
The Gamer Files: The 100's Gamer.

Follow Ezekiel's story as he finds himself being amongst the 100 as they are dropped Into a world ridden with danger and death looming at every corner. But luckily for Ezekiel he isn't sent with only the clothes on his back in this world but gifted a variant of one of the most powerful abilities or system as others might call it, The Gamer. [—Note: This will be an AU, with new threats, grounders being stronger then their canon counterparts and new elements in the mix without jeopardizing the whole 100 Series to make the world more difficult for the MC and everyone in general and to keep in interesting so the MC doesn't steamroll this entire world and so that I can tell a story.] [—Tags: Kingdom Building, Chaotic Neutral MC, Small amount of darkness, Smut here and there and the occasional bullshittery.] [Side-Note: The MC will not be a perfect individual, he will not be all-knowing and a know it all and will make mistakes and decisions that lack any good judgement at first, he is selfish and does most of what he does for the benefit of himself first and is untrustful at first of everyone due to his past, hopefully throughout the story I will be able to showcase a little complex personality where he grows as a person by understanding his feelings and logical thoughts in a way that his entire persona doesn't break from them mashing and disrupting each other.]

God_Of_DepravityX · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
52 Chs

[Chapter —9]

Entering the dropship I went up and found that Octavia, Finn and Monty were sharing a small bottle of booze.

Smiling at that, I walked towards them and sat there after placing a good amount of herbs close to Jasper who still was unconscious.

" What are you drinking?" I asked as I sat next to Octavia who looked at bit sad, probably having already heard about atom but I did notice that she didn't look as sad as canon, probably due to some butterfly effect causing her not having been too close with the guy.

" Whiskey, want some?" Octavia asked after taking a large gulp of the thing and passing the bottle to me.

" Oh this stuff, I should make my own booze if I find the right material." I said gulping at the burning liquid before passing it on to Finn who didn't look all that happy about my intrusion.

" You can make booze?" Octavia asked looking at me suprised.

" Oh definitely, whiskey, scorch and maybe moonshine will be more easier to make." I said causing her to snort.

" Is there anything you can't do?" She asked making me chuckle.

" Probably a lot but I can get by." I told her with a grin before our conversation spiralled off with even the quiet Finn joining in every now and then.

" C-can I have a sip of that?" We all heard and turning our necks we found Jasper raising his head looking at us with a weak smile.

" Jasper!" Exclaimed Octavia as she stood up alongside Finn and Monty who looked incredibly happy to see his friend awake.

Smiling at that I decided to give them some privacy, so I slid down the ladder and walked off making my way back to my tent to fall asleep before tommorow.


Looking over at Clarke sitting besides a newly made grave, a grave that housed Wells body I couldn't help but sigh.

If I wanted Wells would be alive right now, atom too would be alive if I actually put just an effort to seeing them live but I didn't act all because I didn't want the timeline to change that much so I can traverse it easier as I didn't watch all the seasons of the show so I didn't know everything.

But as I stared at Clarke outside the walls of the camp I couldn't help but sigh, I was sorry for her as to be honest I have started liking the girl and didn't like seeing her cry.

" Clarke." I called out as I walked up behind her, this caused her to stiffen grabbing a knife and point it at me in reflex.

Putting my arms up she widened her eyes before putting the knife back into her pouch.

" Are you okay?" I asked getting closer towards her and she let me.

" No, I'm not." She said her voice low with some years threatening to fall off her cheeks." My mother killed my father, and I just found out that the person I've spent so long hating hid that fact from me so that I wouldn't hate my own mother." At this point she was crying so I walked up to her and hugged her, her head on my chest as she started bawling.

" I ju-just wish I could make her feel the way I feel!." She said crying as I kept holding her before she suddenly stopped and looked at me with her eyes still teary.

Then she suddenly detached from me and started walking back to the camp.

" Where are you going?" I asked watching her go back to the camp.

" To make her feel how I feel." She said and disappeared.

' Heh, oh well.' I thought ignoring Finn who hid behind a tree spying on us, instead I walked off to the forest again having 'felt' movement not far away from here due to my sense stat that was the highest of my stats all of a sudden.

Opening my stats I grinned seeing their fast improvements.

[—Name: Ezekiel Sinclair.

—Race: Human.

—Level: 3

—Class: None.


—Body: 22

—Mind: 24

—Energy: 11

—Sense: 25

—[Stats: 5]—

Seeing the free stat points I put them all into sense making it 30 and found my senses expanding catching even scents and stimulus that were almost impossible to sense.

' Wow...' I thought bathing in my newfound senses before shaking my head out if my daze and staring at where I felt the movement was from.

And there I found a deer again and so I got close to it but while I did I opened up my skills.


—Skill Points: 5




—Martial Arts[Lv-3/10]

—Weopons Proficiency[Lv-4/10]



Here I put 1 Into [Survival], 3 into crafting and 1 into Weopons Proficiency.

Already I felt the boost as my speed increased with the help of [Survival] and my hands steadied to impossible levels as I kept my bow pointed at the bow and it was now that I noticed, there were 4 deers instead of one not far away from the first deer.

' Fuck....' I thought not wanting to let all that meat go, so grabbing four arrows I cocked them all in place and twisted my wrist and had each arrow pointed towards one deer.

' Wait...what if I made my chances of missing 0%?' I thought before opening my ability status.


—Ability Points: 6

—Plant Control[S+][Lv-4/10]: Allows user to modify, shape and manipulate plants, including wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, roots, fruits and flowers.]

I dumped each and every ability point into [Plant Control] and groaned as not only knowledge assaulted me but a sudden sense of 'oneness' overtook me, I felt as if I was one with the very fauna around me.

I felt that if I so willed it the very forest would come alive and aid me in everything I did before that feeling receded and I was left still pointing at the deers.

'....that was trippy.' I thought as I focused on the forest around me, I expanded my reach of 'sense' having the fauna for a mile become my relays of a sort.

Then with a mental command I used [Plant Control] and watched as thin roots shot out from the ground and impaled the four deers their their heads and twisted around their necks and help them there until they stopped shaking and spasming.

' That....was easy.' I thought walking towards the deers and looked them over.

' Oh well, let's just take them and go.'

Growing some strong vines I had them and tied them around the deers before I pulled them back to camp.

It didn't take even thirty minutes before I reached camp and was met by Bellamy and Octavia who looked at my haul with widened eyes.

" You don't play around huh?" Asked Octavia making me scoff before walking off as I watched everyone hard at work, they were improving the wall section by section while others made spear like weopons as I had instructed them to, training would be beginning soon after all.