
the elects

The story the elect unfolds the truth about humanity in real life which the world is hiding.

Gift_Femi · อื่นๆ
47 Chs

the disguise spy and the new plan 2

The Anunnakies presented the source as an arch-enemy to Almanakk, but even as Almanakk was still bowing down he doubted within himself that his superiors were telling the truth, but he was in no position to question their words.

Rah the sun god ended he's speech and Ki took over from him as he spoke with a bold voice.

{ki} "Now that the presence of the source has been felt on earth, it is clear that he has chosen and laid upon, few creations of he's the power like that of the first humans which we took from them".

As Ki ended his words, the second strongest among them all Known as (rounah) then spoke with a more deeper voice.

{rounah} It's now known to us that he tends to place raw energy and power on mare humans so no one will suspect it or be able to trace it".

" but no elect can hold this powers the source is about to release, for the power and capability of elects are nothing compared to that of humans.

"So Akila you have a new mission since the source is present on earth and he's planning to invade and set the human race free, we are also out to destroy his plans, and if you find the set of humans with special symbols of the god killer gift, come back to us immediately and we will tell u what to do with him or her.

As Rounah was speaking, a great noise quaked the whole place as the strongest anunnaki known as {damkina} emerged from a dark vortex of raging energy, he was in the form of a blue giant with circle of rings around his head chest and waist and a strange symbol on he's head.

As he appeared before them all, the other five anunnakies bowed before him.

{Damkina} joined the circle of anunnakies as he was about to speak.

As soon as he settled in the midst of them all he then spoke.

{damkina} "It is done".

As he finished those short words silence covered the whole place.

The green ripper who stood there while all conversation was going on, with hearing the voice of their superior, he hit his staff on the ground three times, immediately he did, the atmosphere changed, and the annunakies merged themselves together.

As soon as they merged together, their collision together created a heavy overwhelming energy reaction that almanakk almost died as a result of it.

The collision of the anunnakies was to have a secret silent conversation within themselves and make a rigid conclusion before giving out instructions to akila (almanakk) their demon herald.

After they ended their discussion, the reaction from their collision ended and they separated back to their normal form and hovered as they did.

Almanakk was the only one who was affected by the collision power, as his whole demon body was almost destroyed as a result of their silent conversation, and as Almanakk was a demon herald he had no power to move from he's position, or else he will be destroyed at the post for he is the last demon herald of the anunnakies as the others were destroyed as a result of disobedience to the rule and order of the anunnakies.

And almanakk feared them more because they were feared by almost all deities of the dark dimension, so because of this reasons almanakk obeyed them to the call.

During the moment he was faced with pains in which he almost died as a result of their energy collision of the anunnakies, his mind flashed backed to the time he spent with Meriline and how he has been respected and looked up to as a solution bringer instead of a toy this made him seal apart of he's mind against he's creators and superiors.

Almanakk crawled back to where he was bowing down and remained in the position.

He's demon body was destroyed and he was in pains but he couldn't speak.

As soon as he was back to his position, the green ripper then appeared back to his formal position and stood there.

Damkina seeing that all has taken position, he then spoke.

{damkina} " the plan remains the same but the strategy has changed".

"Listen closely akila! the game has changed.

The creator God the source has turned the table against us, and he has opened up himself in full and he's determined to set the human race free from our grasp, the powers he released are more than that which the first humans possessed.

The source has released the Paraclete"!

Akila hearing the name of the paraclete was troubled, for all the tales he was told about the paraclete were not a good one as the paraclete appeared to be a very devastating version of the source that has known no defeat. But yet Akila has very encountered the paraclete.

" the god killer symbol which you seek is not what should be searched for anymore, the set of people the source will choose are known as "eklektos" this set of new elects will be gifted with the power and unlimited capabilities of the Paraclete, and no one knows if he's new group of warriors will be humans or elects, so you will search diligently and do not spare any suspected person whether human or elect, for with the power of the Paraclete the power of humans will become more deadly than the ones the first two humans that. We're first created".

"Our new mission is to eliminate and stop those who possess the spirit of the Paraclete,

And same assignment is also upon you, you are to carry out and do our bidding as you were created for.

"Since the source has learned to fly without perching, we have also learned to shoot without stopping.

"Arise" Damkina urges Akila to stand as they give him the last instructions.

" I am yours to command," akila (almanakk) said as he stood before them six.

The green ripper hits his staff on the ground where he stands, and a ray of light descends from above and strikes the ground where he stands.

After the green ripper was done with his own part, Damkina, utu, Ki, Ash, Rounah, and rah they six stretched out their hands as ray of energy surged out of their hands towards the light and it began to form a very powerful staff, the staff which was formed was called (ohnyalei) a very powerful staff that is used by strong warlocks.

This staff was created to aid Akila in his mission of hunting down the eklektos.

As soon as the ohnyalei was formed, it then hovered in front of akila as it emitted blue energy.

Damkina then spoke to akila( Almanakk)

" behold your aid on your new assignment, do not relent for a second to put an end to those with the spirit of the Paraclete when you find them, and when you do, bring back their bodies to us either dead or alive.

The anunnakies saw in almanakk as he was bothered on how he could detect those with the spirit of the Paraclete for he has never encountered such powerful spirit,

And it was not proper for a demon to be asking how he would locate those with the spirit of the Paraclete, so the anunnakies realized that the life he is living on earth has damaged his demonic mentality

so they added a rune on the staff (ohnyalei) to restore him back to his demonic state which makes him heartless and focus only on his mission. In other to clear the air, Damkina said to him.

" don't be weary on how to know those with the spirit of the Paraclete, you are a demon you will surly know those with it".

"Now take hold of the ohnyalei" Damkina commanded him.

Almanaak then walks closer to the staff and grabs it.

Immediately he grabbed it, the powers of the staff were made manifest in him as the energy in the staff overwhelmed him. As he was still under the influence of the power of the staff, he's demon body began to heal, as soon as it healed up, he was transformed to a more stronger demon, and his eyes became red as he became a demon king known as Asmodeus, he was powered with strength of seven dark energy which makes him greater than the oni baron.

Almanakk's mind is now blinded with he's assignment and he's now ready to do as he is commanded without holding back.

" I am yours to command send me" said akila.

Utu then said.

{utu} " we have given you power to carry out our new mission and your new assignment,

You are to enter into this battle against humans and elects and relent not even against a fellow demon.

{Rounah} " this is war against humanity, the source will know the might of our power.

The green ripper hits he's staff on the ground where he stood and the portal to earth opened Akila walked through and left the dark dimension of the anunnakies and the portal closed.

Immediately he left Damkina spoke.

{Damkina} "our fellow aeons has also gotten the war alert and they also are out in search for the so called eklektos"

We ourselves will enter into the world in our fullness in search of this new recruits of the source. For if we don't, we will loose this war.

We lost the war in the highest realm, we lost it in the middle realm of aeons, this is the last and lowest dimension, and we have gone so far, we are not lossing to him (the source) instead we will end the human race.

The paraclete has never been defeated, that's because he was on he's own but now that he has chosen to enter into humans and manifest himself through them, He will know the true strength of the anunnakies and the fallen!