
Heavenly Fox Beast

Elijah felt shame from lusting over Katharina who should be his to punish as he sees fit. His eyes went back to normal and his anger became apparent. He let out a dark chuckle filled with ridicule.

"That is all that you can do, seduce your way through life. I will not fault you for your delusions, you did escape my pursuit all those years ago by using your beauty. But if you think this will work here you are mistaken. I have seen your technique and even that face of yours has been over used. Make no mistake, you will die by my hands if need be but you still make a perfect bate for Nicklaus next to miss Gilbert over there." He says pointing at Elena who shrinks into Stefan's arms.

"There you go again. Quivering. Is it true that powerful man secretly want to be.... stepped on? Standing there in your suit, not a hair out of place. You seem sexually repressed. Perhaps I could let you tie me up so you can ravage this naughty fox to your hearts content." Elijah is gritting his teeth seeing her playful attitude towards him. She pulls his tie to look into his eyes "Or is it you who should be tied up?"

She looked him in the eyes, her entire demeanor changed and she became a walking breathing sex appeal. She exudes charm, everyone in the room including Elena started to feel their body heating up. The blood rushed to their loins making them overwhelmed with desire. Their faces became red and they looked at her with crazed lust.

The three people are just feeling the after effects of the attack, her power is concentrated toward Elijah. Elijah is coming in and out of his right mind. He can feel the lust and admiration for Katharina in front of him. He coughs a couple of times to bring back his sanity but he ultimately loses the battle.

"Tell me Elijah, am I pretty?" Elijah nods, they don't see that everyone else in the room nods along with him. "If I asked you to die for me, would you?"

There was a pause but eventually Elijah nodded with fever. She smiled at him gently. She reduced the amount of charm until it is completely gone as if it was never there.

Elijah is standing there with a hard on but he is not the only one especially Elena she is still acting shy in the couch.

Katherine to the couch and sent a wave of spiritual force to the beet red faced Elena on the couch.

Elijah quickly got a hold of his bearings and moved to take Katherine out of the Salvatore mansion in blinding speed. 

Katherine was taking care of Elena's mental stability and after blinking she found herself moving fast while in the arms of one Elijah Mikaelson. In a few moments Elijah had already taken them to the middle of the woods several hundred meters away. He had her against a tree, tension thick in the air as they look each other in the eyes. One in anger the other in ridicule.

Katherine, as the demon fox in her world was never one to use her fox clan abilities of seduction and the beast blood because she had the pride of a heavenly empress and will not resort to charming people needlessly.

However this did not mean she has no experience using them, rifling an impeccable spirit sure is rewarding. The ridicule in her eyes deepen.

"How was my charm, still think it's over used?" She asked tilting her head.

Elijah snapped and threw her on a nearby trees. She jumped like a nimble cat. Jumping from one tree to the next without breaking into any tree. She had used her claws but Elijah isn't looking for this. He is too busy trying to fix his emotions and get them under control .

While he is fixing himself, Katherine has silently gotten back and is standing behind him leaning on a tree. Watching him clean himself out, straightening the wrinkles on his suit.

"Oh Elijah, you're so haughtily. You were not always that way, when you were selling your bullshit stories and pretending to be gentle and kind. Making me believe you had good intentions while you were farming me for slaughter. You should have just gotten it out of the way the moment I came over instead of getting into my head and playing with my feelings. You people are really despicable." Elijah can see it, that in her eyes, he is the monster. Frowning, he is about to ask when Katherine continues.

"That is what I don't understand Elijah if you're a man of honor, then you shouldn't have had to faint kindness and generosity while plotting to have me dead. Why did you have to do that? At the very least that animal never bothered with me, but you..." She had a burning gaze directed at him. The blatant accusation in those brown eyes chocking him up.

"Was is all fake? You just like to toy with your play things? Give them hope only to sniff it out? Watch as the eyes that once held hope become listless? I abhor that Nicklaus but you...you really take the cake." She sneers in disgust.

Elijah realized that he did talk and calm her down all those years ago. He had worked tirelessly for her to survive but she had fled without even giving him a chance. He looked into her cold eyes and suddenly had no idea how to conduct himself. Should he explain himself, is he supposed to be angry still?

He had gotten close to her at that time but he wasn't pretending, they had a connection, how can she call it a game?

"Katharina, calm yourself. Where are you getting these ridiculous notions about being toyed with? Do you have any idea of how hard I worked to convince Nicklaus to postpone the sacrifice so I can find a way for you to survive? I sacrificed a lot to keep you alive but what did you do? Huh? You fled and left me to answer for it." Elijah raised his voice.

"Yeah because when you find out you are being killed in a sacrifice by someone who took you in and gave you kindness for no apparent reason, you sit down and contemplate your options. Option one, run away and keep your life if you succeed. Option two, hope that the guy who has been lying to you will have a way to magically preserve your life while his brother butcher's you on the side." Sarcasm thick in her tone, she lift her chin in ridicule.

"I didn't want you to be scared. You were not even going to find out about it, we would knock you out and later on you would have woken up with barely a scratch." Elijah said with patience.

"How delusional? It is called a sacrifice Elijah. Moreover, your entire plan depended upon Klaus's cooperation. What happens if he decided it will be too risky to bring me back? You know your own brother, think! He was allowing me to live a little longer so that when I die, he will say he had given you enough play time." She saw Elijah about to argue but she stopped him with a look.

"The Klaus I have come to know is cruel and paranoid. Let's not forget, he will never let something as immaterial as feelings get in the way of his plans. Think carefully Elijah I'm sure I wouldn't have been the first of your women he would've led to her demise."

"You are naïve if you think he will leave something this important to chance." She shook her head.

Elijah closed his eyes. She is right, why would Nicklaus leave something that he has been looking forward to for five centuries to fate? He wouldn't want anything to go wrong with the ritual, perhaps Elijah would have been daggered long before it starts.

He opened his eyes and looked at Katharine who is back to having a blank face. He still remembers how she got into his head with a single look. She seem to have found some sort of power and is going to employ it against his brother.

Elijah coughed twice and looked at Katherine meaningfully. "How are you this powerful? Is all this just so you could kill my brother?" He had to know her standing since he is here to kill his brother, it would be good to have a powerful ally.

Though he can not trust such a traitorous character, but Elijah is still confident in his ability to tame a tigress. Moreover, the attraction is still just as intense as it was before. 

Katherine made a toothy grin. "The world doesn't revolve around your brother. Kill him? After what he did death will be merciful and I am not very merciful. He will live and I will have my revenge." She said in a hateful tone.

He felt oddly amused at her expression. How many people have made the same declaration? He killed most of them himself but now he finds himself as one of them. The irony is not lost on him. Now that he has come down from his shame at being bested by her, he noticed that she seems different not so burdened by the horrible life she has to live while on the run.

Her face is clear of blemishes or make up but she still gives off a refreshing feeling. She has a mysterious aura around her that makes her seem unreal. As if she has stepped out of a fairy painting. He has always liked a clean woman and Katherine standing in front of him is giving off a clean refreshing feeling. Contrast to how she was dripping with sex vibes some time ago.

She seems relaxed even in his presence, it's not disregard it's more like.... confidence. She must have complete confidence in defeating him. Her power must be more than this. He wants to know just how much power has she amassed in the dark quietly while they were stagnant and content with what they have.

"You wouldn't mind working with me would you?" Elijah asks but now he is unleashing the full extent of his charm.

The famous Mikaelson charm is quite deadly when launch directly at you. But who is Katherine? She is a fox demon spirit carrier, known for their inherent charm and deadly seduction talents. She just glances at him.

She doesn't want to be a fox full of hate but that Nicklaus can not be allowed to live happily after what he has done, she will not demand his life but he will pay the price. "I think it will be fun to hear what you came to say to the little kids. I'll wait until I know what you have in mind. You are a Mikaelson so I don't imagine you have any goodwill for me or my ambitions." She started walking back to the Salvatore mansion. 

Elijah smiled bitterly. He will take it slowly then, he can't just push his will to the woman who had everything taken from her by his own family. Moreover, who doesn't like a good chase? He smiled to himself and followed her to the little kids house as she referred to them. As he came close he could here voices inside the house. 

"No Damon, we were not 'making out' in the woods, we just had something to say to each other that is not suitable for young impressionable minds." Elijah could hear the smile in her voice. He shakes his head trying to look composed and not at all like he is plotting to bring Katharine to join forces with him.

Elijah has always trusted his judgement, he has an inclination that what she showed to him barely scratched the surface. In which case he will gain an invaluable Ally. He will let her gain trust in him first. No matter what he has to do, he needs capable allies if he is to face his brother.

"My apologies, I had hoped to strike a deal with Miss Gilbert." Elijah said as a tea set is brought to the dining room by a smiling Katherine. She remained quiet the entire time while pouring tea to everyone in the table.


Elijah started to explain the story of the original family and the story of Nicklaus including the true origin of the sun and the moon curse. Katherine had called Nicklaus his brother before during the argument so no one was surprised by Elijah's relationship to Nicklaus. Elijah explained what he wanted and promised to protect Elena's friends. 

"Katharina, where are you residing? We still need to talk about our alliance." Elijah said making Katherine smile

"I am not openly hostile to you but does it mean we are becoming fast friends?" She blinked. "Not to mention I don't buy that you will take your brother's life, who are you kidding? Your devotion to your brother can only revile the religious fanatics." She gave him a dead pan expression.

"What do you mean you don't buy it? We need a deal like this. You are not just making trouble for the sake of it are you?" Elena asked with a frown. The info dump a moment ago has riddled her up. She seems like she will fall apart anytime from now. 

"That is your problem Elena, your judgement is clouded by desperation. Would you kill Jeremy? One emotional sentence from him and you'll give into him. Elijah here, is as emotional if not more than you." Hearing her calling him emotional, Elijah became speechless.

Katherine is sympathetic to the girl. If anyone can understand her predicament it would be her, but how does she even begin to comfort someone whose life just came crashing all around her? Her family, her friends and even the neighbors are all in danger because of her.

The most important part is that her life will be taken from her and she is helpless to do anything about it. The old Katherine would probably enjoy her suffering but Syria is not so young and clueless. 

She sighed and stood up, walking to the pacing Elena and took her to the bedroom.

"Okay, you are scared, understandably so. This is not fair, you are so young and all you should be stressing about is boys and college but here we are. However, Elena you don't have to despair. Unlike me at the time, you are not alone, you have a group of people who would be with you every step of the way." Katherine said but Elena looked at her in terror. 

"That is mostly why I am overly worried, Stefan will soon lose his life than watch me get sacrificed and Damon, you know him. Not to mention my other friends, Bonnie will be in danger.." she was still ranting when Katherine started dragging her to a couch and started massaging her neck. Elena wanted to move away but she is no match for Katherine. 

"Didn't you hear the old vampire say you'll come back to life? The only thing you should worry about is to not antagonize the bundle of paranoia that is Nicklaus. Damon will probably do something stupid which some of your family members may end up paying for." Elena wanted to protest but Katharine shut her up by pressing on a certain spot and a loud moan escaped Elena's mouth instead. This went on until the listening vampires decided to just drink in silence since it doesn't seem like Katharine is hurting Elena.

Elena got relaxed from the first time today after the large amount of information from Elijah earlier on. She can not believe this is the same Katherine who compelled Jenna to stab herself. She slowly fell asleep and Katherine being a lazy fox decided to cuddle with the lookalike.

It was in the early morning when Elena woke up and saw Katherine snuggling with her and they are even covered.

In the sitting room Damon and Stefan also went to sleep while Elijah left and promised to come back early in the morning. Elena brushed her teeth and went through the fridge to make herself breakfast. She is already lightheaded from skipping lunch and dinner yesterday. She has to eat today and now.

"How do you feel?" Stefan came out of nowhere like he sometimes do and scared her. She jumped and almost lost the sandwich in her hand.

"You scared me!" She yelled at him.

"Sorry, I heard noise an came down to check. How did you sleep?" Worry evident in his eyes. Elena ignored him as she tried to eat. When she finishes she looked at him serious.

"No one should ever spread that I fell asleep cuddling Katharine. Are we clear?"

"Crystal." Stefan answered amused.

"Don't laugh, I'm serious." Elena said an Stefan, trying to hold in his laughter nodded reassuringly at her.

"Scandalous! I am shocked!" Damon poured himself a glass of bourbon.

Elena whined an got into Stefan's arms making the brothers laugh. A glass made its way to Damon asking for a drink. Damon turns to find Katharine giving him a toothy grin.

"Breakfast please."

"Don't show that face, you look like a squirrel." Damon said in disgust but a glass smashed into his face cutting it an leaving glass shards in there. The impact was so much that Damon hit the floor and created a crack with his face. He passed out.

"Oh My God, Damon!" Katharine opened her eyes wide with surprise. Stefan sped to his brother and put him on the couch while keeping his eyes on Katharine who had her hand on her face looking horrified at what she had done.

"Sorry Stefan it wasn't me, ah crap." Katherine lifted up the entire bottle of bourbon started drinking.

Elena got over the shock and started screaming at Katherine "What the hell is wrong with you? It was just a joke. Why did you have to go so far?"

"That wasn't me, that was my heavenly fox beast. It's very particular about it's looks so it got angry. Hey I'll apologize to Damon when he wakes up."

"What are you talking about? What beast?" Stefan being older than Elena can see there's more to the story so he asks.

"Stefan don't believe her lies we all saw what happened." Elena wanted a United front. Katherine can not be allowed to continue living here.

"Well like werewolves I also have a beast form and mine is conscious and temperamental." Katharine said lightly.

"But.. you're a vampire?" Elena spoke.

"That I am, indeed." She continues drinking.

"So, how do you also have a beast? I thought you can only be one?" Stefan asked.

"That...is probably because...I am a hybrid." She finished and chucked down another sip.

"What?!" The exact same word from three people which included Damon as he is up now holding his head. The couple rushed to Damon to check if he is alright.

Katharine looked at this scene and chuckled. Elena looked at her with fury but Katherine raised her hands in surrender.

"Damon, I am sorry for bashing your head against the floor and the glass shards no doubts embedded inside your face somewhere. It was my beast. She doesn't like being compared to lower life forms. Try not to do it in my presence. In fact try not to be rude, and just try not be you when I'm around okay? Yeah? Good." She smiled.

"You don't sound sorry at all, and what's this about you being a hybrid?" Damon skipped over the insult and asked what he wants to know.

"The same as wolves..."

"Yeah I got that, What I don't get is since when and how?" Damon pulled out a bloody shard of glass behind his ear making Elena nauseous.

"That is the question isn't it? Just know that I was very fortunate." She said showing her claws, sharp and scary but oddly elegant. She wouldn't answer any questions after that statement.

Time went by and Elijah came. He found Elena and Katherine having a heated discussion.

"Are you just telling me to lay down and accept my fate?" 

"That is your decision to make. I made mine, all those years ago and we know the results from it. I am the only one who can understand your position only barely."

"Understand me? No! No one can understand what I am going through Katharine, you ran away while I can't do it, you see it now? There's nothing similar in our stories. Your entire family is already wiped out but mine is still alive. So, how are we similar? Huh?" Elena spoke with frustration. Elijah thought Katherine would make a scene, but she just chuckled.

"Low blow. Elena, perhaps we don't have to wait for too long before you show us your other side." She continues drinking.

"I... that.." Elena realized what she just said wanted to salvage the situation but Katharine just laughed.

"Don't worry about it Elena everyone in this room is a bad child. You caused your loving adoptive parents to drive over a bridge, Damon used to wish for the death of his father, Stefan killed his own father and I...well you know what I did. So don't worry your pretty head about it." Even though she said it, her smile is very sad, not that there is anyone who noticed.

"Are you okay? How are you feeling now?" Stefan asked Elena making Elijah want to roll his eyes.

"Less likely to spiral to a dark place but I am still a mess. I am not convinced by this nice person façade you are selling here Katharine, And I will never forget you hurt aunt Jenna." Elena said while throwing a couch small pillow at Katherine. 

"I'd expect nothing less. You have the Petrova fire." Katharine says with a laugh.

"Whatever." Elena grumbled.

"You should thank me for shaking you out of your comfort zone, if you're going to go up against that psycho you should be trained." Katherine said with an eye roll.

"Just apologize. Is that so hard? Or do you think you did nothing wrong?" Elena asked with anger. 

"I will apologize, to someone I hurt, not you. That is if I apologize in the first place." 

"Are you serious? You didn't do anything wrong to me?" Her voice went up in volume. 

"Why should I apologize? Don't you forgive every atrocities Damon commit without him even apologizing? Be a good girl and put on your high tolerance cap and let it slide would you?" She threw the pillow back.

"Argh! You are frustrating." Elena pushed her with her weak strength to the couch making Katherine chuckle. 

"Alright. I didn't do it because I thought you wouldn't give me such an opportunity. But here you are, giving me more reason to dislike you. Honestly Elena, who could be so kind as to give someone like me a time of day to make amends for things they did on purpose with such obvious malice?" 

"Do you think you do not deserve kindness?"


"It is not that I think so, it is a fact. Elena, some people are just not worth your patience, and by giving them forgiveness or a second chance you are just asking to be hurt again." Katherine said serious expression etched onto her face making Elena frown.

"Is that how you have been living all these years? Such a hallow life you've been living." 

"Oh my descended is this sweet, no wonder you invite a dark crowd to yourself. Listen to your ancestor Elena, you may forgive the worthy, but do not make it so people can openly take advantage of you. You will not last. How can you be so good? So kind and still be real enough to be tangible?" Katherine asks with a tilted head. She then poke Elena on the shoulder as if she doesn't believe she is real.

"I am not as good as you say. I can hurt good people too." Elena said weakly.

"Are you talking about the death of your adoptive parents? That was an accident. I am not saying you should dismiss it altogether but try to think about what they would want for you. Would they want you to live with such a heavy blame? I refuse to believe that people who raised such a fluffy snowflake will want you to bare such a burden."

"Thank you. Stefan has said something similar before but somehow it feels different from you." 

"Is it because I have my clothes on? Or my voice is not laced with sickening affection?" 

"Must you be so crude?" Elena frowned. 

"I am too old Elena, it's easier to just say what I want to say."

Elena rolls her eyes "I still don't believe what you said about not forgiving people." 

"Your choice. Another thing about growing up is the burden of making your own decisions. It is up to you whether you learn from other people's experiences or from your own." 

"Such profound words from the woman who had so much fun terrorizing a group of teenagers not so long ago. You killed Caroline in her sleep, just because Stefan and Damon ignored you." 

"I'm 500 years old, call it boredom."

Katherine answered unconcerned. Elena's anger resurfaced. 

"You really are fun to tease Elena. We could have been friends in another life." Katherine said with a smile. 

"In that life, are you not killing innocents and just all around a colossal raging bitch?" 

"I'm probably still like that, but unlike this life, we don't share the same body appearance." 

"Is that why you hate me? Because of my looks?" 

"That is one aspect." Katherine said with clenched teeth. Katherine's intense emotions hit her like a tidal wave. Katherine's dislike for Elena is quite deep. 

"What do you mean? I didn't ask to be like this, who would like to look like this if it meant they will be sacrificed by some creep to break a curse?" Elena sounded wronged.

"Let me put it like this, you had a loving childhood, a pair of parents who adored you, an adorable little brother and a good life with friends. To top it all off you have the love of the Salvatore brothers. While I had to live them the moment I met them because I was on a run if they were seen with me they will beg for death because of how horrible their torture will be. Tell me Elena, if you were me wouldn't you hate you? I get to live in the shadows while you bask in the light, it would be fine if you were someone else but you are not. Like me, you are a Petrova doppelganger." 

Elena is wise enough to keep silent to the rant. It's good too, who knows how she would die if Katherine lost control of herself. 

"I see, I still don't think that excuse your appalling behavior." 

"It doesn't, which brings me back to my point. Some people should be thrown away without hesitation little snowflake." Katharine tickles Elena who runs away from her.

"I will leave you now, I'm afraid I'm going to be angered to a heart attack by you." Katherine soon follows she take a shower and then comes back down to find four people in the living room drinking tea and alcohol.

"Katharina." Elijah walks towards her.

"You're here." Katherine says with an eye roll.

"Katherine, you were saying something about Elijah's inability to kill his brother?" Damon cut between them facing Elijah with his back to Katharine. 

"My hero." Katherine held Damon from behind and put her head on his back. Damon stiffen but didn't say anything to stop her. 

"I was in the middle of something here, Damon." Elijah said, displeasure dripping from his voice. "May I suggest you take a step back?" 

"Not until Katherine explains why she doesn't trust your words." Damon refused to back down. 

"Alright, I'll explain myself." Katherine having had her fun steps out from behind Damon. She walks towards the table where Stefan and Elena are seated. Elijah unbuttons his coat and takes it off placing it on a chair then he took his seat.

"Before I begin my own explanation let me ask Stefan something."

"What does you not trusting Elijah has to do with me? you are just trying to seem relevant or is it that you want to get something?"

"Aren't you a little too green to be this paranoid?" Katherine shot back.

"Is that your question?" Stefan snaps.

"Fine, Stefan can you elaborate why you haven't put Damon down after all that he has done?"

"I don't understand..."

"Damon promised you an eternity of misery, every time you find any semblance of a comfortable life he comes and ruins it for you. He kills, he torments hell you even sometimes refer to him a monster."

Katherine's voice turned cold in the end. 

Stefan became uncomfortable and started lowering his eyes, not daring to look anyone in the eyes. 

"You have had opportunities, it's not like he doesn't deserve it. Stefan, he once butchered a pregnant woman, a woman who was carrying his own blood. Look at the Salvatore bloodline now? He Killed Zac out of spite Stefan. When you got a chance to end his tyranny you held back.... why?"

"He's my brother." Stefan said in barely a whisper. 

"What was that? I didn't quite get it." Katherine taunted. 

"Because HE IS MY BROTHER. He was never like that to begin with, it was you who poisoned him with your lies and turned my kind brother into someone I can barely recognize. So if there's someone I should kill it is YOU!" Stefan shouted with visible rage. 

Katherine smiled at him and turned to Damon. "There you have it, no mater how horrible Damon's actions may be, Stefan will never be the one to put him down because of the one thing that is absolute. Family. That kind of bond, not even an entity such as time can completely sever it." She walked to Elijah's seat and stood next to him. 

"I may have only spent small amount of time with the Mikaelson brothers but this man is currently throwing a tantrum and when that moment comes, he will not go through with it. So unless you have a way to ensure that he will keep his word, find another way." 

"That's what you are basing your theory on? unbreakable family bonds?" Damon rolls his eyes. 

"I take offence with your evaluation of me. I am a man of my word Katharina, you should know this, I make a deal I keep a deal."

"Unless it is a threat to your family. Come on Elijah, your devotion to your brother is pathological or do you actually believe you will be able to go through with it?" Katherine looked at him. Elijah looked at her with an unreadable expression. 

She sighed, "It seems it is not the kids you're lying to. But yourself."

"You speak of family bonds, but where were they when he scattered our family across the sea? My devotion was shattered along with my tolerance for his behavior when I found out what he did. So do not presume to know me and what I want." He said standing in front of her with a hard stare. 

"Did you see him do it?" She suddenly asked. 

"No. But he told me this himself, I don't see why he would lie."

"What if he didn't? what then? would you kill him, knowing he is the only one with their location?" Katherine saw his hard stare falter. "I didn't think so." She moved away from him and looked at the people in the table. 

"Take my advice and serve Elena in a silver platter to the would be hybrid." She said the Salvatore brothers growl. She laughed at them.

"I can understand your reluctance to trust me but why would you insist on making them loose hope? Have you fallen so far that not even a small version of the woman I knew remains inside? They are despairing and I am offering them hope, why are you interfering?" Elijah threw the ball back to her intensions. 

 "It's very simple. The less you struggle the less people will get hurt. She will come back to life and the big bad wolf will be out of your lives. It is just an advice you don't have to listen to me and see what happens. That is the beauty of having a long life gentlemen, you get to live with your decisions."

The room became quiet as Elena stood up.

"Where are you going?" Stefan asked. 

"I had a long day I'm tired. Aunt Jenna must be worried sick." Stefan wanted to go with her but Elena refused him. 

"If you want I can give you a massage to help you sleep better." Katherine offered.

"No, you stay away from her." Stefan said harshly.

"She is not yours to command Stefan, she is my blood not yours. Besides, she had a taste of my technique." Katherine looked at Elena whose walk halted for a second and then she continued leaving. 

"Fine, but who knows what I'll do when I get bored in this house packed with all these delicious looking men...what's a girl to do? maybe we can all play together." She said and Elena's steps halted. 

"Never!" Stefan said with hate in his voice. 

"Are you sure you can ....resist me Stefan? you are only a fledgling after all. I am known to lay waste to great armies whose strength far surpass yours, I can have you begging to let you kiss my feet. That brother of yours whom you love with all your life, I can have you rip out his heart and eat it with relish. Are you sure you can challenge me little boy?" Katherine asked with an amiable smile that sent shivers up Stefan's spine. 

"Okay, point made. Look what you are doing Katherine, you are scaring the kids. If you are bored say the word and I'm game." Damon sped to her, blocking her view of Stefan. 

"Always the big brother Damon." She said putting her hand on his shirt. 



Both Elijah and Elena said her name at the same time. Katherine looked at Elena with sparkling eyes. Elena looked like she swallowed a fly. 

"Would you like to come over at my house?" She looked to be in physical pain. 

"I would love to be a guest in your home Elena. Thank you for inviting me." She practically skipped over to Elena

"No, Elena, we still don't know her motives." Stefan said with a visible panic in his tone. 

"You heard her, I'm her descendant." Elena looked to Kathrine who ran to her and hooked their arms together.

"Great." They made their way to the door way but their way is soon blocked by Elijah. 

"Can we help you with something?" Elena, though apprehensive about his identity still managed to show her irritation. 

"You wouldn't be trying to bully a little girl would you Elijah?" Katherine asked with a sweet voice. 

"I can assure you that is not my intention. I was hoping I can impose on the two young ladies for a fraction of a minute?" Elijah said kindly.

"Elena is tired. We will see you later." Katherine pulled Elena and the house descended into silence.

Elijah stood there watching the two girls leaving. Damon poured three glasses of bourbon and gave each of the remaining gentlemen one and sat down to enjoy his own. 

"So, here's a thing Elijah, what Katherine said may have been overly mushy but she is not completely wrong. How do we know you will hold your end for sure?" Damon asked with a serious tone.

"I can not convince you to trust my word but lets face it, you have limited options. With me, you have less casualties but on your own... who knows?" 

"So we need you but you don't need us?" Stefan said with a bitter taste in his mouth. 

"Shouldn't you be worried about Elena?" Elijah asked Stefan with a raised eyebrow.

"I am between a rock and a hard place." Stefan said looking at Elijah. 

"I see, you are also worried for your brother. How touching." 

"Also Katherine won't do anything to Elena, she keeps saying let her be sacrificed as if she has a personal investment in seeing Klaus's curse undone." Damon cut in. 

"It would seem to be the case. Odd, considering what he did to her family all those years. Listening to her talk about family I can insinuate that she had not forgiven him." Elijah said.

"She seemed angry with you too. Care to share?" Damon asks with a mischievous smile.


The walk is silent and when they make it to the Gilbert house Elena hesitantly look towards her ancestor. She hates this woman, first because of all the horror she had unleashed to her and her friends when she first showed up, second because of what she looks like.

Katherine looks.... bored. "Why are you forcing me to take you in? It's not like we get along."

"I don't want to stay somewhere else Elena, we are family, how can you bare to see me be homeless?" Katherine widened her eyes. If Elena didn't know better, she would have thought she is being bullied.

"You don't want to tell me fine, but you better not hurt my family Katherine I mean it."

"Alright. No hurting Elena's blood relatives."

"Not just my blood relatives, you know I was adopted and you are trying to trick me. You can't hurt anyone I care about. Got it?" Elena got up in her face like a fierce tiger.

"No hurting your people, got it. Does it include Matt?"

"YES!" Elena shouted.

"Alright. Including Matt."

"What is it you really want?"

"I made some mistakes upon my arrival in this town and I want to apologize to the affected parties." Katherine answered.

"You're joking right?"

"Not to you, snowflakes." Katherine grumbles

"I'll believe that when I see it."

"Meh meh meh...quit whining Elena, before I make you shut up for a year."

"I have vervain." Elena says rolling her eyes.

"Do you not drink it?" Seeing Elena freeze Katherine shakes her head. "You're not very smart are you snowflakes? You are a human, weak and at their mercy. Why would you bank on something that can be taken from you?"

"I don't need your advice." Elena responded with a harsh tone.

Katherine is about to say something when her sense of danger alert her of malice. She sent out her spiritual force but found nothing, it seems whoever it is they are staying outside her range. She is regretful about loosing her cultivation base which she spent 3000 years building up but this place is not that difficult to maneuver.

She continues walking but her senses are sharp and waiting for any sign of trouble. Just when she is about to give up a large wooden stake came in an astonishing speed headed straight for her heart.

Had she not been alarmed already she would have died just now. Katherine took the stake and threw it back where it came from. The action is so fast the person still had their hand in a shooting posture. The stake went back into the large gun and because of the speed and the power behind the stake, the gun bust out sending metal shards everywhere.

"Ah!" A scream came from where the stake was returned by Katherine. She looked to Elena

"Go inside." Elena didn't need to be told twice, she went in the house running. Katherine disappeared from where she stood. She reappears in front of a crouching John.

"As I live and breathe, John, is this anyway to treat your in law?" Katherine smirks at him. However John kept wailing.

"Stop making noise." She sent her command straight to his brain making him Halt from his screaming and look at her with wide eyes, well more like wide eye.

"So unlucky, I see one of the pieces is lodged deep inside your eye. That is what you get for ambushing me."

"How did you compel me, I'm on vervain?"

"It's a long story why don't you cook dinner and I'll tell you all about it?"

"I don't want to cook."

"You don't have a choice. Now come and do your best to cook good dinner for your family, which includes me now." She drags him into the house.

Elena is pacing in the lounge when they came in. She sees Katherine dragging someone and then tossing him on the floor like he isn't bleeding from his face and arms.

"I know I said I wouldn't hurt your people but, he ambushed me. Don't be mad okay snowflake? He is still alive and well." She said to a frowning Elena

"Stop calling me that. What the hell are you doing here uncle John?"

"He is cooking dinner for everyone, isn't that nice? He is even going to do his best. Go upstairs and rest I'll call you when dinner is ready."

"What? Nobody wants to eat his food."

"I could eat." Jeremy came from the stairs. His expression changed when he saw Katherine who smiled at him.

"Elena don't say that, besides look at your body, how are you going to fill out the right places if you eat like a bird? Look at the size of your arms, I bet a child hit harder than you."

"Is no one going to take the bleeding man to the hospital?" Jeremy asked deciding to deal with one thing at a time.

Katherine took some of the blood from the ground and started chanting. The blood started moving towards John who wanted to run away from it but Katherine held him in place. Soon there is no blood on the ground and John's wounds started to heal at a pace visible to the naked eye.

A deafening silence fell on the house. "Now John." Katherine said to John who just nodded in fright and went to start dinner.

"What the hell was that? I thought vampires can't practice magic."

"I am special darling little Gilbert. Why do you have Anna's ghost following you?"

"What?" "What?" Both siblings asked at the same time. But the one who is more shocked is Anna.

"Are you spying for those annoying witches?" Katherine asked with folded arms

Ana shook her head. "Hello to you too Katherine. No, I was just trying to see him."

"Err really? Little Gilbert's charm transcend species, not to mention space, death and who knows what. Anyways I have to destroy your soul now that you know my secrets." Katherine gave a blood thirsty smile making Anna take a step back.

"I'm joking. There's no secret." Katherine laughed.

"Why are you here?" Jeremy couldn't hold it in anymore and asked.

"This is where my descendants live. Where else would I be?" She looked at Jeremy with narrowed eyes. "Why the hostility young Gilbert? I haven't done any harm to you have I?" She asked.

"Why is my uncle bleeding on the floor?" Jeremy deadpanned.

"You know John is a dick, he probably offended someone on his way home, I kindly brought him in and even healed him."

Elena went upstairs but Jeremy is not assured with Katherine in the house. "I had a date with Bonnie."

"Why are you wasting your time with that one?" Katherine asked while reading a magazine.

"None of your business."


"What was that by the way? That magic stuff you just did?"

"A family legacy I suppose. A memory of sort."

"Oh? Tell me about it." Jeremy sat down opposite Katherine making her lift up the magazine in her hand.

"Don't bother, you don't have the talent. You do however have a supernatural presence, buried in potential. It's low level but definitely better than what you are now." Katherine said after studying Jeremy.

"What is it?" Jeremy asked looking concerned.

"Don't worry it won't hurt you but it is ritualistic in nature which means whoever came up with it had a purpose in mind. If you activate it your mind may be wired to achieve that purpose no matter what."

"Would it make me stronger?" Jeremy asked.

"Yes. But how strong? Will it be worth the price of your freedom? I don't know."

Jeremy sat there with a contemplating expression on his face. "I ..."

"There is another option, you let me train you and let me transform your body into a sharpest sword."

"You? I remember you being bested a while back." Jeremy seems amused.

"You know Jeremy, life comes down to a few decisions. Those decisions will then affect your upcoming few years, those years will then lead to your end. But it begins with that single first step."

"How philosophical of you." Bonnie spoke from the main door.

"Hey Bon, Jeremy missed your date because he is worried I will do something evil while he is away. You came at the right time. I was making Jeremy an offer."

Bonnie took purposeful steps towards Katherine and stood in front of her and started glaring at her. The way she looked at her with a fixed gaze, it is obvious she is trying to use her power. Katherine gave her a toothy grin. "Perhaps you should pick another hobby because clearly witch crafting isn't working out for you."

"As I was saying, I can make him stronger. Convince him it is the right decision for him."

"Why would you want to help him?" Bonnie gave up after trying to fry Katherine's brain and failing. 

"I am making amends, to Elena for the way I behaved upon my arrival."

"Why would you suddenly want to make amends what do you want?" Jeremy askes visibly coming down now that Bonnie the backup is here.

"Well, I am looking to be a better person or whatever." 

Chuckling sounds came from Jeremy while Bonnie looked visibly appalled. 

"Okay, so what have you done since coming out of your confinement in relation to achieving this goal?" Bonnie asked with a bit of interest. 

Bonnie sat down along with her boyfriend finding this whole situation bizarre. How can someone who did so many things suddenly want to make amends and be a better person? she most likely want something.

Bonnie had already heard from Elena that she used her blood to leave the boundary spell. In order for her to get to the bottom of it, she needs to 'play nice'.

"Bonnie just ask what you really want to ask. Stop this meaningless banter you're not subtle." Katherine rolled her eyes. 

"How did my blood help you come out of that boundary spell? That spell was so strong it drained my grams the last time we worked on it." Bonnie is not exactly an undercover type of person. 

"I used knowledge gained from my parents, their coven was all about countering witch magic. Father had a high position in their ranks and I had to copy the records as punishment every time I made a blunder."

"Can I learn it?" Before she can stop herself she blurted out the question. 

"You are a witch, so no. You already have access to natural magic."

"So anyone else can learn this magic?" Jeremy pecked up.

"I wouldn't recommend it, If the coven find out about you practicing their arts they will come and force you to join them. They are reclusive and fanatic about their beliefs."

"What about you?" Jeremy asked. 

"If they bother me I'll slaughter the lot of them." Katherine smiled 

They watched TV until Jenna walked in. She smiled at seeing the young people watching tv. Katherine looked at her and remembered what she had come here for. She will do it when the kids are not here. 

"Bonnie you should go back home, and brush up on those mediocre skills of yours." Katherine said. Jeremy got mad and Jenna gave her a disapproving look. 

"It's alright Jeremy I need to do something anyways. Good bye Katherine."

"Bye little witch. See you." Katherine said as Bonnie left the house. 

"What was that? Elena, you should be nicer to her. She lost her only relative who raised her and now she lives by herself. You should have invited her for dinner." Jenna admonished. She then went to shower.

"You know it was your fault that her grandma died? Damon wanted to get you out of that tomb!" Jeremy bellowed. 

"Jeremy if we are going to live together you can't expect me to be Elena, I'm very old, very powerful and I haven't been involved with mortals for many many years. I am honest and a bad person. Now, I'm willing to change but don't expect me to be like snowflakes." Katherine ruffled his hair making him angry. 

"Jenna come here let me give you a massage, I promise you will be relaxed and more susceptible to my apology." Elena / Katherine pulled her to the couch and laid her face down. .

This one is long.

Nangonjingcreators' thoughts