
The Dimensional Vanguard: Rift Breakers

Dimensional travel. A theory that is said to be impossible to reach and yet, humans were creative enough to even build a tech to break through the universe to travel to the other. What's there to discover? What's there to even do? For Earth's benefits? For a new future? Whatever it is, the government had already made their decision to make history. For the first time in a thousand and a million years, it is possible. For a new world to adventure. As they see what's outside of their universe, sending in their utmost great men to these unfamiliar Worlds.

Hushed_Desire · แอคชั่น
6 Chs

Chapter 1: Illuminating visit

In the busy hallways of the Vanguard HQ. One of the doors swung open, revealing a man who seemed to be in a rush as he took a step out of his room.

Captain Nato heading his way to Prof. Veronica's office. On his way, he still has the paper of the listed people that will take part in the Operation. He raised his arm and read the rest of the paper while walking.

Gazing through it one by one, his eyes going up and down, reading each unfamiliar name to himself. Yuri, Rado, Dexter... All are unknown people. Although it makes sense as he read their details, it shows that they came from a different country.

Reading the last column slowly, relief washes over him as he reads his brother's name, Oliver, at least he has someone who's with him.

He wonders how they've recruited these people. Not to mention, she said these are skilled people? That's gonna be convenient on their part once he gets along with them.

As he turns the corner of the hallway, an elevator awaits him, it's empty and it's open. Moving into the spacious elevator, he pressed the 2nd floor, stepping back and stood still.

[Going to floor 2...]

Before the doors closed in front of him. A hand slipped through the narrow gap and opened the door. This startled Nato because he was considerably close but he regained his composure and took a few steps back to give space.

As the door was widely opened, it gave away a female soldier equipped with an exoskeleton and a modeled helmet that appeared to be one of the newly crafted advanced helmets, covering her whole face.

"Ah! I'm sorry if I scared you. I was in a rush." She raised her hands in a gesture of calming him as her helmet retracts showing her face, her soft and brown eyes as she awkwardly smiles before leisurely stepping inside the elevator.

"Don't worry about it. Just make sure you won't be late next time with whatever you're doing." He reassured her.


"Captain Nato Ironheart." Giving his name to the female soldier.

"Yes, Captain." She salutes and gazes towards the panel, choosing her desired floor level.

Before she could even press the level she wanted. "Oh, we're going to the same floor?"

"I guess..." He replied as the door before them closed.

The elevator started to move with a voice notification.

[Going to floor 2...]

A hush descended into the elevator filling the room with awkwardness. Although it'll be quick right? Just one floor up... But why is it taking so long?

Nato cleared his throat at a loud volume. "So... What's your name, soldier?" He asked so they could have a topic.

"Sergeant Ashley Thorn, Sir!" She chanted with determination.

Nato observes the armor she's wearing, he notices that not only is she wearing the newly crafted helmet but even the armor beneath her exoskeleton.

"Using the new modeled armor huh?"

"Y-yes sir! We're testing this out for the upcoming mission and a few training sessions, sir." She explained.

Who would've thought they're already making preparations for the mission but something clicked in his mind, her name was part of the list, so he decided to ask.

"By the way, are you going to take part in Operation Astral?"

"Yes sir, I just got that announcement an hour ago." she replied.

After finishing her sentence the elevator gave out a notification and put it to a stop.

[Arrived at Floor 2…]

It took a long time just to go one floor up but they arrived at least. The doors opened with a ding. Ashley, being in the front, went out first but Nato called out for her name, stopping her steps shortly and glanced over her shoulder.

"I'll be seeing you there, Sergeant. Just know that I'll be your Captain for the mission." he gave out a sappy smile as if he was looking forward to meeting her.

Ashley felt a sense of comfort from his sappy smile, lifting her spirits up for her training. Exchanging smiles and replies. "Ah! I look forward to seeing you there, Captain." Waving her hands in goodbye as she started jogging away towards the left hallway.

Before Nato could even proceed to exit the elevator, the elevator automatically closes, putting Nato into a panic as he reaches to stop the door while pressing the open button at the same time. "Oi! Stop!" He shouts.

Moments later, walking through the busy hallways of sector B, the offices of each researcher, professors and others.

Each person passes through each door and rushes to the hallways with their messy offices.

It's chaotic as expected, it seems that this project is really important.

Nato approaches Room 5, office room of Prof. Veronica, one of the farthest and placed on the center of the end hallway, so inconvenient to walk to especially on a busy hour.

Moving on, he reaches for the door knob and twists it open.

Upon opening the door, the light behind him pierced through the gaps of the door opening showing his silhouette, the room is just as dim as his room. In front of him was a short-haired woman, napping on her table.

He pondered if this is the wrong time to talk to her, he doesn't want to interrupt her sleep but at the same time, there's something important to talk about.

Broadly opening the door, silently stepping inside her room, scanning around him, on the sides of her room are bookshelves, two sofas in parallel in front of her desk.

He leisurely approaches her in an attempt to wake her up.

As he stopped beside her, he leaned forward and reached for her shoulders, gently patting her to wake up. "Hey, Professor Veronica? Wake up." He whispered.


"It's me, Cpt. Nato." calling out his name, pulling away to give her space.

"Oh, it's you…" she mumbled, waking from her sleep as she rubbed her eyes before putting on her glasses.

Her eyes are still squinting, adjusting her eyes to see his figure. "Could you turn on the lights? I can't see you that well."

Nato nodded and went over to find the light switch.

Before he would turn it on, "Are your lights bright?"

Veronica tilted her head in confusion as to why he would ask something random. "Why?"

"Well…" He looked at Veronica and the light switch with a grin escaping from his face. "You know, when you just woke up and someone suddenly turned on the lights."

"Please, keep the light off…" She pleaded, expecting what's to come once he turns that light on. Anticipating the searing pain that would pierce her eyes, particularly after waking up with a drowsy gaze.

"Alright." He replied as he moved his hand away from the switch.

"Thank you." She sighed in relief as she fixed her hair.

With quick motion, Nato abruptly flicked the lights on, illuminating the room with blinding radiance. The intense light pierced her grayish eyes, causing her to scream in agony.

"AHHH- Turn it off!" She shouts.

"Why does your light have to be so bright!" Nato exclaimed, the piercing light affected him too.