
The First Dream Ruler.

What would you do if you are reincarnated with OP powers and some very heavy tasks on your hands? You are reincarnated in a place where almost every world you go into will be from Mangas, Manhwas, Anime's, Comics, Games, etc. even the cartoons you used to watch and play as a child till now. Well, that is exactly what is happening in this story, just with some more spices with twist and turns. Though, be warned that our MC in not some goodie two shoes as he had known the evil of the world and done some evil in the world. Our MC is NOT going to be someone who goes around helping the protagonists of every world he goes to. He would plunder and steal their chances and might even kill them if need be. MC is cool, openminded, OP, Harem chasing, power seeking, and many other things, but he is neither a not a simp nor is he a coward. >CURRENT WORLD: High School of The Dead (Modified). >NEXT WORLD: Solo Leveling. ....................................... Hey guy's this is my first work and English is not my first language, so, there might be some mistakes in grammar. You can tell me about your view in the comments, and I will try to improve my work. ...................................... The cover photo is not mine it's taken from Pinterest, but if the owner has some problem with me using it, they can ask me to remove it on or mention their name on a DM. ...................................... https://discord.gg/m46f3zYZUq -> This is my discord server. I will keep you updated about next release of chapters there. ...................................... PLEASE LIKE AND DONATE POWER STONES.

Cosmic_Ceaser · อื่นๆ
38 Chs

CHAPTER 37 – Shido’s End.

Haru had noticed some interference in mana in a place where no one could be seen as his Six-eye was pretty useful in sensing anything amiss in the mana.

So, Haru used his echolocation and found out that someone was there and whatever it was, it was moving towards him slowly and sneakily.

"How did you know?!?!?!" Shido was still in disbelief as he couldn't believe that Haru could see through his pet's ability.

"Because you were not invisible to me."

Haru simply spoke ignoring the sudden thought that came to his mind.

Right now, he had a thought that he was acting like a third-class villain who revealed everything to the protagonist thinking that he had won only to lose because of his big mouth.

"No one has ever been able to see us!!" He exclaimed in anger as he couldn't accept that Haru could see them when no one else had ever been able to see them.

"Then you have just never gone against someone actually powerful," Haru spoke in a matter-of-fact tone.

But his words reverberated in Shido's mind like thunder, he started thinking why he even came all the way here.

"Why?!?!?!" He shouted and commanded his pet to attack Haru.

He just wanted revenge, so why? Why was he unable to do anything? Why was he not as powerful as him? Why? Why was the world so unfair? He couldn't accept that he would lose even after he went through so much to gather such a big army.

Haru didn't know anything about what was going on in Shido's head, he simply slashed the head of the beast killing it in a single slash.

"Argh" Shido who fell on the ground grunted in pain while he tried to move.

"Why?" He stopped trying anything and looked at Haru with hate-filled eyes and asked.

Even if he could see that Haru was not even looking at him and only killing zombies here and there, the zombies he worked so hard to gather, he knew Haru would still be able to hear his words.

"What do you mean why?" Haru asked as he slashed half a dozen zombies with a single strike cutting them in half.

'Would I get something special from killing a zombie king?' Haru simultaneously inquired Sisty.

"Even if you were this strong, why did you leave us behind to die?" Even though he knew he would die, Shido still asked with a voice laced with hatred and anger.

[Other than getting the 10xSP because he has a mana core, so you will get the SP for them, nothing else.

However, you would get 60,000 for the command ability as it is something that lets the user command and control any zombie one rank higher than them while there is also a chance of being able to command a zombie two ranks higher than the user.]

"Do you ever think about the girls who had to leave the school because of you? did you ever think of the people who begged you to let them go? No, right? So, why do you expect me to show mercy to you?"

Haru asked with disdain clear in his voice, he just couldn't comprehend how the mind of people like Shido worked.

'Awakeners can't use this skill, right?' Haru questioned Sisty as well.

"Like you care about other people. If you did then you wouldn't have left us there knowing full well that we would die."

Shido hatefully snickered at Haru's reasoning. He knew that Haru had done something to him and Haru knew that they were not going to survive on the roads, but he still left them to die.

[Yes, you have to be a zombie to use it.]

"I never said I am a saint, but I also don't enjoy seeing other people's misery. At least not until they are my enemies that is," Haru spoke and directly stole the command and strengthening abilities.

"You did it again, didn't you?" Shido spoke and then burst into a guttural laugh as he felt he had lost control over the zombies.

"You always had me in the palm of your hand, didn't you?"

He spoke between his laughter, he finally understood. He never really stood a chance against Haru, it was just him deluding himself that he was getting revenge on Haru.

"Well, since you bought me such a nice gift I will kill you in a single slash, all right?"

Haru finally smiled though it was anything but an innocent smile while looking down into Shido's eyes.

Shido also just realized that even the whole revenge he had planned was nothing but a treat for Haru, he now regretted his decisions, he regretted his actions in the school, and he regretted making an enemy out of Haru.

But there had never been medicine for regret and it was not going to be specially created for him, so, before he could even say something his world turned upside down and darkness embraced him.

Haru already got everything he wanted from Shido, and having no need to keep him alive he directly killed him.

Haru turned to look at the group members and he could see that they were too focused on their own work to notice his conversation, even though Shido's laughter was quite loud, it was suppressed between the noise of his skills and zombie growls, so, no one noticed him.

So, he continued his killing spree, though now he was more motivated as he already got +60,000 points.

Haru had also kept the C-rank crystal for Kuroneko as hoarding a single crystal would not make him rich but giving it to Kuroneko would of course increase her favorability towards the group (Or him?).

Saeko had been using her newly acquired ability continuously to test its limit and she got to know one thing, she could use this ability even without mana though it would not last long.

She needed to use her willpower as fuel to if she didn't use mana and willpower can only keep it after for so much time.

But still, it was good to have some ability that she could use even when she was unable to use mana, she happily jumped to the side, avoiding the claw of a D-ranked zombie by a centimeter and then she slashed its neck killing it in a sweep.

She was thinking of how she should reward Haru for the superb ability he gave and her eyes suddenly brightened and turned towards Kazuki looking at her meaningfully, though no one noticed it.

Saya had been killing the zombies while she also observed the situation around them and unlike everyone else who thought that Saeko just grew stronger, she knew that was not the case as she could see Saeko was using a new ability.

She knew even her mother had the same doubt, but Saya didn't have any doubts as she was there when she talked about her abilities to Haru and an ability that covers her body with some kind of shield was not included in any of her skills.

Saya had seen Saeko fighting before and she knew that Saeko didn't have this ability before which meant she had either awakened a new ability or somehow gained a new ability.

Suddenly, Saya saw the image of the man she loved the most in the world appear in her mind but then she became annoyed as even in her mind he was smiling mysteriously, but then she thought, maybe Saeko's new power had something to do with him.

She squinted her eyes and stared at Saeko for a while, then she decided that she was going to have a talk with Haru about this matter....



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