

I worked really hard but this is all I got dissatisfaction and disappointment, what should I do anymore I don't know "I died " Wait how, how could this happen and how am I still alive "This is the ice heart dukedom" Is this the novel that I created! How??!!!!!! And I am a extra in it son of a slave concubine I have to survive I am somehow so much big mad fat I can't even walk properly (by author to readers Notice *****read synopsis before reading the novel*****) *this is my first novel I hope you will enjoy it**

Gulfam_Ali0 · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs


After hearing the mighty dragon's words, I knew what I had to do. I just had to draw Excalibur from its core and then the dragon will die and I will get the sword

For a while, just a moment, I saw the room; the dragon was locked. In the dark, with no one to talk to and nothing to do, just waiting to die

I realized that this was the life I lived before I was reborn into this world. Suddenly the system was back on


(system updated)

note :

Do you want to free the dragon


Yes No


I wanted to help Fafnir, and with small tears in my eyes. I asked him: "Aren't you lonely?"

Fafnir replied in a heavy voice: "Surely I am the little ice heart, why don't you put me out of this misery by drawing the sword?"

Leon answered with a heavy heart: "If I can rescue you from here, will you go on a long journey with me?"

Fafnir starts laughing and says "I understand but you aren't strong enough"

Leon didn't think much and pressed yes


Note: The system is

Release the dragon


In return, your body will do it

feel all the pain of the entity when

be detached from the seal


"Fafnir I Leon Von IceHeart, Grant yourself freedom In return become my Familiar"

Fafnir was annoyed "Stop spouting nonsense, you're still weak"

The system began to loosen the seal, and Leon was in the greatest pain, as if his body was on a road of nails and slowly being dragged on it, and slowly the seal was broken and Fafnir was released

Fafnir cried, and Leon was surprised to see that a divine being like Fafnir could even have feelings

"Master!!!! why did you do that?" Fafnir exclaimed

"I... I'm Leon Von IceHeart and also the next leader of the IceHearts and I've been through the same pain as you, I can understand loneliness!!!!"

Saying that Leon fainted and saw a dream of his past life

"How could you do that, how can you come second in your class, wish I never had a son like you?" is what my mother yelled at me after working so hard to impress her

I wish I had killed my mother at that point. I would have banged her head on the sidewalk until she died...

The anger Leon felt when seeing his previous memories and his mother the one who destroyed his life created a new skill while he was unconscious


Notice:Skill acquired

Hatred Level :1

Skill Info: Creates an aura which

release darkness and fear and anger

in the aura of the entity

skill rank:???
