
7. Janitor Of The Forest.


I can't believe I lost to that old lady, what an embarrassment. And my little friend is currently cheering me up by gently patting my head while saying something, probably trying to encourage me not to be down.

Thank you little one, you're a good friend.

However, I'm no longer in a down mood and I feel as if nothing ever happened. In fact, my mind was in incognito mode throughout that battle, and once it ended I was out of incognito mode. And when I look back in my memory history, nothing about what had happened showed up. In simpler words, I never lost.

Actually, what am I talking about right now? I don't know. Weird.

Anyway, once I had finished beating the elderly woman with ease, I moved on to another job. I am still eager to help out. And fortunately, after seeing how dependable I was, and how much of a hard worker I could be. I was promoted by the chieftess.

Hell yeah, I'm with the big boys now. Oh, and girls too. I was now tasked to help out the people who were hard on work on the mammoth that I brought along.

I looked at the task ahead with a scoff, this will definitely be easy. Oh, I forgot, I don't know how to skin an animal. The others saw that I had no idea how to begin, but fortunately, they were willing to help. Maybe a bit too eager to help me...

I see, cut the skin then pull it downwards while cutting it off from the body. Huh, easy enough. I got this. And I can also see that the thick fur and hide of this mammoth will be used for either clothing and other stuff.

Alright, let's get stuck in. I move in beside other natives who were focused on separating the fur and began to earnestly work.

After a while, I came to the realization that this shit was hard. Not trying to sound like a little pussio but I would much rather prefer fighting a beast than this, at least I know I will succeed doing that. When I looked at the damage I've caused to the fur, I was a bit embarrassed. I even tried to play it off by hiding it with the hairs of the mammoth but the others already noticed. Goddamn it.

Today's just not my day is it? But I won't give up, no one should give in so easily because if you really put your mind and body into it, you can achieve anything. Trust me, I'll be an example of that statement.

A few minutes later I gave up. This shit is too hard for me. I just always seem to either completely rip a piece off or I stab my flintstone too far in. And it definitely doesn't help when I have no experience with this kind of work.

Although I tried my best a few more times, it was decided I was better off doing something else. The chieftess also politely moving me away from the area with a troubled expression.

Yeah, yeah, I get it I suck, don't sugar coat it. I also have my pride that's still not damaged.

Sigh... even though it's depressing but it is what it is. I'll just accept that I'm not experienced enough yet. I will train until I become the best. And once I become a master at it, I'll come back to them and show them my power, they'll come to know this soon.

To practice though, I need some practice carcasses. And I doubt they'll let me practice on the mammoth, its materials are too precious. I'll just find another animal or human, whatever will do. But this is for later.

While being guided away from the work area, I caught the sight of a familiar elderly woman. She was currently laughing at me. I don't even know her, and I know it's rude of me to say, but her face is strangely punchable. I quickly ignored her.

Then we arrived at the area where I was demoted to. It was the forest on the west side of the village, where I can see quite a few children, teenagers, and some adults walking in and out of the forest with big bags hanging around their bodies, made from the skin of animals. That's pretty smart. Also, their skin bags were full of berries and other eatable plants.

I see, I've been demoted to pick up berries... Whatever. I'll just work my way back up the ladder, it'll be easy.

The chieftess tried to explain to me what I had to do, I thought that all I had to do was pick up berries but the way she talked to me with a serious expression, and how long she explained for, I began to wonder if I was meant to do something else.

Fortunately, my savior arrived. She tapped my left leg and demonstrated it to me. Surprisingly there was a nearby skin bag full of berries on the ground nearby us. Her demonstration went like this, she pointed at me, pointed at the berry on the ground, picked it up, put it in the bag, and then smiled. Which meant it was the end.

I clapped after seeing such a perfect demonstration. Good job my little friend. Then I realized that it's just as I thought, to pick up berries. But why did the chieftess explain it that way when it was this simple?

Oh, my little friend seems to ask that of her mother as well. Her mother is flustered as she scratched her head a bit. Yeah, you tell her!

After the chieftesses got scolded by her daughter she left to go help with the mammoth, and we also went on our way to the forest to do our job. Oh yeah, my little friend was tagging along, she's very helpful and it seems like she wants to help as well. This is good because four hands are always better than two. Plus, I get to have company.

However, my little friend tried to insist that she carry the skin bag but it looks a bit too big to fit around her. It's way too loose. Sigh, here let me take it. There see? It fits around me... I think. No, it's too tight, it's actually stuck around my neck. Damn it I'm choking. I can also hear the skin bag stretching, not good.

Alright, we solved our little problem and went inside the forest. The skin bag is currently around my forearm, it fits there perfectly. The world's first forearm bag? Will it become a new trend? Nah that's just ridiculous.

When we entered the forest, I noticed that it was quite a dense forest, and all around the ground were a lot of plants of various kinds. It's a haven of berries.

Very nice... now how do I know which one is eatable or not. I'll never know until I try one myself. I then made my way to one plant closes to me, it had red berries of some sort.

"You, the one with the delicious lump, I choose you," I said as I picked the fat-looking berry. I'm not such a big berry eater but this one looks delicious. I was about to eat it but I noticed my little friend also crouching beside me, curiously looking at the berry.

Although it's the juiciest looking one, I'll put my grown-up pants on and offer it to her. I quickly wiped a tear and offer it to her, "Take it..." I say a bit reluctant. However, I was surprised to see her decline my offer.

Gasps of excitement almost escaped my mouth, luckily I calmed down and then I happily ate the fat berry. When the berry entered my mouth, my taste buds were teased and caused it to squirm around in excitement.

Ohh... Bliss. It's so good that it's finger-licking good. I can't believe I haven't tried these berries before, what was I doing all this time. This isn't a demotion, I was definitely promoted.

I then began to eat a few more, completely forgetting about my job. I also tried to offer my little friend some to see if she wanted some now, but she once again declined. I found it weird, but she quickly explained by rubbing her little tummy.

Oh, you're full? Okay, your loss. More for me.

While I was enjoying my meal, one lady who wandered near us suddenly screamed while pointing at the berry at my hand, that was about to enter my mouth. Sorry lady, but these are the last ones. I can't share these ones, unfortunately, maybe you can find some more around here. And if you do find some, please come and get me.

However, I noticed the expression of my little friend pale with fear after listening to the lady. And immediately she jumped and whacked the berry out of my hand and because she was too short she had to jump with all of her might to reach, fortunately, I was crouching which made it easier for her.

I'm proud that you reached your target, but what the hell man?! I was gonna enjoy that one.

What was that for? My little friend then began to explain, from what I could tell I think she's trying to say that these are not good to eat and when eaten you will sleep? No, die.

Ohhh I understand, these are poisonous, cool... No wonder I didn't like them...

Excuse me lady but where the hell have you been?! Do you know how many I've eaten so far? I even ate some of the leaves because I thought it was that delicious. I'm so disappointed in you. You had one job to look after your workers and you failed. You're fired as a supervisor. I expected better things from you. Go and reflect on what you did wrong.

But seriously though, am I gonna be okay? I held my stomach and inspected with silence. My little friend also worried about my safety. I even checked internally, and after a while of checking, I found nothing was wrong. I mean my stomach was currently in turmoil but the rest of my body was alright.

The good news is that I'm not gonna die but the bad news is that I'll have diarrhea. Oh well, shit happens. But it made me wonder, am I immune to poison? Or was this too weak to affect me.

When I showed the lady I was fine, she was at first shocked but then accepted it as if it was expected of me. What does that mean, lady? I know I'm a special kinda person but I still need to worry about my safety. I don't even think I'm immune to poison, well not yet at least. I think that this poisonous berry just doesn't affect me.

However, If there's a being who has poison resistance, I would love to get my hands on that skill. It'll be very useful.

Moving on, I decided to employ the expertise of this lady to help us identify which berry is eatable or not. When she agreed to do so, our trio continued with our job. This time for real, I'm not in the mood to eat berries anymore. Especially from what just happened.

During the next few hours, we worked hard gathering berries and then going back to the village to store them for winter and tonight's meal, then back to the forest again. The process repeats. Although it could be tiresome for others, I didn't find it tiring at all. It was alright, it wasn't that boring.

However, trouble emerged. I first smelt a different scent entering the territory, not just one, I could smell four. And then immediately a cry for help suddenly rang out, alarming everyone within the forest. The scream was also high pitched so it was probably a girl. Just thinking about what could possibly happen to her made me worry deeply about that girl's safety.

I turned towards my little friend who held her hands on her chest, clearly afraid. I brought my arm around her and brought her in, hugging her closely. She released a sigh of relief and relaxed a bit.

The lady with us is also really worried and looks around for the warriors who were tasked to look after us. But I knew they had gone somewhere and haven't returned yet, I guess they went to the toilet or something. And even if they come, they'll arrive too late.

Then I caught the smell of blood in the air, I also estimated it coming deep within the forest. I'm 100% sure that girl went in too far without supervision for some reason, and encountered trouble. I don't care what sort of trouble it is, I will help. Even if it was the devil himself, I would still help.

Although I had just recently met these natives, I have come to build a pretty nice and comfortable bond with them. I don't want to break it so soon. Although I'm not obliged to help, it's basic maths.

I'm super powerful + weak intruders = easy dub.

"Lady, bring her and go to safety." I suddenly said, breaking the cold silence, the kid was confused to see herself within the arms of the lady. But the lady understood what I meant. I could tell the eyes of my little friend were filled with worry for me.

It made me laugh a little bit, she's cute. Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to realize who worried for. It should be the intruders who you should worry about, but don't. They're bad people.

"Little one, all is good. I'm certain I'm strongest on this planet right now. So no need to worry, okay? I'll be back I promise." I said with a gentle smile, her purple eyes were practically sparkling. I placed my hand on her hair and rubbed it, ruining her long white hair.

Then I turned toward the way of the trouble. I guess it's that time again, the time to hunt once more.

"Whoever these intruders are, you're about to feel a whole world of pain." Having said that with my bloodlust rising, I instantly charged through the forest, breaking any tree that made contact with me, clearing the trees along the way.


(3rd Person POV)

Inside the forest deep within, there were four individuals seen to be carrying another person along forcibly.

"Hehe, we got a good one boys." One of the men says with a toothy grin, showing off his dirty and rotten teeth, some have also fallen off. The appearance of this man was nothing pretty to look at either. The same was included for the other men.

What they were currently carrying as if they had just caught any other prey, was another person. A teenage girl who had a bloody nose with a bruised face was crying her heart out whilst trying her best to escape, but sadly couldn't since each man held onto her hands and legs with strength greater than hers.

But the men didn't care about what she felt, they were only concerned about satisfying their lustful fantasies. One man looked at the face and body of their prey, he couldn't help but lick his lips in anticipation.

"We can just do here can't we?" He says dissatisfied that they had to go so far before they could do what they wanted to their prey.

"You idiot, if we do it here and now, our fun will only last for a while before their warriors arrive." Another man explains, although he also wishes to just fuck this girl already they need to bring her back to their camp so they can tie her up there.

"Ugh... fine. But I want to go first." When the man said that, the others responded in disagreement, ensuring a heated argument on who would go first.

The girl, on the other hand, was feeling as if her whole world was crashing down. At first, she had no idea why they would do this, but when she heard them speak about who would force themselves on her first, despair swallowed her entire being.

She didn't want this, why was this happening to her, all she was doing was gather berries with the others. And when she accidentally went too deep into the forest because she got carried away with her job, but still she thought it would be okay since she was talking with one of the warriors just before. She had no idea that he had left to go somewhere, leaving her defenseless.

And she had no idea that four intruders had already entered their territory and had laid their eyes on her as their prey when they saw that she was all alone, they attacked her from the bushes. She screamed in fear when she witnessed them jump at her but it was too late, as one of them had swung their club into her face. Which stunned her instantly and made her fall unconscious onto the ground for a second.

When they saw that she had been dropped and stunned, they quickly grabbed her hands and legs and made their escape. However, they realized that she had woken up too soon, and when she noticed what was happening to her, she desperately tried to escape but one of the men instantly punched her unconscious. Which then leads to the current situation.

She desperately wants to leave, it would even be better if they killed her instead of being violated by these disgusting men. She tried to escape again using what little strength she had, but it was useless. One of the men got mad though.

"This little shit, stop moving around, you're making the journey harder than it already has to be!" Even when he said that threateningly, the girl didn't listen. He's had enough, he's fed up.

"Fine then!" He suddenly shouts while letting go of the girl's right leg, and then he lifted his foot high into the air ready to kick her in the face. "If you won't listen, then I'll beat it into you!"

She was terrified to see that he was going to kick her in the face and prepared to close her eyes, even though it wouldn't reduce the pain.

However, a shadow that blocked the sun and everyone instantly appeared behind the man, and within a second and without warning, an open hand the size of a large tree had landed on the man's left cheek. No one had seen it but he was slapped.

"Uuaak!" A pitiful scream of pain came out of the man's mouth as blood and the rest of his teeth flew out before he was sent flying towards a nearby tree.

The speed that sent him flying was too incredible because when he landed face-first toward the nearby tree, his whole face cracked open. Spilling out blood, pieces of bones, and his mushed brain.

The whole area was silent, everyone was confused as to what just happened. For the men, their brains couldn't process it all, their friend was alive there in front of their eyes just a second ago and now he's by the tree, dead.

"You seem to have taken what belongs to me." Everyone then heard that deep voice that seemed to cause the ground and their hearts to tremble. Although they didn't understand what was said, it still sent shivers down their entire bodies like electricity.

Then they noticed the being standing there in front of them, he was massive. They had thought it was just a tree but now they knew otherwise, it was a being the size and height of a tree.

The men froze and inspected the being with indescribable fear, sweat gathering all over their bodies. Only now did they feel the immense pressure this being was giving off, it was too suffocating.

Their eyes slowly started from the large feet of the being, which was as big as their whole bodies, then they made their way up towards the being's torso. Everything was big, too large in fact. The muscles were also beyond anything they've ever seen, the veins on his body showcased his contained power, that was ready to pump out energy whenever needed. And that scared them even further.

Continuing to look higher, they had to strain their necks back just to look at its face. Once they saw the being's face, their very core shook with great force and their breathing came to a complete stop. Unconsciously they let go of the girl in utter terror.

This wasn't just an angry face, it was beyond that. The expression told them everything, and its golden eyes pierced their very souls disabling them to move or run away. The moment they gazed into those alluring golden eyes, they knew that they were also staring into the abyss of death.

The men mentally blamed themselves for why they would anger the deity of death himself. If they had known earlier, they would've instantly left. But it's too late, the deity is furious.

The girl, on the other hand, saw the being and knew that she was now finally safe. She immediately began to wail her heart out while running towards the being for safety.

Even when the being embraced the girl with one hand, lifting her up around his neck for the girl to hug and cry on, he never left his golden eyes off the men. Then the being broke the deathly silence saying something.

"You're all going to die now," It said, but these words they understood because the being had spoken in their language. They desperately wished to say something, but the pressure was still locking them in place.

The being begins to walk toward them, with every step their heartbeat beats along in rhythm. However, with the strength of a coward, one of them begins to run for it.

"I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" He screamed desperately, turning around to run for it but he falls clumsily due to his legs giving out in fear. And before he can get up, the being grabbed his right leg with his free hand and swings him up high into the sky.

"NO NO PLEASE!! AHH-" The man screams in midair as he can see himself above everyone, then he immediately came crashing down hard into the solid ground.


The impact was too much for a human and it killed him instantly. His whole body laid there lifelessly, the last expression on his face was fear. Blood also began to pour nonstop.

The others witnessing this brutal scene shook in fear uncontrollably, they knew their turn was next. Yet, even if it was pointless, they made a run for it. And just as it was expected it was pointless.

With the freehand, the being grabbed the lifeless leg of the dead man and used the dead corpse as a weapon. With a big overhead swing with all his might, the being smashed the two humans together. Breaking the ground below them.

"ARGHH!" The pitiful man screamed in agony when he felt the dead body of his comrade forcefully collide with his, the collision was brutal, bones and fleshed mashed unnaturally and the being didn't stop until he had killed him. He mercilessly smashed the man down into a paste as if he was a bug.

The other one had already run quite a distance. Yet the being didn't care, he stood there for a second before disappearing.

The last man thought he was fortunate to keep his life as he had made it far away. He stopped for a second to catch his breath. His heartbeat was rapidly increasing not willing to calm down. He's never run this hard ever in his life, even compared to other predators, this was the first.

"Phew... I can't believe what just happened... I won't ever return to this place, ever again. I need to tell the chief." The man says in between breaths.


He turned around in alarm, his heart almost jumping out of his body, but when he saw nothing he calmed down.

"I need to leave this place immediately." The man says with fear and turned around, only to have his whole vision covered by a thick and large hand. "AHHH!"

He experienced a little heart attack just from this alone. Then he was lifted up in the air, his legs swinging around madly. And in between the fingers, there was enough space for his eyes to make contact with the golden eyes of death. He was here and has caught him.

"PLEASE!! I WON'T EVER RETURN I PROMISE!!" The man began to sob while pleading for his life. However, the being in front of him was indifferent.

"Look at you crying pitifully." The being says unfazed with the man screaming for his life within his fingers. "You want to live? No can do. You should've known this once you decided to lay your filthy hands on one of my children." The man was completely shocked. This was his child? Hearing this the man began to piss himself.

The being wasn't impressed and looked at the man who was pissing himself with disgust.

"I'll tell you other reasons why you're not going to live. It's because you're the kind of person who doesn't deserve a quick death nor deserve to live at all. If I am to kill you it should be slow, and extremely painful." Hearing this, the man just froze listening to the being. There was nothing he could do.

"For all the sins you've committed, I'm positive you don't deserve to be called a human either. You've lost that title and privilege. And It would also be an insult to maggots if I called you one, which leaves us with one option. Trash, that's what you are. Your nothing but trash."

The man just continued to listen with his eyes wide open, still releasing his piss.

"Here is your punishment, you trash..." The hand that was held tightly around his face was then tightened slowly.

"ARRRHHH! STOP! N-NO PLEASE! ARRHH!" Slowly and painfully, the man felt his whole head being crushed slowly but surely. He tried to scratch the hand of the being, he tried to kick him but he couldn't reach him. Everything he tried was futile. Then after what felt like an eternity of suffering, he was finally released from the torture as his head finally popped.

Without the head of the man to hold, its lifeless body dropped onto the ground while blood flooded the grass. With one last look of disgust at the corpse, the being spat at it then turned away.


I have finally killed the intruders, although I killed them in a brutal fashion, I wished I could do more to make them feel the pain 100x more, unfortunately, I can't yet. I felt this way because of what I had received when I killed the first intruder.

Not only did I gain his knowledge of this world, his experience, how to speak his language, any possible skills he had, I also uncovered his memories. A fraction at least, but that was all I needed to rile me up to this extent.

What I saw made me decide upon something, I saw children being treated to the harshest degree, they even violated them forcefully. And that's not all, their families were also used in disgusting ways for the strong to use them as they wished. They made the fathers watch them as they violated the mothers, daughters, and some of their sons were tortured before they couldn't handle it and died.

There were more sinful acts that I saw in there but these are the main ones. Although it wasn't the first to happen in the whole history of mankind, it's still disgusting nonetheless.

The men and the chieftain in charge of all these disgusting acts, don't think you can keep doing whatever you like because it ends now. I'm coming to pay a visit.

As for the trash bags that I had just cleaned up, they seem to be the scout as they were instructed to venture out to see if they could find any tribes to raid. Obviously, they were gonna kill off all the men and sons while taking the daughters and women back with them to indulge themselves in their vile fantasies. To think that they would go out this far just for that purpose, I just can't understand it.

Good thing I was here to clean up these little fucking trash bags. Tsk, their blood is staining the forest as well. I feel bad for the grass and trees, they don't deserve this.

Just cleaning them up, made me feel like I'm some sort of janitor of the forest or something.

Whatever, I need to go back and bring this child home. Her family must be worried. Also, it's a good thing she fell asleep before I killed them, I think it would've been too much for her. Maybe she would run away from me instead. But I guess she was too traumatized to stay conscious. You poor child.

Also, I've already healed her so all is good. She looks a lot better now and I'm glad. It must've been scary for her. It's okay, we're going home now. I need to go back as well, to say farewell. I won't be back until I cleanse that village. Once I've seen it, I can't unsee it. I need to do something.

Furthermore, I'm not doing this because I think I'm a hero, no. I'm doing this for the simple reason that I think it's wrong. If another person were in my shoes, he would either decide differently or similarly depending on what their moral values were. Everyone has different moral values.

Plus I've got all this power waiting to be unleashed, it's about time I went on a bit of a rampage.

The girl suddenly shifts in her sleep, breaking me out from my train of thoughts. I think that's my queue to head back.

Alright, let's go home.

Phew... I just finished this chapter.

I was caught up by something, but anyway, hopefully, this chapter fills that hole of missing some action scenes a bit. If it just scratches that, then I hope you can patiently wait for the next chapter.

Also please prepare yourselves for the upcoming chapter. Because our MC is demanding a lot of blood, and blood he shall get.

That is all, thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day/night.

Mike_Cockakacreators' thoughts