
The Truth

The Royal Castle, three weeks after the duel.

"Oren, have you spoken to the Queen yet?" Emera asked Oren. The two were in Emera's forest-style room, which was a vast space filled with foliage. Oren was seated on a large boulder, while Emera reclined lazily against a tree.

"No, come to think of it, I haven't seen her in a few days," Oren replied. "Esholyn did mention her mother was occupied with something important. Even though she claims not to know much about it. I did ask her about the True Dragons and the elemental stones. She doesn't recall how she acquired the earthstone, but she mentioned receiving the skystone from her mother recently. Strangely, she seems unaware of their connection to the True Dragons." Oren paused, allowing Emera to consider the situation.

"It appears the Queen wishes to shield Esholyn from fear, hence she hasn't divulged everything," Emera remarked after a thoughtful pause.

"Yes, I think so too. But I still need to see the Queen," Oren concluded.

"OREN!" Suddenly, someone called out from outside. Oren recognized the voices of Esholyn, Johnny, and Harvey.

The four companions had been spending every day together, and Oren had even begun attending school lessons and combat training with them. Despite Harvey's initial reservations, he was gradually warming up to Oren and had started helping him with swordplay. Oren cherished their friendship, having spent so much time alone before meeting them. He hurried to the door to greet them.

"What's up, guys?" Oren greeted them happily as he stepped into the doorway.

He was greeted by Esholyn, Johnny, and Harvey, with Johnny's canine beast, Merc, by their side.

"The Queen is looking for you," Harvey informed Oren urgently. "You need to hurry."

Excited, Oren exclaimed, "She is!" He had been eager to meet with the Queen.

Esholyn chuckled. "Calm down, Oren," she said, taking his arm. "Come on, I'll take you to her."

"Wait, Oren," Johnny called out. "Harvey and I will wait here until you return. Could you ask Emera to train Merc while we wait?"

"Sure," Oren agreed. "Just send Merc inside. Emera likes her, I'm sure she won't mind a little sparring."

Johnny smiled and signaled to Merc, who barked eagerly and dashed into Emera's room, ready for a friendly bout.

Oren and Esholyn made their way to see the Queen, bypassing the throne room and heading directly to the Queen's personal quarters.

Normally, only Esholyn could enter this wing of the castle, but no one questioned Oren's presence. As far as they knew, he was the adopted prince.

They arrived at an open doorway with no guards, indicating that this meeting had been prearranged. Esholyn led Oren straight into the room—a simple space devoid of decorations or windows. The Queen was standing at a table, flanked by two men whom Oren recognized—Johnny's father, Gerald, and Harvey's father, Samson.

"Oren, welcome," the Queen greeted him, her tone serious. "Esholyn informed me a few weeks ago that you were inquiring about the earthstone and the skystone. I would like to know why." Her gaze bore into Oren with intensity.

Oren had nothing to hide and could only speak the truth.

He proceeded to tell the Queen everything Emera had shared with him, revealing his knowledge about the Dragons and the elemental stones, including the return of the Dark Dragon's power. He also mentioned that Emera had been the one to inform him.

After Oren finished speaking, the Queen considered his words. The two men beside her wore expressions of concern, especially when Oren mentioned the return of the Dark Dragon.

"It is true, Oren," the Queen affirmed. She then turned to Esholyn. "Esholyn, although you have some knowledge of this, you were too young to remember, so I didn't disclose everything to you. Please forgive me."

Esholyn remained silent, her expression anxious as she looked at her mother.

"Oren," the Queen began again, her tone grave. "Indeed, the Dragons once reigned supreme and caused terrible wars. They bestowed power and magic upon humans and beasts, which has been passed down through generations. While most abilities have waned, there are still some who possess immense power, nearly as potent as their ancestors."

The Queen glanced from Oren to Esholyn. "After the war, the most powerful humans built hidden cities to protect humanity from the wild war beasts."

"Leadership of these cities was passed down to the most formidable of the younger generation, as normal humans live only 300 to 500 years. Only those who train rigorously can extend their lives to 1000 years or more. However, no creature except True Dragons lives eternally. We have lived like this for centuries, with each city developing its own means of concealment."

The Queen paused, her gaze fixed on Oren, before returning to Esholyn. Their eyes met, and the Queen's expression turned solemn as she continued, "Nearly 500 years ago, when the Darkness Dragon returned, it sought to spread its influence. However, before the Dragon fully regained its power, it was thwarted by ten elite warriors, myself included, and the King—your father, Esholyn."

Oren was stunned by this revelation, but Esholyn appeared even more shocked. Most of this information was news to her. She had no memories of her father and believed him to be a traitor to the crown, presumed dead.

"We defeated the Dragon, but we couldn't kill it," the Queen continued, tears welling in her eyes. "We forced it to retreat, but it vowed revenge. Thirty years ago, your father and others sought to hunt down and finish the Dragon. Unbeknownst to them, the Dragon had regained full strength and assumed human form. He slaughtered them all, sparing only your father, Esholyn. He returned to the city claiming victory, but he had changed—become ruthless, tyrannical."

The Queen sobbed openly now, struggling to speak through her tears. Esholyn remained emotionless; she had no affection for her father, believing him dead after an attempted assassination.

"For twenty years, I turned a blind eye, but when I became pregnant with your brother, I realized the truth. One of your father's loyalists betrayed us, leading to my son's capture and corruption," the Queen revealed, her voice breaking. "Esholyn, your father descended into madness, seeking to sacrifice hundreds for power. He infected you and your brother with the Darkness Dragon's essence."

The Queen paused, her devastation apparent. "I was powerless to stop him," she whispered.

Esholyn mouthed three words, "It's okay, Mom."

The Queen composed herself, the weight of her sorrow evident. Despite her shame over the lies, she understood the necessity of safeguarding information. Esholyn knew what it meant to be Queen and bore no ill will.

Summoning a faint smile, the Queen pondered if Esholyn's strength could match her own. Regaining her composure, she continued, "The King overcame me and imprisoned me. Days later, a man appeared in my cell with two stones, claiming they could defeat your father."

"I accepted the stones, only later realizing they were the Earthstone and Skystone. Using their power, I broke free and confronted your father. However, I could save only you," the Queen revealed. "Your father fled with your brother and his minions."

The Queen looked at Oren, her expression serious. "You mentioned the Skystone is wielded by a beast?" she inquired.

Oren nodded in confirmation.

"Upon my return, I entrusted the Earthstone to Esholyn, and she swallowed it instantly. I was terrified," the Queen admitted. "I sought a seer who assured me that Esholyn was unharmed—the stone was destined for her. The seer gave me a cloth to conceal Esholyn's aura, warning of the Dark Dragon's pursuit."

"The next day, Esholyn was cured, the Earthstone embedded in her forehead, and her abilities blossoming," the Queen explained. "When she was ready, I passed her the skystone, as the seer advised keeping them together until its rightful owner appeared."

The Queen turned to Oren, her demeanor earnest. "When I first saw you, I suspected you might be a minion of the Dark Dragon. But having defeated countless minions, I recognized you as human. Moreover, if you were a minion, Esholyn wouldn't be able to touch you."

Oren shuddered at the implications.

The Queen smiled at the two men, Gerald and Samson, beside her. "Esholyn has vouched for you continuously," she remarked. "After much deliberation with my council, especially considering your mercy toward Harvey, who tried to end you—"

"I decided to extend an offer," the Queen interjected, her gaze fixed on Oren. "You may refuse and remain here, or depart if you wish. I will not compel you."

Oren met the Queen's gaze with determination. "I will stay and protect Esholyn with my life," he declared, earning a blush from Esholyn. Oren had resolved to safeguard Esholyn upon learning of the Dragon's threat.

"Very well," the Queen smiled. "You will need armor and weapons."

With a wave of her hand, the Queen conjured a set of armor and weapons before them. On the table lay a pair of pitch-black gauntlets with silver gloves, each adorned with a long silver blade. Nearby rested two small daggers resembling Oren's lightning sword, albeit smaller. Completing the display was a suit of pitch-black light armor, complemented by silver boots.

"Oren!" the Queen called out, snapping him from his daze. She playfully scolded him as he recovered.

"These are yours," the Queen stated firmly. "I've been in contact with your combat instructors; they've lauded your prowess with unarmed combat. These were crafted with Leo's Hammer and Shield—"

"Draconite!" the Queen exclaimed, seeing Oren's confusion. "It's from a True Dragon. Leo must have been connected to the Darkness Dragon."

Oren accepted the weapons and armor, and Samson approached, a smile on his face. "Oren, I crafted these lightning daggers for you," he said warmly. "Please return Harvey's sword to him; it holds sentimental value to our family. Consider these daggers; they they will enhance you like the sword does."

Oren handed over the sheathed sword to Samson, genuinely pleased to part with it. He was growing fond of the lightning daggers.

"Settled then," the Queen declared, her tone light. She then produced three rings, handing them to Oren.

"Here are storage rings—armor, monetary assets, and clothing," the Queen explained. "The armor ring also contains armor and a skull plate for Emera, enchanted to fit her."

Fixing Oren with a meaningful gaze, the Queen spoke, "From today, you are a permanent resident of the castle, treated as my adopted son."