"...Now what?"

[What do you mean?]

"What am I supposed to do with my new life now that I have it?" He looked back to the hand that he put down, clenching it as he thought about if he deserved a new chance in life, or if he deserved to rot in the pits of hell, or its replacement, Oblivion.

[Silly, why bother thinking about 'what now' and stuff? Just do what you want to do! And besides, if you do nothing the whole time you're alive, I'll die of boredom!]

Adrian chuckled as he thought of the voice in his head and her sense of humor and/or honesty, before he thought about all the new things he could experience in this new life he has. He unclenched his fist before looking at the stars, wondering what to do first.
