
The dragon's heirs

After hundreds of years since the time when the people of Thrakia last joined forces with the dragons, an egg started to hatch. Five young nobles are called to the capital to try to tame the dragon but the royal court is not an easy place to navigate. When one of the canditates shows a different position that expected and is even able to use magic having their one purposes, the task becomes even more challenging.

Cristina_5911 · แฟนตาซี
58 Chs

Chapter 28: Prince Magnus

Moving in the same tact, Magnus could not help but sneak peeks at his partner who was gracefully sliding on the garden pathway. Lady Ivalyn's supple arm intertwined with his own, a strange warmth making its way from there through his body. 

"Is he gone?" her voice suddenly broke the silence between them.

Magnus had to focus, turning from his earlier thoughts to see if there was anybody around. Not for the first time the past weeks, he was grateful that others could not sense when he used spirit or else their charade would have been already discovered.

"There is nobody after us, though its hard to tell with all the servants working around here and the nobles arriving for the festivities.

Suddenly stopping, she turned her head to look behind them, before turning back to face him. "Do you think it's safe to speak now?"

"I'm afraid not, my lady. Maybe soon, when the music will be able to hide our words," he suggested but that didn't seem to please her.