12 Talking about it

We sat for a moment in silence. I didn't know what to say. He didn't force me to say anything but his eyes told me to hurry.

"My mom and I have been having a really hard time getting along lately. It's...getting pretty stressful. She's been going over the top with things. I haven't told anyone this...but she scares me." I couldn't help but sigh in relief. I've never said it out loud and now that I have it feels as if some weight has been lifted.

"What does she do that scares you enough to give you nightmares? Does she hurt you?"

"No! I-i mean...only sometimes, but she's not like that all the time. She worries a lot and-" he gave me a really concerned look. I couldn't even continue.

"Don't defend her. You're her child. She gave you life, yet she'd hurt you? I don't understand." he seemed angry at Alice for doing something he doesn't even understand.

"She didn't give me life. She adopted me after my mom died." his head whipped around towards me. His eyes were wide open, lips slightly parted and his face seemed flushed. I hate how cute he looks right now.

"Hold on a moment." he checked the time on his phone before opening the car door and hopping out. After slamming the door shut he went into the cafe. I don't know what's going on. Did I say something wrong or something that upset him? What was I supposed to say? What should I say when he comes back? A million different questions swirled in my head and soon he was back at the car door. He pulled the door open and slid in. For a moment he just sat there spacing out' before handing me a drink. It was in a reusable glass emerald green and baby blue tie-dye cup with a long thin straw to match. He got the same cup except his was navy and gold.

"Why so fancy?" he let out a soft sigh as he started the car up.

"I just thought that you deserve it. The things we just spoke about gave me a bad feeling, but to find out that she's not your mother makes it worse. I wanted to get you something, e-even if it wasn't much." he drove off down the street focused on our destination. I couldn't pull my eyes away from him. I held the cup tightly in my hands and pulled it close to my heart. The only person who gets me gifts is Chloe. It's been so long since anyone other than her has given me a gift. I was mesmerized by him. In the short time that we've been "friends" he's easily become the nicest person I know. He listens and he actually cares about me and what I have to say. I could feel my heart throbbing, longing for him. Even though I knew it was wrong of me to do, I leaned in and kissed his cheek. His foot slammed against the breaks. I am so glad that we are the only people here.

"What the hell was that!?" he looked really angry. His expression changed completely. I was stunned and terrified.

"I-i'm sorry...I don't know what came over me. I wasn't-" he grabbed my arm and squeezed. I couldn't help but moan in pain as his grip tightened.

"Don't play like that, Alex. It's not funny!" he pulled me towards him and grabbed onto my other arm.

"Please! I'm sorry...I promise i'll never do something like that ever again! Please let me go! You're hurting me!!" he pushed me away then grabbed onto the steering wheel.

"I'm sorry. I know it's not getting any better for us, but I am trying. You can't do things like that. Do you understand, Alex!?" he turned to me with a more calm expression. His voice said otherwise.

"I swear i'll never do it again. Please...l-let's just go to school." he nodded his head and we continued. I sat back in the leather seat and put my cup in the cup holder. I messed up today. I made him angry. He was going to kill me. Of I ran away now, would that make me a bad person? He obviously needs some help, but I don't know if I can do anything for him. If I stay he'll keep hurting me. A flash of light pierced my eyes and suddenly i'm at home. I'm laying in bed with my hands tied behind my back. All I can feel is pure terror. Jayden walks into my room. He's shirtless holding a leather belt in his hand.

"You've been bad. I guess that means you didn't learn the last time, right?" He walks up to the bed and looks down at me. In his eyes I can see my reflection. I have the expression of someone facing death. A face that has haunted my dreams for years. He gave me a sick sadistic smile, before he grabbed my arm and pushed me down onto the bed. I began to struggle as he turned me over onto my chest. Then the pain of the belt slashing my skin became the only thing present. I gasped, screamed, and cried between the stinging blows to my body. I opened my eyes and held my breath. I was back in the car with him. We were pulling into the school parking lot. I grabbed my things including the cup he got me and jumped out of the car before he even parked and ran into the building. I rushed through the halls and went straight to class. There were only a few students there. Thank god that Chloe was one of them. I sped to my seat next to her. She put her phone down when she saw me.

"Chloe, I need your help." she smiled and turned all the way around in her seat.

"So you went to his house and saw him naked, huh? I thought he wasn't your boyfriend. Did he buy you that?" she pointed at the cup filled with coffee I was too terrified to drink.

"Ok, ok. I know how it sounds, but honestly you have it all wrong. Although...I did go to his house..and see him naked, but that wasn't what you think it was. I met him at the park while he was doing his morning workout. He was sweating so we went to his place so he could shower and change. I met his mom. She's nice and super creepy. He showered and came back for his clothes while we were on the phone...so he was naked. I kinda freaked out...because he is so sexy, but it wasn't like that. And yes, he did buy me this cup. But that is not why I need your help!" her eyes lit up. She cleared her throat and looked around to make sure no one was listening.

"Tell me what's up, sis." I leaned in and began to explain my weird ass dream to her and everything that followed. When she heard about what happened with us in the car and my second nightmare she got this horrifying look on her face. She looked as if she were about to commit arson. She stood up and I quickly pulled her back down in her seat.

"Don't try to do anything crazy. I can't bail you out...again. Please sit down." she gave an angry sigh and sat back in her chair. I have to keep the two of them apart somehow. If she goes after him he'll just blame me and beat me all over again. What should I do!?

"We have to do something about this. You're in an abusive relationship and that bastard isn't even your boyfriend. He already knows that you like him, so why wouldn't he expect something like this to happen at some point?" she seemed to get angrier with every passing minute. She doesn't understand. This isn't the biggest problem. He never said that he wanted our friendship to end. He'll want to talk to me later in gym class. That was how I would fix this mess.

"I'll have to talk to him in gym class later. I'm sure I can just say that i'm "sorry" a few more times and then we can put it behind us. I know you want to do something about it, but the moment you do he'll blame me and then he'll kick my ass. He told me that I couldn't hide behind you. He said, it doesn't matter how many hospital trips it took that I would learn my lesson. I'd rather learn it sooner than later." she sat silently and crossed her arm. I reached out for her but she pulled away.

"I told you that this would happen but you just had to be with him, didn't you? Why are you saying that you're sorry? He's the one who should be sorry! He beats you!" she looked up at the board as the teacher walked into the classroom. The bell rang and we began class. This was a horrible way to start my morning today!
