
Plan of Action 3

Polemos was staring dead eyed, at what looked like a small hill of fish, then glanced over at what looked like only 35+ fish.

"Did you really have to go that, well hard Elder Spear. I mean come on, I just started this yesterday, and you've what, over half your life damn, I got destroyed."

"Well all I did was show you that you should never underestimate your opponent, and it's a competition, what'd you expect to happen?"

"Well you're not wrong Elder Spear, just was not expecting this, and what are you gonna do with all of that fish?" Polemos asked as it didn't look like Elder Spear needed that small hill of fish.

"Well to be honest, I don't really know at the moment nor did it cross my mind?" Elder Spear scratched his cheek and pondered as he was lost in the fun of the competition.

"Well you could sell the rest right. I mean you're able to sell the remaining fish you catch, right?" Polemos just spoke without really thinking at the start, then really asked again the second time. He noticed that the original body's memories didn't have the best knowledge about money or if not any at all.

"Well you technically can. I'm not able to. I'm currently a slave under one of the members of the tribe who doesn't have any real influence." Elder Spear responded as he suggested that Polemos could sell the remaining fish if he wanted.

'I do need some more supplies but that would mean I would have to go back to the tribe itself.'

"I could definitely do that but, who would you recommend since I'm not part of the tribe? I don't think I would be all that welcomed would I." Polemos probed in order to see if the merchants reacted the same as the others of the tribe.

"Oh you do learn quickly for your age, that's good, very good. Then I would definitely recommend Carl, he's a retired soldier of an allied tribe and can sell you many things, and even buy your fish." Elder Spear smiled as he decided to help Polemos again.

"Don't worry about Carl, he's a very understanding person, it's just he doesn't leave his tent that often, others often think he's just an angry old soldier."

Elder Spear continued to talk about what Carl was like, as Polemos listened in awe.

'Why is he so helpful to an outsider like me, I'm pretty sure most of the tribe had at least heard of my name, I mean I was tortured and beaten regularly. I mean his eyes didn't change when I told him my name?'

"Sorry to interrupt you Elder Spear, but I forgot to mention that I'm-."

"What, from the tribe? Well that's kinda obvious there Polemos."

Polemos's left eye twitched as he stared at Elder Spear.

"Well what gave it away, was it the eyes or the name?"

"Both actually."

". . . . . . ."

"You need to hide your face better, or don't hide it at all, Polemos. And in your case you definitely shouldn't hide it at all." Elder Spear responded as he decided to head to the small hill of fish and proceeded to sort the biggest from the smallest.

"Now you'll want to take the bigger fish to Carl as he'll give more for the bigger ones…."

Polemos just stood there like a deer in headlights staring down a semi.


Elder Spear stopped sorting through the fish and looked at Polemos.

"Are you gonna help this 'Old Man' or are you just going to stand there like a Gold Horned Deer."

"Wait, there's deer in the desert? That's amazing what do they look like, are they rare, have you had any to eat….?

Polemos asked a string of questions as he completely forgot to ask Elder Spear what he originally intended. As they continued to sort through the fish, Polemos continued to ask more questions to increase his knowledge as he needed everything he would need to survive. As Polemos looked at his full pot of fish that would be his to take to his tent, he then looked at the fish that would be his to sell.

"How could I ever thank you, Elder Spear and please don't say you don't need anything. I need to repay you somehow." Polemos asked as he had his hood down and showed Elder Spear his face. He couldn't remember when he put his hood down but he didn't care.

'If my eyes are seen as a curse I could use that to my advantage.' Polemos had a slightly evil look in his eye.

"Well I won't turn that down then so don't mind me for being shameless. Now what could I want for repayment, ah I got it; will have another fishing competition!"

"Well that is some high level shamelessness there Elder Spear, I don't think I can top that. Hell, well, I'll be in your care Elder Spear."

Polemos took out his hand and was expecting to shake Elder Spears hand but Elder Spear went in for a Roman styled handshake which took him by surprise. But Polemos decided to ask about that when he saw Elder Spear tomorrow. As he needed to go and sell the rest of the fish to Carl he decided to take his fish home first, and hide the fish in the bag and come back to sell.

"Alright let's go and see Carl. And hopefully don't run into any of those from the orphanage, and especially Alyan." Polemos stretched himself before he headed back to the water source.

'Gods this is a bad idea, why am I going back to the tribe? Well I am currently contributing but also I'm using them at the same time.' Polemos started to run back to the water source to get the bag of fish.

Luckily the sky is still bright.

'Well the competition with Elder Spear wasn't that long in the first place, wait, I was able to catch a lot more fish a lot quicker than yesterday?' Polemos chuckled in his mind as he found the bag that looked like it wasn't touched.

"Alright, well Elder Spear did say that I would be able to find Carl near the outer part of the tribe, and closest to the water source. Well that shouldn't be too hard."

As Polemos was getting closer to the tribe he noticed three tents in the distance and stopped as he tried to remember what Elder Spear said about Carl's tent.

"Well he did say it was the closest but."

Before Polemos was able to finish, he heard an angry roar from the tent on the far left.

"He also did say that others saw him as an angry soldier; it looks like he uses that to his advantage also."

Polemos then headed to the big tent on the left that looked like it could hold hundreds of people. "Damn, this tent is so much better than mine I wonder if he sells tents? I'm pretty sure he does, well first things first I need to sell these first before I go shopping."

Polemos headed to the only counter near the back of the tent, and was finally able to see the 'Carl' that Elder Spear talked about. Carl was a 2 meters tall beast of a man, he was burly, tanned, with scars across his right side of his face, and a thick black beard that was tied with small bells in them.

When Carl looked up and noticed Polemos he squinted his eyes slightly and called in a thick and manly voice.

"You look familiar, do I know you boy?"

"Well it's my first time here but I grew up in the orphanage of the tribe. Oh and Elder Spear highly recommended you to me."

"Oh, he did now. Well let me introduce myself officially. Names Carl and if you're looking for something ask and I'll be glad to help if I can." Carl responded with a typical merchant line as he gestured to the items in the tent.

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind. The name is Polemos and I was wondering if you could purchase this bag of fish from me?" Polemos reached down and pulled up the bag of fish to show Carl.

"Now there looks to be about 150 kilograms in that bag, I should be able to give ya' about 20 silver coins for the whole thing."

'20 silver coins. Is that a lot it sounds like it should be but I'm not entirely sure.' Polemos nodded his head as he accepted Carl's rate as he proceeded and asked him if he had anything for water, food, and tools.

"Oh and do you sell weapons of any kind or is that a special order?" Polemos asked as Carl listened and then raised his eyebrow on the final question.

"Do you not have a common ranked water spell? Wait, do you even know any spells at all, and do you know what weapon you want and how to wield it?"

Polemos was definitely not expecting that line of questioning at all as it caught him off guard but, his lips curved slightly and his royal purple eyes shone a devilish purple light.

"Well you might not believe me but I was almost killed, buried in the sand alive, and then dug myself out somehow. If you have any items that can help I'll gladly purchase them off you."

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