
the fourth scourge of star wars

Take over a Homeworld mothership and travel to the world of Star Wars? Tang Xiao: “This world is so dangerous. Mom, I want to go home.” Wait a minute, the mothership database actually has “Original Sin of the Solar Empire”, “Halo”, “EVE”, “StarCraft”, “Stellaris”? ? And there are still Jim Raynor, Master Chief, and Archbishop Artanis sleeping in the freezer? Tang Xiao: “Humph! They will all bow down at my feet!!” The Fourth Calamity… ah no, long live the Fourth Empire!

Mallison · ภาพยนตร์
229 Chs

The Fourth Scourge of Star Wars Vol 2 Chapter 105: negotiator

Tang Xiao stood in front of a huge blackboard, on which he filled countless words with thumbtacks, and then connected them with lines of different colors.

In the corner of the blackboard, the Hutt Gadura, Black Sun, Planet Naboo, and Bando-Gosa are all connected by black lines, and the end of these lines all point to Coruscant in the inner circle of the Milky Way.

Tang Xiao rubbed his chin and pondered while muttering to himself, "What Black Ge asked me to take away this time was one of the lair of the terrorist organization Bando-Gosa. Bando-Gosa...In the plot of "Star Wars" Very little involved. But in this alliance against Kuro-Damask II, they are mostly pawns."

"The collusion between Black Sun and Planet Naboo should be about the export of resources from Planet Naboo in the plot. Veruna, the king of Planet Naboo, signed an unequal trade contract that was almost exploitative with the Trade Alliance. was able to ascend to the throne. But at the end of his reign, constant corruption left him facing serious financial problems and he was eager to find new income. So... getting rid of the unequal treaty with the trade union is the best options."

"Then there is... Gadura..." Tang Xiao drew a circle on Gadura's name, "She failed because of the competition with Jabba, and Hego, who previously supported her, is now ready to turn to Jabba. , so this is the last madness. Moreover, this time Yuri sold the arms to her subordinates, which aroused Jabba's anger even more... Now Gadura's life should be even more difficult..."

"So these people are gradually starting to unite now and want to deal with Black Ge-Damask II. Then on Black Ge..." Tang Xiao drew a circle on Black Ge's name and said to himself: "He has already noticed this league, but he has not yet realized the seriousness of the problem. These people, but almost killed him... He can't die early. After 3 years, it is still the best option. Then , where do I start..."

He thought about it for a while, a trace of coldness appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then tore off Gadura's name, "It's you, Gadura."

[Manager, a shuttle is approaching the mothership and has sent an identification code indicating that they are representatives of Damask Holdings Group. ]

"Notify Gross-Shelbia and tell her that the Lord is coming." After Tang Xiao finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of the room, and then pressed the button. The door of the room gradually closed, and it was no different from the surrounding walls. Not even a gap.

With the help of the female assistant, he changed into formal clothes as he walked towards the living room and asked, "Who's here? Isn't it Black?"

"It's not Heigo, it's another Muun. We are already arranging for a Muun language expert to come over." The female assistant replied.

"That's the case, just let Gross greet you. Let the people from the logistics department set up the venue and carry it out with the highest standards." Tang Xiao said, and stepped into the elevator.

After running for a while, the elevator came to a wide and bright rotunda. There are already logistics staff and chefs setting up various snacks and refreshments, and translators, clerks, etiquette staff and think tank members are also in place.

Tang Xiao went directly to the main seat and sat down, while the logistics staff were placing two flags behind him. They are the four-armed Galaxy flag of the Fourth Civilization and the flag of the Damask Holding Group.

Through monitoring, Tang Xiao saw that the shuttle had landed, and a team of guards walked down, led by three Muuns in gorgeous clothes.

However, after they got off the spaceship, they seemed to have some disputes with Gross who went to greet them. Gross bowed his head to explain very politely, but the Muuns seemed to say a few heavy words before going down to the elevator with Gross and heading towards the living room.

Tang Xiao frowned when he saw this scene.

A moment later, a tall, slender, and intellectually beautiful Jewish woman in her 30s walked into the parlour. She stepped aside very politely and invited the three Muuns in.

The three Muuns were headed by one holding a cane and looked arrogant, and the two behind him were holding documents and terminals, which should be his assistants.

After seeing Tang Xiao, the man in the lead didn't mean to salute at all, but sneered and said, "Are you the director of this fourth group?"

"Yes, I am Tang Xiao."

The Muun's expression darkened instantly, "Why didn't you come over to greet him in person?"

Tang Xiao replied with a smile: "Because you are not King Hego-Damask II."

"Bastard! How could a low-level person like you be able to climb high, Lord Hege!" The Muen man scolded, but he still walked towards the position beside Tang Xiao and said: "Okay, start as soon as possible, your no-nonsense I'll put the gift on my account! It's definitely not cheap! Tell me, what do you want, I can estimate the price. It's better to do it as soon as possible, my time is precious..."

He walked a few steps and suddenly stopped, because he suddenly found that the air in front of him seemed to freeze, and he could no longer take a step forward.

I only heard Tang Xiao ask indifferently: "Do you have a black Ge communication method?"

"Hmph, I am Lord Heige's most capable assistant, and of course I have his means of communication." The Muwen answered with his head held high, and he almost turned his chin towards Tang Xiao.

"Then please tell He Ge, the representative needs to be replaced." A red light flashed in Tang Xiao's eyes.

"You're going to..."

Before Miao Enren finished speaking, Tang Xiao raised his hand with a light claw, and Miao Enren was lifted up by an invisible force. He struggled hard, but Tang Xiao did not give him this opportunity, and he began to exert force gradually. , the Force drummed around him.

The smirk on Tang Xiao's mouth became stronger and stronger, and the struggle of the Muen people became weaker and weaker...

In the end, only a click was heard, and the Muun's neck was directly twisted!

Including Gross, everyone present was stunned.

Tang Xiao took a deep breath and said to the remaining two Muen assistants, "Did you hear what I said? I said, change."

"You... Lord Black Ge will never spare you!" The two Muuns recovered their strength after that, and they turned around and ran away without being scared. He didn't even care that the document he was holding earlier fell to the ground.

Kuroko won't spare me? No... he should be very happy. Even speaking, the Muun's rude attitude may have been deliberately arranged by Hego to test.

Tang Xiao smiled coldly, stood up from his seat, and said to Gross, "I'm sorry Gross, I'm afraid our schedule will have to be pushed back a bit."