
The Extra Demigod Inside The Novel - Son of Hades

A young boy lost everything he once cherished. As he witnessed his family being brutally slain right before his eyes, something deep within him withered and died. His emotions turned numb, leaving his eyes hollow and lifeless. The bonds that once connected him to the world disintegrated, granting him the bleak liberty of detachment. He no longer belonged to this world, nor to any other. Life or death—it made no difference to him. His door remained perpetually ajar, ever ready to welcome death should it choose to pay a visit. And one day, death did arrive at his door. Though not to exterminate him but to set his tormented soul free. In the wake of his demise, the boy found himself reincarnated into a novel he had once read—a fantastical world where Greek mythology intertwined with reality. In this novel, the protagonist was the son of Zeus, the mightiest of demigods, destined to save the world. The boy, however, was not the hero. He was merely an extra, a shadow in the background of a grand narrative. --- This is the same author, "Smle_". I currently can't access to my original account. Therefore I will use this account to update this novel. :)

Smle_v2 · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

Plot Manipulation (2)

The cabin's wall was constructed by stacking logs on top of each other. Strips of steel, were hammered into place, crisscrossed, and reinforced the wooden framework. The cabin exuded an aggressive and unwelcoming aura as I approached its entrance. Above the entrance, an image of a sword crossed with a torch was imprinted.

It was the symbol of Ares, the God of War.

I knocked on the door and shouted. I didn't want to risk getting caught by someone.

"Is there anyone here!?"

I waited a whole minute for someone to answer me, but fortunately, there was no answer coming from inside. Everyone was distracted by the bull invading the camp, which was supposed to be protected by the border if it wasn't weakened due to the loss of divine energy. 

I could still hear the faint rattling of the battle against the mechanic bull, which meant I still had time before people began returning to their cabin. I had to act quickly.

I navigated through the first floor of the cabin and got to the second floor. There were many bedrooms that were occupied, unlike my rather isolated cabin. Different names were carved on the doors of the bedrooms. As I looked through the names, one made me halt my steps.

'Nathan White'

As soon as I entered his bedroom, I began investigating his items. I searched his entire bedroom thoroughly as I tried to find an item that could help me. I went through his wardrobe, desk, and drawers. But I wasn't able to find anything useful.

However, I was finally able to get my hands on a short sword leaning on the wall. As I examined the blade, I was met with exactly what I was searching for. The name "Nathan" was engraved on the leather handle of the sword. It was a common trend for Ares' kids to possess weapons with their names on them, as they valued weapons more than other demigods.

I took the blade and secured it in my bag. As I left the cabin, the battle was still going on. I sprinted towards the forest without losing any more time. I ran across the flora of the forest and reached an open area after a while.

In the middle of the open area was a sphere that vividly sucked and devoured blue and white threads. It felt ominous to be this close to it since it also tried to steal the divine energy stored within my body. 

I pulled out the blade I had just stolen and placed it on the ground. A grin spread across my face.


Now all I needed to do was wait, and everything would fall into place. I departed for the battlefield. I didn't want to be questioned about my whereabouts because I was nowhere to be seen throughout the entire battle against the mechanic bull.


When I arrived at the scene, the fight was still raging. With every clash of metal, sparks filled the air. Amidst the chaos, my eyes caught Adriel and others standing shoulder to shoulder, leading the battle on the front line.

The mechanic bull's outer steel shell had many scratches and dents after enduring the onslaught of the demigods. However, the same could also be said for demigods, as the weight of exhaustion was taking a toll on their bodies.

The bull exhaled from its artificial nose, creating a cloud of hot stem, as it pawed away the dirt. Its glowing eyes fixated themselves on Adriel, who was standing a few feet away. Suddenly, the bull charged at Adriel with, its massive steel horns aimed directly at him. The bull was getting closer and closer, shaking the ground beneath with each step.

He stood still, watching the bull's every move, and waited for the right moment to act. Just as the steel horns of the bull were about to pierce him, he buckled right under it, narrowly avoiding them. The bull missed past him, giving Adriel the opening to retaliate. His spear cut through the belly of the metal mass.

The damage left a wide cut that shot out currents and sparks. Its insides, which were mechanic systems of motor and flywheels, were visible through the slit. Normally, it shouldn't have been possible to pierce through the armor of the mechanic bull with a weapon. But the weapons demigods used were different than human-made ones.

The mythological world used divine metals that were much more powerful than normal human materials. The demigods' weapons were mostly made out of 'celestial bronze', which had the capacity to eradicate monsters, unlike steel. However, one downside of divine metals was that they couldn't be used to hurt the mortals.

The bull halted for a moment, which gave me enough time to catch up to Adriel and others, who were discussing their next moves.

"We need to aim for the inside of the bull. That's where the powerhouse of the bull is located. If we somehow disrupt the mechanical driver within, that would technically kill the bull."

Amelia spoke, her voice wasn't trembling as much this time. Her knowledge of the mythological world had expanded rapidly since she arrived at the camp, worthy of her title as the daughter of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom.

The first one to notice me was Nadia, thanks to her sharp hunter reflexes.


"Took you long enough..."

Eleanor mockingly said.

"I was trying to find this."

Others turned to me to see what I was talking about. I extended my palm, where a black ball with a radius of 3 cm stood.

"And what is that exactly?"

Amelia asked.

"It is a strong explosive."

Amelia was quick to understand why I had brought this small but powerful explosive. Her eyes wandered on the bull as her mind raced to formulate a plan to defeat it. After a couple of seconds, she returned her attention to us.

"Alright. Blake, give that to Adriel."

It's been only a couple of weeks since the terrible incident happened during our first quest but Amelia's fear that had made her paralyzed was now nowhere to be seen.

At least that's how things looked like from the outside. I knew too well that she was on the edge, trying to shackle her fear and not let it take control over her body again. She was still having a hard time fighting with her word in close combat. However, she had already promised herself not to whine away ever again after the desperation she felt on the beach. She had made up her mind.

I followed her command without any objections and handed it to Adriel. I wasn't interested in being the one who blew that bull. Besides, she was the daughter of Athena. Even if she were bound by her fear, she was still written to become one of the most calculating leaders in the novel.

However, Adriel seemed confused.

"What?! What am I supposed to do with that?"

"Insert that into the Bull."


A metallic and harsh roar resembling the gritting of two metals against each other resonated in the camp. The bull didn't appear to be pleased with the cut Adriel had inflicted on its side as it once again readied itself for the onslaught.

"You got it?"

Amelia asked Adriel with urgency.

"Yeah, Yeah. I hope so."

We scattered around the bull, encircling it from each side.

"We need to create an opening for Adriel to thrust that explosive into the bull through that cut!"

Amelia shouted. Everyone seemed to understand the plan and positioned themselves accordingly. I sided with Nadia while others were on the opposite side.

I observed others wait for a signal to attack. The bull's eyes fell on Eleanor as the spinning of metal flywheels clanged. My eyes intersected with Adriel's and we both dashed toward the bull.

As we closed in on the bull, it noticed us. Simultaneously, it turned toward me and gaped its jaws while swinging its spiky tail at Adriel. Adirel was forced to step back to dodge the tail. On my end, the situation was direr.

Its metallic mouth blazed as the warm sensation on my skin gave me goosebumps. From within its mouth erupted a gush of blazing flames. The flames traveled through the air, casting a dreadful glow over the battlefield.


Adriel and Eleanor shouted as they saw the raging flames approach me. I didn't have enough time to avoid it.

With all my might, I stomped the ground beneath me and sent my divine energy to the earth. The earth followed my orders and rose above, creating a thick stone barrier before me. Upon contact with the flames, the rock wall melted into magma, but it was able to protect me from a terrible death.

The bull was relentless. As it charged toward me, its massive body left a trail of dust and debris in its wake. But it was brought to a halt when an arrow with a silver tip pierced into its right eye.

'Lunar Silver...'

It was Artemis' signature material in the crafting of arrows' tips and one of the divine metals that could easily drill into steel.

Taking advantage of the bewildered bull, Adriel and Eleanor sprang into action. following closely behind, I also joined their attack. The bull, caught off guard by our sudden attack, struggled to regain its balance and defend itself. With each of our strikes, its outer armor weakened with evident deformations throughout its metallic body.

"Adriel. Try impaling the bull with high voltage!"

Amelia shouted from the side. Adriel didn't understand why, nevertheless, he did as she told him. He trusted Amelia's intelligence and judgment abilities more than any other. He gathered divine energy on the tip of its spear as electric currents became visible.

"Blake, can you help me out and make this bull stay put for a second?"

"On it!"

Following the trembling of the ground, masses of soil and stone erupted, rushing toward the metal limbs of the bull. The bull struggled to break out as I gritted my teeth.

"Hurry up! I can't hold on any more than a few seconds."

Thankfully, it was all Adriel needed. He leaped off the side and got behind the bull. With whatever power left in his arm, he thrust the spear at the bull's back. The tip penetrated the steel armor, reaching inside the bull. Precisely, the motor area.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Smle_v2creators' thoughts