
The Rogue

Walking up the stairs towards the largest stage that is centered in the middle of the arena, her eyes flashed with an indistinguishable emotion.

The stage reeked and the smell of curdling blood attacked her small nose.

Yet her face remained with a neutral icy look. That was because regardless of what happened, she already knew what the outcome was . . .


Her cloak was just skimming the ground as she walked onto stage, it gave her an eerie appearance as if she were floating like a ghost. The dark hood continued to shield her from the crowd as her eyes studied her target on the opposite side of the blood soaked stage.

Her entire being filled with disgust as she stared at this hideous monster who nicknamed himself as "The King".

The roaring crowd just below were buzzing in anticipation to see a bloody battle.

Despite not being able to see the cloaked persons face, everyone in the crowd knew a bloody and gruesome show was about to begin. How could someone of such a small stature possibly win against the current tyrant of this arena?

So the bets began pouring in, apparently everyone was confident and knew who would win.

The King had already made a reputation for himself here. Showing up only a week ago in this dingy little arena, he needed a way to make some fast cash and this was the perfect place. His stature is large, both in height and in weight, making it easy to intimidate his opponents.

However, she knew better. She looked past the height and grease.

Noting the low quality of dragon leather that he had strapped to his body as armor. She wanted to laugh. It was hard to believe that no one else killed him before she found him.

Even without the useless armor, she sensed that he was in the low spectrum of fire. Considering how weak he is, if it wasn't for his domineering stature, it was really the only thing keeping him alive.

As soon as she stepped onto the main stage the "King" began to gloat. His deep raspy voice sounded as if nails were scratching on a chalkboard as he mocked his new opponent. The crowd joined in on laughing at the small stranger.

"What's with the cloak little guy? You too afraid everyone will see what you look like when I beat you beyond recognition? Don't worry I'll make your death swift so you won't have to deal with the embarrassment." He sneered a yellowish smile, while the crowd cheered and laughed at the newest victim.
