
The Fate Ridden Survivalist

A well build society has a very strict standard of quality, Wen Jin was cast out because of his talent. He has failed to awaken his talent, but fate says otherwise! "Who the stupid bastard who made you this way!" The Golden Dragon sighed. (Maybe i can used this human to get me out of here! But if i awaken his power will he be ungrateful? What if he refuse? What is he like?) "hmm! i better wait for you to awake then!" A Year later.. "Who the heck are you!" The level 8 Leng's family spiritualist screamed, his body was broken up by Wen Jin. "I am his grandson, are you deaf or stupid? Brain damage? You are pretending to be stupid so i don't tried to take advantage of you! Don't you worry i never take advantage of a beggar who want to blackmail my family for money, shame on you! I know you are as broke as shit! Go eat trash!" Wen Jin. "You! There is no one as strong as you amongst the Liu's! Who are you!" The man demanding answers. "Shut the fuck up! I told you, i am his grandson! Figure out yourself you don't deserve my explanation! Go eat trash or i am gonna make you eat the shit that my beast made! He is stone element his shit is hard to digest!" Wen Jin.

Egi_Dio · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

It's You!

"I'll take the ring and the pouch artifact, brother Han Xin, how much do you willing to pitch in?" Wen Jin.

"I'll take only one ring and give you five millions!" Han Xin smiled.

"Not fair!" Wen Jin frowned.

Han Xin smiled i pay more than, he was feeling grateful that Liu Jin defended his honor!

"What i mean is, if you take only one ring give me two millions and six hundred to be fair! No more no less!" Wen Jin gestured that he was not going to budge!

Han Xin admired more of his new friend "i will agree to it, thank you brother Liu!" He cupped his hand.

"Ah called me Ah Jin!" Wen Jin retorted.

"Then called me Ah Xin!" Han Xin cupped his hand and bowed his head.

Someone on the invitation booth three just clenched his fist because of the auction items! "Find out his backing!" Han Yu ordered his man to investigate Wen Jin.

"The next session would start after the tea break!" The beautiful lady smiled at the bidder. Some wave their hand at her, some winked and blow her a kiss!

Wen Jin went to the booth next door, he wanted to talk to Han Xin.

"Listen Ah Xin i want you to help me!" Wen Jin immediately speak his mind without restraint, they become close friend because of coincidence!

The third session opened with a very shocking item, a seven breath licorice! The herbs was used to allowed departed spirit beast to be bring back to life in ghost form, the requirements was the spirit beast just died less than seven breath time, and the spirit beast traits would be undead! Regardless the element it has when it was still alive!

"Woah! Opening bid price four millions!" Auctioneer open the bidding!

Again the same thing happened "35!" "42!" "35!" "42!" The seven breath licorice was sold for twenty two millions!

Second herb! Sold for eighteen millions!

At the end of the auctions Wen Jin has almost two hundreds millions, all together!

The auction house takes 5% and Wen Jin was left with 190 millions, he paid for the rings and still left him 182,5 millions, because it's too dangerous he choose to be sold in auctions house credits!

Suddenly he was confused he was given two platinum card!

"Huh! Who this card belongs to?" Wen Jin.

"Yours master!" The auction manager.

"Hmm, i have been wandering! How much is this platinum card tiers worth?" Wen Jin.

"The lowest was one hundred millions and the largest was depends on how the person was supported by the issuer of the card! So this card is different! This new platinum is the lowest platinum, this part determined the rank! There was one stripes in the new platinum cards but seven stripes was marked in the platinum card Liu Pin given him!

"Let me guess seven stripes was the highest!" Wen Jin asked.

"Six was the highest! Seven means your card is the the same as the issuer! This one is Liu's! And this one is Han's! Since the auction house was in Han's occupy cities the issuer was the Han's, but to be platinum one of the family head has to be the issuer!

"Han Xin has put his name as the issuer! So he would warrant your money worth at least 100 millions within credit range! But you actually have 182,5 millions in credit" The manager.

Han Xin has left the auction house by that time, but Han Yu found out that he was played by Han Xin, he bid almost twice the price of every items owned by the same seller (Wen Jin).

Wen Jin come back into the inn, but on the way back he had to take several detour to lost his tails, because he wad followed since he left the auction house!

"How was it! Do you found out!?" Han Yu

"Our men lost his track on the west part of the city, we was unable to find his track!"

"Damn!" Han Yu.

That night, all of a sudden!

"You have not forgot about us right? Playing dumb you asshole!" A familiar telepathic message was sent by Goldy.

"Of course not brother Goldy, i just need a day to settle things! I will visit the pagoda when i can!" Wen Jin.

"Fuck you!" Goldy hang up!

The next morning at the inn east from the city, Wen Jin carriage was leaving from the inn into the central city on central plains. He had his carriage checked for papers, they are searching for some one with Liu's family name, but the paper trails indicated that the caravan belongs to the Wen's and beside that everyone now the Liu's was based in border of the southern area, closer to the Feng's territory in the south!

"Let them pass, this carriage was heading to the central area! We will focus the search on the carriage going to the south!" One of the gate keeper said to the others.

Wen Jin manage to have a smooth way home, the journey takes half a day! Great commotions happened, Wen Tjong has declare that his third son has come home as a level 7 spiritual cultivator! Before the end of that night Wen Jin was summon by the Wen's elders in the inner great hall, tomorrow morning!

For once they could have a complete family dinner, Wen Tjong, Liu Siang, Wen Jin and Wen Siang!

That night in Wen Jin"s room, Wen Siang has come because Wen Jin told her to come!

"What did you bring for me!" Wen Siang eyes was glimmering!

"Summon your spirit beast!" Wen Jin.

A naga princess appeared! "Feed her this!" Wen Jin give his sister a yellow crystal! The naga princess consumed it, then the spirit beast body became to heat up! "Something was wrong!" Wen Siang was worried!

Suddenly the naga princess squeak! "Ahh!" A golden thin line of linings was appearing on her forehead, a shadow of a woman so great suppressing aura rose behind her back it was hard for everyone that seen the shadow not to bow down! The naga princess has acquired the nuwa bloodline and evolved into a half step deity naga queen! "Thank You!" The naga queen spoke, since her intelligent awareness also seems to evolve also! Wen Siang was so happy she hugged Wen Jin!

After Wen Siang got back to her room, Wen Jin sneak out and went to the seven level flying pagoda, to meet with the pouting foul mouth dragon!

As he arrived he noticed the pagoda is developing more and more organize, since they are have a training room abundant of celestial energy, Wen Jin brought out three of his new recruited generals. And without restraint he take out all of his contracted beast, the group was welcomed by Sui Ling who was astounded of the group, Wen Jin had made a name for himself and got new recruits for the odd quest they received from Canglong!

"What the fuck! How can this many beast come in?" Goldy appeared and scold the innocent group!

"This is my new gang!" Wen Jin.

"Hmm! Quite strong but!" Goldy look a little closer towards Bixi!

"It's you! That bastard, bastard son!" Goldy laughed.

"Huh!? It's you! The dumb jerk old dragon!" Bixi.

"Hmm i guess you too knows already?" Wen Jin scratch his head.

"This mess up half breed? Even in prison i heard about this brat!" Goldy.

"Huh!? Speak for your self you old fool! Flooding your own worshipers and killing so many! Egoistical dragon wannabe! The legend was true you are dumb!" Bixi countered.

"Woaaa you two!" Wen Jin.

"Shut it!" Goldy pointed to the Bixi.

"What! At least i am pure celestial, you are only a condensed earth realm energy! You born out of a rock!" Bixi.

"Oh now you have done it!" Wen Jin slap his forehead!

"Roar!" Goldy was angry.

"Roar!" Bixi replied.

Everyone backed away from them! Hongfa shout surprise the onlooker! They all immediately sprang backed away!

A voice reverb on the pagoda!

"You are both! Stop or else!" Canglong.

Bixi immediately cower down and Goldy snorted hot breath also turning down it's attacking stance energy compression!

"What you two doing exactly!" A holographic image of Canglong appeared in the middle of the room!

"Canglong!" Wen Jin cupped his hand and bowed his head!

All the onlookers immediately bowed their heads!

"You! You are still alive?" Canglong turns towards Bixi. But Wen Jin suddenly cuts in at the middle shielding Canglong sharp staring at Bixi.

"Canglong! Bixi is now with me, i have come to an agreement to contracted him! Please refer anything you need to convey to me, i begged you to understand!" Wen Jin cupped his hand.

"Is that right! Then i must tell you frankly! This dragon turtle is a rebellious teenager, he never listen to me or respect elderly! I am giving you a warning, he will eventually gives you trouble! His father has made me lose face once to the northern black turtle, i could not mention he and his daughter produce this rebellious dragon! I can not bring up this to Xuanwu until this day!" Canglong frowned in anger.

"Canglong if i may, regarding my mission on the north eastern of the central plains, i will take a detour to the black turtle domain, i promise you to never shame you, i will take responsibilities over Bixi, i regarded him as family!" Wen Jin face was solemn, he cupped his hand and kneeling!

"No! Get up right now!" Canglong shouted!

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