
The Emporer Duke’s obsession

Do you believe in the tangled web of fate and destiny? Athena Rosa, the 13th princess of Searella Kingdom finds herself trapped in a twisted web of love, betrayal, and reincarnation. Just when she thought she had escaped her past life, the life where discovers that she was killed and betrayed by the people she loved, fate shows her otherwise Although it is all tragedy, she crosses paths with Deimos, the emperor who not only needs her blood to survive but is also someone she has loved in not one but two of her past lives and this time he wants her no matter the price Will she be able to fully trust him, will he betray her like the others and most importantly does he remember her or is he like the rest? Btw cover is not mine at all so I do not take credit My only hope is that this Novel does not change you as it changed it’s writer

Aella_Quinn · ย้อนยุค
105 Chs


I'll sit and watch your car burn

With the fire that you started in me

But you never came back to ask it out

Go ahead and watch my heart burn

With the fire that you started in me

But I'll never let you back to put it out

Your love feels so fake

And my demands aren't high to make

If I could get to sleep

I would have slept by now

Your lies will never keep

I think you need to blow 'em out


By Billie Eilish

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"Back to your habit, I see," Deimos said as he saw Athena trying her hair in a ponytail

"Go back to sleep" Athena told him as she walked towards him and gave him a peck on the lips

"No, I'll go with you," Deimos said as he removed the blankets from his body

"No, it's okay, you should sleep" Athena said, but Deimos was already out of bed

"You're just impossible," Athena said and sighed

"Ah" she gasped when she felt her body be pulled by a little force

"I don't think I can stand the thought of you training on your own as all those people look at you with lustful eyes," Deimos said and kissed her and Athena kissed him. After they were both out of breath Deimos left his wife and went to take a bath

A little while later he was finally ready and they walked to the training ground hand in hand. They were going to train together once more. If there was something that Athena really cared about, it was her body shape and her strength. She hated weakness, she didn't want to be as hopeless as before nor did she want to feel insecure and have her husband get called names for having a wife who couldn't keep her shape. Her body and mental health gave her a disadvantage in her first life, the words she heard the most were "How can she be empress, an empress has to take care of all and she can't even take care of her own body or her health". She hated them, she hated those words and she was never going to hear them again, she wouldn't give anybody the chance to mention them

The two of them did some light training and after they had a little fight and finally went back to the Palace, took their bath and changed into their formal attire

"You're saying your tea party is today?" Deimos asked Athena

"Yes, I forgot to tell you, I want it to be as soon as possible, I don't want the other ladies to find a loophole to criticise me," Athena said as she fixed up Deimos' tie

"Why do you care about what they think?" Deimos asked whining like a little kid

"Because they will be the ones to help me with my rebellion and with the North, they might be useful, but not as useful as you, my husband, but they are still of use" Athena said and left his tie when she finished

"This is beautiful" Deimos said as he looked at his tie, he had never seen such an elegant looking tie before, it looked different from the ones he wore, it was thinner and looked like it suited him better

"It's a new design. This is better, it's less suffocating than the ones you usually wear" Athena said

"To tell the truth I don't like the idea that you're spending the day with those evil and vile women, but if you think they are useful then all I can do is hope that you carry a gun or a knife with you," Deimos said and Athena nodded and looked up making Deimos hold her face and he started kissing her passionately, where was all anger coming from? Did something happen in their past life that his heart still remembered?

"I love you," Deimos said as kissed below her eye

"I love you too," Athena said and Deimos hugged her. He was very clingy

"I will see you later my heart, be careful Thena," he said Athena nodded

"I'll see you, good luck with the meeting" Athena said and Deimos kissed the top of her nose

"Be careful" he said as he walked out and Athena nodded and smiled at him until he was out of view. She missed his touch already

And here is today’s chapter (:

Made it on time and now I’m tired :(

Anyways happy reading

Good morning, afternoon and night

xoxo Aella_Quinn

Also rest early xx

Aella_Quinncreators' thoughts