
The First Progenitor

A story about how the first progenitor open a path to the wider world. =================== if you own the cover then tell me, I will remove it. https://discord.gg/ReAFJZht Join discord for the latest news.

DimLight · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Chapter 10 - Ningjing Tribe (4)

"After hearing that, you get who she is, right?"

"Uncle Ning Ho's daughter?"

Yan Meng nodded in response to Leng Shui's question, "It appears that she likes both of you, so she may agree if you take her in."

Seeing that the sky is about to darken, Yan Meng immediately brings them to go see their temporary lodging.

When they are almost there, they see Ning Lian and Yan Meng's husband, Jiang Baolei, waiting in front of their house. She went up to them right away and said, "From now on, I'll be living with both of you." Jia Li smiled happily when she heard that word.

In front of their makeshift home, Leng Shui abruptly stops to take a good look around out of fear of missing something important, because this place... He feels like he has seen it somewhere, but he forgets where it is.

Since he cannot recall it, he simply disregarded it and proceeded to greet his uncle and his father's friend. After that, he looks to the side where his wife is, observing her, who is already acquainted with the tribe's woman, makes him happy, but something... something just doesn't feel right; this situation, from what he hears and what he feels, feels like something that he has experienced before.

"Are you okay?" When Jiang Baolei sees Leng Shui's face turn pale and cold sweat, he asks.

Leng Shui shook his head and replied, "Nothing, I'm just curious about how my father lives in the tribe."

Looking at his wife, who was smiling happily, then at his uncle, and all of the other people who had gathered here, made him feel confused and as if he had missed something, and he needed to remember it because it was significant. He looked once more in the direction of the house, looking at every angle and detail.

Jiang Baolei then patted him on the shoulder, "You two better get some rest first, then tomorrow we can catch up with your other uncle."

"Ah, and don't be shocked, tomorrow we will have some surprises for you!"


The three of them, Leng Shui, Jia Li, and Ning Lian, sit together as night falls. Leng Shui and Jia Li sit side by side, while Ning Lian sits in front of them. Ning Lian, who is already properly clean, just looks so pretty, even with his malnourished body.

Leng Shui gently held Ning Ling's hand, "You may or may not be aware, but the reason your parents are not with you is because of us. Please do not resent your parents; instead, resent us."

"I know. I am aware that I will eventually become your wife when I am old enough." Ning Lian gazed solemnly into the eyes of Leng Shui.

"It's inappropriate for someone so small as you to discuss marriage in such a manner; I even have a wife."

"However, if you continue to discuss marriage, it's best to wait until my son is born so you can both determine for yourselves if you're compatible, right?"

Ning Lian nodded; she doesn't care who she marries as long as there is a blood connection to Old Leng, Leng Shui's father.

After that, both of them asked Ning Lian to go to bed first. They both take a look at the pink fruit on top of the table and contemplate whether or not they want to eat it.

It was only after some deliberation that they decided to return the fruit. After that, they immediately go to sleep.

That night, Leng Shui dreams that the return of the two people, a man and a woman, will cause chaos within the tribe. The man is missing his left arm, whereas the woman is on the verge of death. It was a brief dream, so by the time Leng Shui awoke the next morning, he had completely forgotten about it.

Early in the morning, Jiang Baolei came to bring Leng Shui and Jia Li to a special place.

To say it was a special location would be an understatement; it served as a practice ground for coming-of-age rituals for young people. Every child who is about to turn 12 must go hunting in the forest alone, without assistance, and bring back at least five prey.

It was for a normal human, for a person who got the ability of an emissary, they needed to hunt a 200 year old python that was about to become a lesser dragon.

Upon reaching that location, they discover that Yan Meng and a few others are already present; upon seeing this location, he knows what they will do.

After preparing himself, Leng Shui walked directly to the center of the area and looked in the direction of Jiang Baolei, who was already approaching him.

They both prepared themselves, and on the count of three, the fight began immediately.

After Leng Shui nearly lost after exchanging blows and kicks with Jiang Baolei, the latter decided to use his advantages to defeat him. Leng Shui used his speed to separate himself from his opponent and launch a surprise attack.

In the five seconds, Leng Shui has already attacked Jiang Baolei ten times, but the damage is negligible.

"You slippery brat." Silently, Jiang Baolei prepared to deal the finishing blow that would end the duel. Upon seeing Leng Shui launch his attack, Jiang Baolei anticipated his every move and punched Leng Shui in the gut.

Leng Shui lost his senses, collapsed to the ground, and was temporarily unable to breathe.

And with that, the duel is over, with Jiang Baolei winning.


A few days have passed since the duel, Leng Shui and Jia Li have already moved into their new home, the childhood home of Leng Shui's late father, which they have renovated to some extent.

In this few days that they live in the tribe, weirdly Jia Li belly gets bigger, and the child movement become more active, this situation reach its peak is when both of them eat the Pink Miracle Fruit, just after a few minutes after eating that, She feels so refresh that any worries that she has immediately wash away, but not long after, she feels her belly is hurt so much, so they go to the tribe shaman and got check, and the shaman say that in a few days she will give birth, so the shaman ask her to live in her place until she give births.

The next day around noon, the tribe got very loud, and lots of people ran to the entrance; Leng Shui, who was curious about the commotion, followed them.

There's a sense of déjà vu there, like the one he gets when he first lays eyes on the temporary lodging where he'll be staying.

He contemplates until he gets to the entrance, that's when he sees two unconscious men and women, one with a missing limb and a disfigured face, and the other with a messy dress covered in blood.

Leng shui is shocked by what he sees, though not because he is surprised by what happened to them; rather, this situation, this man and woman, it's like he has seen this exact situation.

This is weird, really weird.

He sure doesn't know them.

Yan Meng and Jiang Baolei, who just arrived, immediately scream, "Jiang Ru, Jiang Shi!" and run toward the two unconscious people, bringing them to the shaman.

Unfortunately, Jiang Ru seems to have been infected with some deadly poison and could not be saved. Jiang Shi is still unconscious after a few weeks.

Within that time frame, Leng Shui and Jia Li's son is born without any complications; they observe that he has a nose and eyebrows similar to Leng Shui's, and eyes and a chin similar to Jia Li's; after deliberating, they decide to name him Leng Feng.

Sadly, despite the joyous moment, the entire tribe went through a mourning period after the passing of Yan Meng's daughter.

It was not until two months later that Jiang Shi regained consciousness, and with a lost and painful look, he started to recount all of his experience to his parents and the elder.

After that, the mood of the tribe changed. It became heavier, as if something bad was about to happen.

The elders, led by acting chief Yan Meng, decided to contact the other Ningjing groups living in the area around Xian Lake and Mount Husan to share the horrible news and find a solution together.

After four days, the messenger returns with the serious-looking leader of the respective tribe. Yan Meng, the other elders, and the leaders of the different tribes immediately convene to discuss a solution.

They finally reached a conclusion after two days of discussion.

First, there is no solution to their problem; all they can do is confront it directly. Second, they are all old and can't grow any more, so they put all their hope in the younger generation. Therefore, the most important thing they will do is build a place and gather all the children, started at the age eight, the elders will be training all the kids for a four years to be a pillar for the Ninjing tribe.

When the meeting concludes, they all return to their respective tribes to inform their members.


[A/N: you may think that this feels rush. but actually not, this is all just an introduction to the real story, yep, 'REAL STORY.' the introduction is almost finish, and our mc will be finally enter the scene (if you really read, you will know that the MC is just born). i made this story in mind that it will reach 1k+ chapter, hopefully there will be anyone who will read this, you know i'm kinda sad that like not even 1 person read my work (ಥ﹏ಥ)