
Spread Your Wings

Inside Draxis' Castle 2 Hours after the Invasion ended.

Inside a large meeting room hidden within the castle. There were 8 people all discussing the battle that took place earlier, plus a few other topics.

Abigail The Queen, Her royal guards Samson and Gerald, were sitting at one side of a large table. On the opposite side sat, The princess Esholyn, and her guards Johnny and Harvey, the adopted Prince Oren and His uncle James.

"James please explain. I agree that Oren without a doubt should be strong enough to move about outside the city, but He wants to bring them with him. This I cannot allow. They are the future of this city. If anything happens to them who will replace us? They need more time to grow." The Queen addressed. Her voice was calm, non-budging.

"Ok," James replied, "Let me put it to you this way." His Demeanor was proud he spoke with boasting tranquility.

"Earlier what Oren used was holy energy, which is different from regular magic energy. In fact Holy energy has not been seen in a beast, or human in over 1000 years." He paused for a second glancing at Oren then continued. "With that power he can control all magic under heaven which includes every element but darkness."

He then looked back to the Queen. "When the Dark Dragon finds out about this. What do you think hell do.. Huh? He won't just send a few legions, he'll send captains maybe even commanders. Which as you know are 100 times stronger then a few hundred minions. Hell even we couldn't stop his generals one on one. The entire city will be razed to the ground. Sure Oren is strong but he is not yet a match for the Dark Dragons' elites: The Dark Captains, The Demon Commanders let alone Hellish Generals. This city will be in for mass destruction, not only will your daughter be killed. We will all be slaughtered or even turned."

The room grew deftly silent. What James was saying made sense to them. Guarding the Element Stones was already very risky for the kingdom. Now on top of that Oren showed up using the one element that the Dark Dragon feared the most. There was no way He wouldn't send stronger troops and this time it wont be to scout their strength. Oren alone killed more than 500 enemies abruptly bringing the battle to an end. When He hears about it, He may even come himself! If that happens nothing they do will save them.

"My Queen we must take heed in Dawsons words. In the invasion Prince Oren showed an astounding display of power. The Dark dragon will not only wipe out the city just because of him. Think about it. When he finds out the four of us are still alive, let alone all in one place. He's going to definitely come to finish us off." Johnnys' dad Gerald the lead advisor to the Queen was voicing his opinion. Even though Orens' plan was dangerous it was way better than what would happen when the dragon gets wind of what happened in the earlier battle.

The Queen said nothing she was deep in thought. She knew that even if there were no element stones. These four war heroes were apart of the original group that faced the dragon when he was still weakened. She understood very well that He was gonna come for them, now that the He knows where the city is located. There would truly be no end to the attacks, and when he gets here every living thing in or around the city would be doomed.

The time she thought she had to prepare Esholyn had run out!

Esholyn was the first to break the silence. "I'm going, there is no way I will let people die while I sit around waiting to be killed. If there's a chance to fight I would rather die in battle then die hiding."

She was talking directly to her mother. She knew the Queen was unwilling to let her go. The fact being Her mother could be a little overbearing at times. She also knew the Queen only wished the best for her. Even still Esholyn couldn't bear the thought of people dying for her, while she was unwilling to risk anything.

The Queen was instantly Infuriated losing her composure. These children were simply throwing their lives away! Even worse these elders were actually agreeing to their nonsense. She thought even with the threat looming over the city they would be safer inside the walls.

"Do you know what your saying?! You will die out there! What do you think will happen when the Black Dragon does come?! Do you really think you'll be safer in the outside world?... " The Queen stalled for a second, regaining herself before continuing. "Oren do you have any idea where the Sacred Mountain is? No one has ever seen it, and you want me to put my faith in some map that you and James say belonged to Nicholas?" The Queen wasn't thoroughly convinced. She wasn't willing to leave Esholyns' fate in the hands of some wild boy. She happened upon by chance.

"Please Queen Abi." Oren addressed her in the way he would typically use only when they spoke in private. "With all due respect the kingdom is no longer safe for Esholyn. Even tho I was here in time to save the city, I cannot remain here. I Have to increase my strength. When I leave which one of you will be able protect Esholyn?" Oren spoke with the utmost respect. Even still he had a little hint of Authority in his voice.

Oren hit the soft spot with that statement! He was 100% correct. If he had arrived a few days later there wouldn't have been a city to protect, let alone Esholyn!

No one said a word. Everyone knew that at this current point Oren was the strongest out of all of them. They all excepted it. Besides they didn't really have a choice. They knew the Black Dragon would definitely be on his way soon. Orens' group might me able to avoid him if they get away from the city, after all the out side world is vast. The Black Dragon wouldn't easily find four people. He wasn't omniscient. On the other hand if they kept them in the city, wouldn't they be serving there only hopes up on a platter.

"Alright," The Queen lamented she was defeated.

There was nothing She could do. Even now depending on how fast the information travels the dragon could be here in few days. Or a couple minutes! Time wasn't something they could spare.

"Okay you four will have to leave immediately. The dragon might be on his way right now. Lets get you guys geared up. You'll need provisions and supplies." The Queen once again took charge. The arguing was done now was the time to move. Any preparations had to be done as soon as possible.....

1 hour later in the palace ball room.

The Queen requested the entire kingdom come to see Esholyn and her team off. Some were crying, some were cheering, while some others were doing both. Undoubtedly tho, all of them gave their well wishes. All holding onto the hope that these kids would comeback one day to usher in a new era.

On a raised platform the four of them stood. From left to right Oren, Esholyn, Harvey, and Johnny. They were all ready to go. They had been gifted with all kinds of things some for battle others for defense and utility. They nearly emptied the treasure vault into their storage rings, with everyone getting good things to boost their strength. Aside from Oren they even got a couple rare even a few ancient artifacts and weapons from their parents. Oren however had got some special items also, from his uncle during those few months he spent training in the scroll.

"Okay you guys time to go." The Queen suddenly voiced as she appeared through a large doorway at the end of the room. Accompanying her were none other then Gerald Samson and James.

"The time has come you four." This time Harvey had spoken

There was no need to respond. Orens team immediately made their way towards the Queens group. Their destiny awaited them they weren't going to hesitate to venture into the unknown.

The group walked with the Queen until they arrived in a certain place in the castle. The Queen turned to look at them and said. "Ok here are some travel stones. When you activate them you will be in the Dark Forest, appearing in the same area we first encountered each other..."

The Queen turned to Esholyn. Her emotions betraying her face she softly said. "Please keep her safe Oren.....and Esholyn its time to spread your wings...."

Awhile later after Orens group left for the dark forest. The Queen and the other Elders were standing there silent everyone filled with mixed emotions.

Gerald suddenly spoke. "My Queen forgive me but didn't you say the see'er told you. You would meet the owner of the skystone in the dark forest on that day, yet Oren said the stones owner is a beast. So could the see'er had been wrong."

For a second the Queen just looked at him clearly comprehending something. She pondered for a few moments before calmly saying.

"Its true that I met Oren." She paused.

Then only to herself she thought.

But I also met a beast that day.....