
The Fallen Rise

Ever since the death of her Ex-boyfriend, Lin has been struggling to move past the day that changed her life forever, cursing her to be a Fallen Angel. When a job goes wrong and forces her to call on her old demonic friend Luc, Lin finds herself entangled in a web of mystery and betrayal that could not only change her future, but the future of the entire world.

Yasmina_Iro · แฟนตาซี
105 Chs


It took all my effort not to immediately refute my twin's statement, seeing all the seriousness in her expression. Her face said she truly believed what she had said and Lee quickly piped up, taking to the air again as his wings vibrated. 

"And what in the world would make you think that? Angels and Demons are nothing alike, I mean even your true forms look nothing alike." The pixie pointed out and Sarai sighed, as if she was annoyed with his response. 

"Because we share the same ancestor. At least, I'm almost certain we do." Sarai continued, motioning to the Garden around us. "You know the human story? About Adam and Eve being the first humans?"

"Yeah, but it's only partly true." I added, looking at the pixie as he watched both of us. "Adam wasn't human, but Eve was."

"Let me guess, Adam was an angel?" Lee guessed, but I shook my head.