
The Elders

The world was hit with a major catastrophe, which affected the physical and supernatural world. The cause of this can be attributed to the ELDERS or better still the craziest of them all. This is my first work, so a lot of constructive criticism is appreciated, also am not really good at English so expect some grammatical errors.

Peroejije · แอคชั่น
6 Chs

Chapter 5 : Day ring

Alice didn't know how many hours that have passed, before she gradually opened her eyes.

The first thing she saw was a man crouched down and staring at her, he had brown hair and a hard face but overall you could call him handsome except for his eyes which were all black including the iris, with dark veins all surrounding the areas close to the eye.

He then grinned at her, which showed part of an extended canine.

"Is you. Alice voiced out, alarm clearly in her voice.

She tried to move away but she was far weaker than when she passed out. She couldn't move a muscle.

"Don't move around too much or you might end this sooner".

Instead of the gruff voice Alice was used to, what she heard was a low but calm and steady voice.

"What is happening to me?

"You are transitioning".

"Into what?

" A vampire"

That was the confirmation she needed, she already had her suspicions, but didn't want to believe it at first. Cause no matter how you look at it, it seemed really crazy that the supernatural creature which inspired many novels and movies actually existed.

" Your transition won't be complete unless you drink some blood. The man continued.

" And if I don't?

"You die again, this time for real". He answered in a deadpan voice.

At this moment a lot where going through her mind , with what he said just now, it seems she had indeed died yesternight.

" You don't need to think much into this, am giving you a chance which 99% of humans will kill for, a chance to immortality.

" But there's always a downside to everything?

I mean I know a few downsides of this vampire thingy and am guessing am even experiencing some now, but what exactly do you want?

Alice questioned.

He put his hand inside his trench coat and brought out a blood bag.

"Drink and find out or you can die a mundane death here and now.


It was late in the night when Will finally got home to meet the house empty, with no sign of Alice. He looked at the dining table and saw a lot of unfinished food. He wondered if she invited some friends over.

As he was about to enter inside the bedroom, his wolf senses kicked in, as two scents wafted into his sensitive nose. Obviously one of the scent belonged to Alice, cause he could smell the same scent coming from her clothes in the bedroom wardrobe. The other scent was foreign, he contemplated on who the other party might be.

He previously had doubts that she called over some friends knowing she wasn't the crowd type, this seems to validate that doubt.

He decided not to give it too much thought and start cleaning up the mess.


In the darkness of the woods, Alice could be seen standing side by side with the mysterious man, they seem to be in some kind of clearing in the woods.

They were both lost in their own thoughts. Alice thought over what she just did once again. It seems she is now a creature of the night, a vampire. She remembered the sudden urge she felt to quench her taste and hunger when he brought out the blood, but a small rational part of her was able to calm her down a little.

Eventually she decided to succumb to the temptation and drink the blood. All because of the statement ; "Drink and find out or you can die a mundane death here and now".

Ever since she was a little girl, she feared living a life without any meaningful impact on her surroundings . A boring life up-till death without any adventure mixed in between. This may be the adventure and thrill her soul always yearned for. Where this decision of hers will lead to, she didn't know, but she had resolved to face it all head on.

"So what happens now?. She finally decided to break the silence.

"We are waiting for someone"


"When she gets here you will know ".

He answered impatiently.

"Can I know your name then?, since obviously you know mine already.

"You ask a lot of questions Alice"

" Am a teacher, so is an habit of mine. Alice answered.

This time he didn't answer and silence engulfed them again for some few minutes before it was broken again, surprisingly it wasn't Alice this time around.

"Phillip Gretel "


"That's my name.

" How many of you guys are out there?

She questioned.

He shook his head chuckled but before he could answer, footsteps can be heard in front of them. It didn't take time before a woman came into view.

She was dark in complexion with completely bald her, it didn't really hinder her beauty. She had two big circled ear rings dangling on her ears.

She complemented her dark complexion with a black dress and a black shoe, she had an irritated look on her face.

"Took you long enough Margaret. The man said with a smirk.

"I don't appreciate night calls Phillip. She said with a raspy voice.

"We are creatures of the night, so what do you expect."

"Don't give me that bullshit, you are clearly a day person as well, courtesy to that ring on your finger"

She pointed out .

"Well I got a newborn here, which I would like you to make a day light ring for as well".

He then dug his hand into his left pant pocket and brought out a ring which he threw to her.

She caught it easily and looked at him, before raising an eyebrow.

"Already sent ". He said, clearly understanding what the raised eyebrow meant.

She then let out a grin, closed her eyes and started speaking in latin :

"Sol in sinu tenebitur, quamdiu hic anulus ad manum tenet ur".

She repeated the words three times before a slight started blowing, which was gone as soon as it started, it was almost like an hallucination.

She then threw the ring back to him which he caught easily. She turned around to leave but after an afterthought she looked back and asked ; "what's so special about her that you bequeathed a daylight ring to her so easily when you have so many night walkers working their ass off for it?

"Take care of yourself Margaret and nice doing business with you once again "

"Nice doing busy with you Phillip Gretel". She gave a slight bow and finally left from where she came.