
The flashes op twin brother.

SUPREME GODDESS :What do you desire? Money and wealth? Glory? Honour and pride? Authority and power? Revenge? Or something that transcends all of them? Whatever you desire I CAN GIVE. Now mortal what do you wish for. Mc:can you give me a drill. SUPREME GODDESS :???????,IM SORRY I DONT THINK YOU HEARD CORECTLY LET ME REAPEAT MY SLE.... mc:I heard you the first time and I said I want a my drill. SUPRRME GODDESS :'what's wrong with this stupid mortal.'"wh,why do you want a drill." mc looks at the supreme being and then at his transparent self.The mc was looking at something that the supreme being couldn't.In the middle of his chest there was the tiniest of swirls tho negliable to some it wasent to the him. The mc smiles And looks to the supreme godess with a smile so genuine even the supreme godess can't help but be mesmerized. Mc:ah ha ha hehe hahahaha,why I chose a drill over all others things I could have. well it's pretty simple really, it's because...it's because...I believe ... ........................MY DRILL IS MY SOUL..................... (AN"will anyone get the reference to what sort of powers he will have.")

Etiger789 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
37 Chs

5000 years of training begins...

Amora"Have you understood all of what I've said Ezikiel."

Ezikiel " yes I have,you can carry on"

Amora "exelent,then the forth stage of luck is"

master luck - you will be one of the luckiest people in existence, to a point that things go to your way no matter what you do. Any attempts to make bad things happen to the you will almost always fail unless their chances are cosmically minuscule.

Amora" And last but not least the last stage of extreme luck is."

ultimate luck or what can refer to as Absolute,Divine,Endless,Infinite,Transcendent Luck,Chosen One,The Destined,The One,The Protagonist and the Special One etcetera etcetera.

Ezikiel you would be blessed blessed with levels of luck so great that it bends the very structures of reality, constantly rearranging them to your advantage, whether you want it or not. Your luck affects you to the point where probability means nothing, as in you are immune and unaffected by the laws of causality, live life without consequences, are fated for wealth and riches, forge your own path to whatever your heart desires and fulfill your every wish, etc.

This allows users of luck amazing success in all activities and aspects of life, to surpass the most impossible odds, conquer the most difficult of tasks and trials, and even defe at the most unbeatable opponents.

Your luck may be so powerful that no force within any universe or reality can take it from you, not even death, allowing your luck to be carried on into the afterlife or into their next life if or when they pass on.The only thing that could counter you luck is the unlucky god but he wouldn't dear to do anything as mother would just erase him from existence if need be.

Now that we've talked about the second wish let's move onto the third wish which was to have bans extreme healing factor and immortality and that if you choose a person to become immortal like you they have to drink a drop your blood and that it can only work you give consent to it,otherwise it would be like any another humans.well this wish I pretty self explanitory and you already know the ins and out about it.

ahhh but mother has added in that no one will be able to clone and experiments on your blood. Tho after you get your powers I don't think people will ever get the chance to get you blood in the first place.

Ezikiel " so what about my forth wish will I get the powers later and the knowledge now or both at the same time."

Amora "You will get the knoledge when you get your powers you got enough on your plate as it is.But in any case it will be benificial if I tell you now.

The forth wish you asked for is the knowledge and abilities of tsunade from naruto,recovery girl from my hero,Elizabeth from 7 deadly sins,Wendy from fairy tail and Giorno giovannas stand from jojos bezare adventures.

first let's start with tsunade.not only will you inherit her knolege of all her battle skils but also her medical ninjutsu,energy control and senju life force but you will also receive a katsuya slug contract scroll.

The second is recovery girls modern knoledge as well as her quirk heal : This Quirk allows her to amplify and speed up the human body's healing process by kissing them. However, the process uses large amounts of energy from the subject, and could potentially kill.but with your future senju blood and immortality you will not have the draw backs.

The third person is Elizabeth form 7 deadly sins.the first spell is

ark - An archetypal magic technique of the Goddess Clan which creates light particles. It can be used in different ways such as energy beams, explosions, barriers, or extremely large blades, in her case equal and wider than the leader of the Archangels'. It is mainly used to counteract darkness by disintegrating it with light, but it also can cause great physical damage to the targets. 

let there be light - crossing your arms, you can fire off drill-shaped projectiles purifying massive darkness and extracting it from the target, including any lingering hatred the dead may leave behind that prevents them from fully passing on, even when inside a host.It can also be used to rip darkness off someone's body.

And last but not least healing if controlled can heal for thousands if not millions of people at the same time.

Now the forth person Wendy from fairy tail.You will also gain her powers and knoledge of healing in which shy leaned from her dragon mother as well as all her dragon arts.

sky dragon roar - which will blast out a huge hurricane like attack that's if used right can destroy cities.

sky dragon healing spell - type of healing Magic which is powerful and believed to be long-lost where the user manipulates clean air, to perform various feats, such as draining poison from an infected victim.And can even revive people that are in a near-death state.

Then there's dragon force.Dragon force - By consuming air with high concentration of energy.

Enhanced speed: Through the use of Dragon Force, Wendy was shown to have improved her speed as she was able to evade Ezel's attack and appear right behind the Demon, allowing her to attack.

Enhanced endurance : With the help of Dragon Force, Wendy was also shown to have greater physical stamina. The Dragon Slayer was still able to fight back, even though she already suffered a lot of major damage from Ezel.basically it enhances everything to a dragons level.

Now last but not least Giorno giovannas stand gold experience.Is one of the most versatile Stands in the jojo. It has the ability to create and manipulate life, which Giorno most often used to produce plants and small animals but you can do so much more then create small animals.

Both can be used for a variety of purposes ranging from disguise to tracking origins. As a short-ranged Power-type, it is also capable of unleashing a rapid barrage of punches, which Giorno uses almost exclusively with lethal intent.

There is still more but first we will be starting your combat traning for the first 1500 years then which will include martial arts and weapon use then another 1500 years will be your knolege and comprehention to be able to use your first wish effectively.And after knoledge training is over we will spend 1000 more years in simulations controlling that power creating soul memory so that when you syncrnize perfectly with your body you will be able to control your powers imidietly.

And after your 4 thousand years of training you will be going back to theary lessons so that you can get closer to completing the conditions mother has set you for the fith wish.

so altogether we will be spending 510.06 years together.So I ask you Ezikiel allen are you ready.

ezikiel" Gulp,I,I I'm ready."

Amora sudenly smiles that gives even my soul a fright.I think I'm gonna regret answering her so quickly.'Amora is that you where did that cheery girl go,I want kind amora back.'

Amora"heheheheh sadly that amora is gone.right now you will address me as mam or big sis is that understood."

Ezikiel" Yes mam."damn I forgot she can hear my every thought wait if that's the case.I look up only to see amora with an even more scarier smile."

amora"well let the training begin."and with that amora grabs my hand and drags me throgh the infinite stars not knowing what and where it will lead to.