
The Fate Ridden Survivalist

A well build society has a very strict standard of quality, Wen Jin was cast out because of his talent. He has failed to awaken his talent, but fate says otherwise! "Who the stupid bastard who made you this way!" The Golden Dragon sighed. (Maybe i can used this human to get me out of here! But if i awaken his power will he be ungrateful? What if he refuse? What is he like?) "hmm! i better wait for you to awake then!" A Year later.. "Who the heck are you!" The level 8 Leng's family spiritualist screamed, his body was broken up by Wen Jin. "I am his grandson, are you deaf or stupid? Brain damage? You are pretending to be stupid so i don't tried to take advantage of you! Don't you worry i never take advantage of a beggar who want to blackmail my family for money, shame on you! I know you are as broke as shit! Go eat trash!" Wen Jin. "You! There is no one as strong as you amongst the Liu's! Who are you!" The man demanding answers. "Shut the fuck up! I told you, i am his grandson! Figure out yourself you don't deserve my explanation! Go eat trash or i am gonna make you eat the shit that my beast made! He is stone element his shit is hard to digest!" Wen Jin.

Egi_Dio · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

Follow That Rat!

To reach the third level of the talent ranks Wen Jin needed one month, his fist now can even launched from a moderate distance, but the damage became lesser. The Rui Shi male became adept with fire element, it even can endow it's claws to became flame claws. Every stone that it touch became molten lava!

The female was imbued with lightning and wind element, every strike became fast and every hit has paralysis effect!

The small one now can cast earth element defensive enchantment, there is no improvement to his tracking abilities.

Master and spirit beast was boosted in passive defense as their body filled with the brimming with spiritual power, but Wen Jin starting to feel the thin spiritual power in the cave lessening.

"Arghhh!" Wen Jin has been holding the condensation energy to pass into the fourth level for 45 days non stop he was becoming exhausted, the spiritual energy that he has condensing was not as it used to be.

"You are getting harder to condense the spiritual energy right!" The Dragon speak in his casual rude manner.

"How do you know?" Wen Jin.

"Oh please! I am a God! For God sake! Of course i would know!" The Dragon snort.

"What seems to be the problem with the caves?" Wen Jin curious.

"Nothing change with the caves, your body however getting greedier!" The Dragon replied.

"Heh! You eat most of the food in the caves!" Wen Jin replied.

"Dumb fuck! I don't need you to tell me that shit! What i am talking about is your cultivation needs, shit head! It's energy level consumption is getting bigger, the concentration of energy here is not that much! We are under the earth dragon veins right, not in it! Yes.. aha! Dumb fuck! You need to climb up!" The dragon just had his days screwed by the "all you can eat" comment.

"Ah! You should explain it more clearly then!" Wen Jin want to crush the dragon foul mouth if what it says nothing but non sense, but it seems it was right!

"You should follow the rat there!" Dragon pointer to the area where putting food was forbidden because the rat was so pro active making them disappears.

"Why what the rat up to?" Wen Jin approach the location.

"Hmmp! Find out yourself!" The Dragon refuse to tell.

"This hole is to small! Little one come here!" Wen Jin just got an idea. He would sent the little Rui Shi to investigate the rats!

Several days later the mystery of the rats was found it was a way up! The energy was thicker, the only problem was the hole was too small!

"Do not tear it a part! If you use brute force i will kick your ass if the ceiling collapse!" The Dragon warn Wen Jin. He was just having the wildest idea to smash the hole and make it bigger!

"Well that one idea was not worth a penny! Trying to sell it for a dollar is absurd!" Wen Jin start to thinking, but he has not get any idea for it.

He got back to his cultivation and several days later he broke through into the fourth level!

Advancing his physical prowess and defense was stronger, he felt even when a sword cut him, would not leave even a mark in his skin. His long range fist even more impressive it has not lessen as were hit directly by actual body contact!

The male Rui shi now able to enchant his body with flames, everything he leaned on became molten lava! His spitfire also generates bigger fireballs and showing the sign to developed into multiple fireballs attack.

The female Rui Shi now can use teleportation as it was predicted by the foul mouth dragon! "See i told you so dumb ass!"

The little one has not improve in abilities but his size growth into almost as big as his mother, i guess that was a juvenile size of a male Rui Shi!

"Now sit here!" The dragon told Wen Jin to approach it.

"What do you want?" Wen Jin asked.

"Grr!" The Dragon about to explode.

"Wait! That was in appropriate! I will take it back, i am sorry!" Wen Jin developed a quick response to shield the agony of being ear-fucked by the foul mouth dragon.

"Um! Okay if you put it that way!" The dragon frowned a bit.

"I wanted to teach you a celestial ability! Do you want it?" The Dragon asked Wen Jin.

He wanted to asked "what is the catch for me!" But knowing this were celestial ability he has to say "yes! I want it!"

"Good we start to nite, you just advanced a level consolidate your power asked your spirit beast to do the same!" Dragon.

That night the dragon start the teaching of dimension walk, as known as teleportation. Human was blind as a bat in the dimension used in space of time, only spirits beast has the aptitude to go through them, this is just the same as the space where spirit beast could be contain.

"You mean these three spirit beast can be store in a dimensional cage for easy traveling?" Wen Jin.

"Yes! Order take out once in a while!" The dragon sneered.

Wen Jin ignored the dragon comment, his min wondered did the other spirit beast user able to use this space to store their beast.

"Um is this the celestial skill you are teaching me!" Wen Jin looks very determine.

"What! Pet storing is novice stuff dimwit! Not that one! It's an introduction since you are non knowledgeable!" Dragon.

"Sigh!" Wen Jin.

"Don't use that sound on me! Keep staring i will poke those eyes, don't be a smart ass! You don't have what it takes! Quit yapping nonsense!" The dragon 'famous' trash talk!

"Please continue.." Wen Jin.

"Listen! The pet can move with you through this small dimension, the spirit beast even how weal they are can use this space to move around, it's overlapped with this time and space in reality, so.." the dragon expression is like a pervert.

"What!?" Wen Jin clueless.

"Use the space to get out of the cave! Duh!!" Dragon.

"How?" Wen Jin.

"I thought you has follow the rat! Go there watch again!" Dragon pissed.

"Alright!" Wen Jin.

Now there must be something about the rats, we just to stick with the rats. Wen Jin realize that the hole into the upper caves was not the focus of the dragon request, he forgot that he suppose to only follow the rats!

"Little guy! Follow the rats!" The small Rui Shi was barely fit the holes now, it's getting bigger. Suddenly it sees a rat, the rat seeing the Rui Shi stuck in the middle of the route teleported to avoid the Rui Shi and appeared not far on the otherside! Wen Jin was amazed seeing that through the Rui Shi soul link.

"The rats can do that! Hmm!" He told the small Rui Shi to come back, the small Rui Shi sound a relief as he got back out.

Wen Jin got back sitting near the dragon who was laying in a in a flat stone that was made into a bed.

"So anything you want to asked?" Dragon opening his eyes.

"How can the rat have teleport skills?" Wen Jin.

"To get away!" Dragon.

"From the caves?" Wen Jin.

"From me!! If he not faster than me he would be dead by now! How many food that the bastard took from me!" Dragon frowning.

"So you want me to catch the bastard?" Wen Jin clueless again.

"No! Not yet! Hmm but that was not a bad idea! If you catch it! I'll reward you! But know i teach you a celestial skill!" The dragon smiled.

"What it's called?" Wen Jin eagerly.

"Hitching a ride!" Dragon.


"What the fuck is that stare! It really a skill! You don't want it? Fine!!" Dragon.

"Little master please wait, i thought you was messing with me.." Wen Jin persuading the dragon.

"Shit! You are lucky enough to be teach by me, otherwise no brain cell of yours can perceive this celestial skill! I told you once learn it so YOU can get out of here!" Dragon.

The dragon step away came running right at Wen Jin, a moment before he crash he was gone, and appeared some distance holding Wen Jin underpants!

"Hey! When do you stole that!" Wen Jin was embarrassed.

"Ughh!" The dragon threw the underpants down to the ground.

"What!! You got it dirty now!" Wen Jin pouting.

"Anyway your ugly underwear was hitching a ride with me in the dimensional space!" The dragon explain.

After that teaching experience Wen Jin wash his underpants smiling with a nosebleed imagining how he can stole a girls underwear with that pervs skills.

The dragon felt a chill down his neck "did i do the right thing showing an example with the underpants thing? But the brat does not have anything on his body to be an example on the experiment!" Not long before that he hear Wen Jin sneeze.

"Quit washing that underpants so long near the river you will catch a cold! Get back to training the skill, use your female Rui shi!"

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