

Caught in bed with a man that wasn't her husband, Kathleen Crawford was declared guilty and shamefully banished from the Hudson's family. Although she was set up, and nothing happened between them, but who was ready to believe her story given the circumstance that the one who saw her was the Almighty Shawn David Hudson: her own husband. No longer the weakling and spineless women that left the Hudson family, she returned a few years later with a new but powerful identity. Revenge was her mission: an eye for an eye for those who have set her up. She didn’t mind crushing whoever dares to stand in her path. But in her quest for revenge, will Shawn sweep her off her feet a second time or is Kathleen’s heart too cold to be melted by his irresistible charm?

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427 Chs

Who Do You Think Their Father Is?

"Smack! Smack!" In the blink of an eye two tight slaps descended on both sides of Linda's cheeks in quick successions.

Everywhere went quiet and one could literally hear a pin drop at the silence that ensued.

"I let you go six years ago because I couldn't get evidence, not because I didn't know that you were the one behind it. But you still have the gut to ceaselessly defame me. And now you dare call my children bastards?"

Kathleen's tone was cold enough to send a chill down anyone's spin. And the aura emanating from her at that moment was so intimidating that those mouths that were running ceaselessly became shut instantly.

Nobody dared utter another word as they saw how the previously calm and quiet woman that didn't look like the one they were dicing, suddenly turned furious, seething with rage.

After the slap, Linda's cheeks were as red as a monkey's butt, and she was shivering with fright.