
The Dwarf Dragon



Dragons... the bane of my existence, a remnant of unforgiving past, a history unforgotten and a bond severed

As the dawn break upon the horizon and the sun had risen and the first horn was blown. Hundreds upon thousands of warriors formed the front line, archers moving to their designated positions as we ready our weapons of war. Then the second horn was blown signaling that the enemies are approaching as we gaze upon the horizon we could see the dragons with their numbers enough to block the sunlight and as they grew closer the skies went darker and darker. As we stand our ground cascade of emotions rushing through our bodies some struggle to keep a stance contemplating whether to fight or flee knowing their impending peril. Some of them stood courageously in the front line they were ready to fall knowing their death would not be in vain and the cause is worth their lives. tales of their battle will be cherished from generations to come to many we have prepared ourselves from their retaliation and my conviction was clear all that would be left of them is myth and stories. Their defeat was imminent

chapter 1 A rough start

a child can't choose their parents as well parent cant choose who their child. my father had put a lot of pride in me he had many expectations as one day I will be his successor. You see that I was born with nobles blood my father was a king he had ruled over the dragonkin for centuries our law was simple those who had the utmost power earned absolute obedience of all the dragons that's how he became king he has defeated his father as did his father has defeated his fathers before, our bloodlines run on pure strength and raw power but that premises might as well be false on the day that I was hatched.

Ever since I was hatched I have already been different for I was smaller compared to others and my stature had made me a victim of insults among my kin a prince made jester for the amusement of others but it's not only my size they insulted me for its also because the color of my scales, we dragons had a belief that the darker your scale is the stronger and bigger you would be and those who had the biggest stature in my kin were called the wardragons, and as of my color I was hatched with dull grey color and they mocked me for it.

With all that said my father's expectations were shattered on the day I cracked from that shell, his confidence had been replaced with shame and disappointment though he fears that our lineage of ruler will end in mine. All the elder dragons saw my birth as an abomination of their kin, if I was not an offspring of the king I'll be killed just after I was hatched and for that I'm truly grateful to my father. For decades my fathers had rejected me he barely even spoke to me he was swayed by the others to think I was a failure

I know I have a long way to go to challenge him for the throne Even with all these odds I was sure to take his place I am still confident in my own capability I have no doubts that one I would also rule the dragons and gained fathers approval but I know I couldn't do it here I have to reach far in order to be the mightiest and so there I was filled excitement ready to explore the world and I promise you, father, that when I returned I've had enough strength to challenge every single dragon and put their head beneath my feet.

I would prove to him our lineage of kings will not end in mine.

End of chapter 1

this is my first writing please give me a feedback I'll take as much criticism as I can

ROCKABORcreators' thoughts