

I pulled a katana out of the cloth sack. The sheath of the katana was pink with cherry blossoms on the sheath as a design. The grip was made of what the system called [1,000,000-year-old black iron spirit wood] and it was wrapped with ito cord made of [divine spirit silk] in a tsuka style. The blade is made of a metal that was tempered in the core of a blue supergiant star and compacted in a supermassive black hole. The metal is called [spirit star steel]. The handguard was also made of the spirit star metal and it was in the shape of a cherry blossom. The information on the sword was shown as a temporary message when I first obtained it. I checked the information on the sword.

[Millenium Cherry Blossom blade (Named Weapon-medium grade-) ]

Owner: Tian Longs sister

Durability: ( 1800/1800 )

Damage: depends on the users level

Description: A sword forged by the guardian of the sacred Cherry blossom tree and infused with the guardians' Divine energy for a boy who wanted to protect his sister. The Sword would always return to its true owner and the true owner will be immune to a thousand poisons, a thousand diseases, and a thousand curses. It also heals owner.

[Skill: One thousand blossoms shadow strike. (owner needs to learn the skill and it works best with this sword only)]

"This is yours," I said while presenting the Sword to Tian Hong

"Thanks, brother," she said. As she took the sword it glowed for a bit and the owner name changed to Tian Hóng. "It's the same as the one you got me for my 10th birthday. Wait, I can't take this. It's a named blade "

"Just take it, It was forged for you so that means that the moment it was forged, it was yours.

"Thanks, brother," she said smiling

"No problem," I said.

I then reached into the rucksack and pulled out a tang sword. I unsheathed the sword. The blade didn't seem too special as the blade was the colour of steel, the grip and hand-guard is coloured gold-bronze. There was a yin yang symbol at the centre of the handguard and right above that was a small circular clear crystal viewer. Around the grip portion of the hand-guard is a bronze-gold wheel that has five Chinese characters on it. One of the characters is shown on the crystal viewer which is (金) and it is glowing a silver colour as well as the blade. On the wheel, there is also the symbols (火), (水), (土), and (木). The words (土), and (水), are a bit hidden by the hand-guard. I then sheathed the sword and checked the stat.


[The Five elements sword (Divine Weapon-medium grade-) ]

Owner: The one the dragon chooses

Durability: ( 1920/1920 )

Damage: depends on the users level, the element used, and the opponents' resistance to the elements effect

Description: Forged by the combined powers of the five divine supreme beasts (The Azure Dragon, The Vermillion Bird, The White Tiger, The Black Tortoise, and The Yellow Dragon) and entrusted to the dragon.

[Effects of each word when used:

金- enhances sharpness, piercing power, and stabbing and slashing speed(The amount it is enhanced depends on your level)

火- sets the blade on fire(intensity of fire depends on level)

水- generates water that coils around the blade, it also gives true owner healing abilities and can dispel poisons and curses. (effectiveness depends on the user level)

木- strengthen attacks made with the sword by strengthening the energy (Depends on owners level)

土- increases the weight of the sword and manipulates the gravity around the sword, can also stabilize any chaotic energy in the immediate area (Amount weight can increase depends on the level, The distance around the sword and the amount of times the gravity can increase also increase depends on the owners level )]

"Lan Hua, this is yours," I said as I handed the sword to her.

"Thank you, long," she said, she then checked its stats and the owner changed to Fei LanHua, "This is a divine weapon, how did you get this sword?"

"It doesn't matter where I got it, just know that it is yours," I said

"Can you tell us please?" Tian Hong plead

"Please?" Lan Hua pleads

"Fine, but not here. Sis if you want to know then at 6:23 pm go to the training dojo in our house. Lan Hua, go there as well." I said, "But right now I have got more things to give you two"

"Got it." they both said simultaneously

I then reached into the rucksack and pulled out two rings and handed to them.

"These are storage rings. They work like the storage bracelet but the rings have two times the amount of space. You can take storage rings out to the real world and use it to bring outside food items, cosmetics and such into the energy world but you can't take weapons from here out. You can take energy crystals, raw materials, and pill and such still. So you should put it on and link it so that you won't lose it."

"Bro, we know that already. don't worry so much." tian long said while laughing

"sorry, hehe", I said blushing while scratching my head.

"Fei Lan Hua, here is the compatible cultivation technique, the [Five Heavenly Daos Manual] and Sis here is your corresponding cultivation technique, [The Nine Divine Lotus Scripture] "I said

"Thank you" they both said

"There are also some crystals and pill for the both of you." I then grabbed the bag and spilt the contents on the table. What came out was twenty energy crystals, six talismans, and ten jade bottles full of pills. The crystals are low-grade crystals and there were five types of pill bottles on the table, two bottles per type and ten pills per bottle. The types were [Qi Restoration Pills], [Healing Pills], [Lesser Elemental Resistance Pills], [Nutrient Pills], and [Qi Accumulation Pills]. All of them were low-grade of course. Pill quality goes from mortal-grade to inferior-grade to low-grade to intermediate-grade to high-grade to superior-grade to perfect-grade and finally, to Transcendent-grade pills. There were also six [Lesser Talismans]. "And this is my starting gift for the both of you."

"Thank you," they both said while smiling

After that, I promptly exited the room and headed towards the city gates.
